Effect of Hygrothermal Aging on Impact Performance of Flax Fiber-Reinforced Foam Sandwich Panels
摘要: 通过真空辅助树脂注射技术制备出由亚麻纤维面板和聚氨酯泡沫材料芯组成的夹芯板,分别在25、40、55和70 ℃下对夹芯板开展水浸泡老化实验,并对老化后的夹芯板进行低速冲击测试。采用正交实验设计,考察了夹芯板在不同温度下的吸湿率和抗冲击能力随时间变化规律。分析了夹芯板的接触力、位移和吸收能量等冲击响应历程,结合夹芯板损伤形态观察,研究了老化后夹芯板的冲击损伤特征。结果表明:随着老化温度的提升和老化时间的延长,夹芯板的吸湿率逐渐增大,抗冲击性能呈阶梯状下降;与25 ℃老化条件对比,70 ℃老化30 d的夹芯板受12 J能量冲击时的峰值力下降51.6%,吸收能量下降56.7%。Abstract: Sandwich panels, consisting of flax fiber-reinforced polymers panels and polyurethane foam cores, were fabricated by the vacuum-assisted resin injection process. After that, water immersion aging experiments, at four temperatures of 25, 40, 55, and 70 ℃, and low-velocity impacts experiment were conducted successively on the sandwich panels. An orthogonal experimental was designed to investigate the effects of hygrothermal aging on moisture absorption rate and the degradation law for impact resistance of sandwich panels at different temperatures. The impact mechanical response history of sandwich panels such as contact force, displacement, and absorbed energy were analyzed, besides, the damage morphology was observed by visual inspection which reveals the impact damage characteristics of sandwich panels after aging. The results revealed that the moisture absorption rate of the sandwich panel gradually increased with the growth of aging temperature and aging time, their impact resistance decreased stepwise. Compared with the aging case at 25 ℃, the maximum contact force of the sandwich panel aged at 70 ℃ for 30 d decreased by 51.6% and the absorbed energy decreased by 56.7% under the impact energy of 12 J.
Key words:
- flax fiber /
- sandwich panel /
- hygrothermal aging /
- damage under low-velocity impact /
- impact resistance
表 1 不同温度下的扩散系数和平衡含水量
Table 1. Diffusion coefficient and equilibrium water content at different temperatures
Ta/℃ D/(10−6 mm2·s–1) Mm/% Ta/℃ D/(10−6 mm2·s–1) Mm/% 25 3.23±0.07 6.63±0.14 55 27.20±0.72 5.97±0.21 40 15.10±0.21 6.31±0.17 70 49.50±2.17 5.32±0.24 表 2 在12 J的冲击能量、不同的湿热老化条件下样品受低速冲击时的峰值力和吸收的能量
Table 2. Peak force and absorbed energy of samples under different condition of hygrothermal aging in low-velocity impact experiment at the impact energy of 12 J
Ta/℃ Peak force/kN Absorbed energy/J 10 d 20 d 30 d 10 d 20 d 30 d 25 1.63 1.37 1.49 11.94 11. 91 11.34 40 1.59 1.35 1.13 11.75 11.52 10.18 55 1.37 1.09 1.21 11.24 10.56 9.73 70 0.88 0.77 0.72 6.43 5.38 4.91 表 3 样品在不同湿热温度条件下老化20 d后受低速冲击时锤头的最大位移
Table 3. Maximum displacement of impactor in the low-velocity impact experiment of samples aging for 20 d at different hygrothermal temperatures
Ta/℃ Maximum displacement/mm 8 J 10 J 12 J 25 9.75 12.13 14.78 40 13.19 18.56 22.87 55 14.93 19.88 23.93 70 22.67 21.96 23.64 -
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