Cook-off Test and Numerical Simulation of HMX-Based Cast Explosive Containing AP
摘要: 为研究新型奥克托今(HMX)基浇注炸药GOLA-1(HMX-Al-高氯酸铵(AP)-黏结剂(Kel-F))在热刺激下的响应特性,对GOLA-1炸药进行了温升速率为1.0和1.5 K/min的烤燃实验,获得了炸药中心点温升和点火时间等信息。在此基础上,结合烤燃数值模拟,预测了炸药的点火位置及温度。数值模拟与实验结果吻合较好,在1.0和1.5 K/min温升速率下GOLA-1炸药点火时间的相对偏差分别为1.3%和1.7%,表明所建立的数值模型较为合理。采用该模型进行了不同温升速率下的数值模拟,结果表明:当温升速率下降至0.4 K/min时,点火位置由装药底面边缘的环形区域移动至装药中心轴线上靠近下部的位置;点火位置随温升速率的下降而逐渐向药柱上部移动,温升速率对点火温度基本没有影响。Abstract: In order to study the response characteristics of a new HMX-based cast explosive GOLA-1 (HMX-aluminum-ammonium perchlorate (AP)-binder (Kel-F)) under thermal stimulation, the cook-off tests with heating rates of 1.0 and 1.5 K/min were conducted, and the information such as the temperature rise of the explosive center point and the ignition time was obtained. On that basis, and combined with numerical simulation of cook-off, the ignition position and temperature of explosives were predicted. The numerical simulation is in good agreement with the experimental results. The ignition time deviations of GOLA-1 explosive at heating rates of 1.0 and 1.5 K/min are 1.3% and 1.7%, respectively, indicating that the established simulation model is reasonable. On above basis, numerical simulations at different heating rates were carried out. The results show that when the heating rate decreased to 0.4 K/min, the ignition position moved from the annular area at the bottom edge of the charge to the lower part of the central axis of the charge column. As the heating rate continued to decrease, the ignition position gradually moved to the upper part of the charge, while the heating rate had little effect on the ignition temperature.
Key words:
- HMX-based PBX /
- ammonium perchlorate /
- thermal safety /
- cook-off test
表 1 HMX的反应动力学参数
Table 1. Reaction kinetic parameters of HMX
Reaction No. Z/s−1 ΔSf/
(J∙mol−1∙K−1)Ef/(kJ∙mol−1) ΔSr/ (J∙mol−1∙K−1) Er/(kJ∙mol−1) Q/(J∙g−1) 1 123.0 204 89.0 189 −25 2 −41.7 102 −75.2 865 −25 3 3.16×1016 200 −120 4 1.50×1014 173 3200 表 2 Kel-F和AP的反应动力学参数
Table 2. Reaction kinetic parameters of Kel-F and AP
Component Reaction No. Z/s−1 E/(kJ∙mol−1) Q/(J∙g−1) Kel-F 5 9.93×1017 272.0 −5870 AP 6 6.85×1012 146.3 297 表 3 材料物性参数
Table 3. Parameters of material properties
Component Density/(kg∙m−3) C/(J·kg−1·K) λ/(W·m−1·K) HMX 1850 1004.26 0.5358 Kel-F 2020 1000.43 0.0527 AP 1950 1255 0.2760 Al 2719 871 1.39 Steel 8030 502.48 16.27 Air 1.225 1006.43 0.0242 表 4 温升速率与点火位置的关系
Table 4. Heating rate vs. ignition position
No. β/(K·min−1) x/m 1 0.40 0.0212 2 0.35 0.0220 3 0.30 0.0273 4 0.25 0.0287 5 0.20 0.0298 6 0.15 0.0334 7 0.10 0.0374 -
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