Optimized Design and Energy Absorption of TPU Material Based on Hierarchical Structure
摘要: 选择柔性热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)为原料制备实验试样。基于面心立方层级结构,改变结构的直梁样式、间距,并将蜂窝结构层引入结构中,通过实验和有限元分析,研究层级结构在准静态加载下的变形模式和吸能特性。实验结果与有限元分析得到的载荷-位移曲线吻合较好。结果表明:与初始面心立方层级结构相比,增大直梁的振幅,调整直梁间距为2 mm,即增加塑性铰个数时,又或将蜂窝结构层引入层级结构,可以大幅提高层级结构的能量吸收性能;减小间距、增多塑性铰数目对改善层级结构吸能能力的效果最优;D-1构型与M-1构型相比,比吸能提高了46%;调整塑性铰位置时,层级结构会发生屈曲,不利于层级结构的能量吸收;与M-1构型相比,D-2和D-3构型的比吸能分别降低了27%和34%。Abstract: In this paper, the deformation behavior and energy absorption performance of the hierarchical structure were investigated based on the face-centered cubic hierarchical structure to change the amplitude and distance of the hierarchical structure’s straight beams and introduce the honeycomb structure layer. The quasi-static compression behavior of the proposed hierarchical structure was carried out through finite element methods (FEM) and experimental tests. Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) as the raw material was used to prepare the experimental samples. The force-displacement curves obtained from the FEM and experimental tests are consistent with each other. Compared with the original face-centered cubic layered structure, the conclusion can be obtained: the new hierarchical structure has better energy absorption performance than the face-centered cubic hierarchical structure. The introduction of sinusoidal beams, the increase of plastic hinges, the adjustment of the angle between layers, and the introduction of honeycomb structure layers can enhance the energy absorption ability.
表 1 4种设计方法获得的几何模型的具体结构特征
Table 1. Specific structural features of geometric models obtained by four design methods
Model Specific structural features Distance/mm Amplitude/mm Angle/(º) M-1 3 0 0, 90 AM-1 3 0.25 0, 90 AM-2 3 0.50 0, 90 AM-3 3 1.00 0, 90 D-1 2 0 0, 90 D-2 2-4-2 0 0, 90 D-3 4-2-4 0 0, 90 AN-1 0 0, 45 AN-2 0 0, 45, 135 AN-3 0 0, 90, 45, 135 AN-4 0 0, 30, 60, 90 H-1 Honeycomb structure layer: equilateral triangle H-2 Honeycomb structure layer: re-entrant 表 2 打印试样的质量
Table 2. Mass of the 3D printed sample
Model Mass/g Model Mass/g M-1 6.92 AN-1 9.01 AM-1 7.63 AN-2 8.72 AM-2 7.74 AN-3 8.38 AM-3 9.39 AN-4 7.73 D-1 9.26 H-1 10.05 D-2 6.66 H-2 9.15 D-3 6.71 -
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