Advances of High-Temperature and High-Pressure Physical Properties and Experimental Technology on High-Energy Insensitive Explosive TATB
摘要: 1, 3, 5-三氨基-2, 4, 6-三硝基苯(TATB)作为典型的高能钝感炸药之一,在民用、军工等领域具有重要的研究价值。基于科学挑战专题,分别从实验技术和实验成果两方面详细概述了极端条件下TATB的物性研究进展,系统介绍了课题组自主设计和搭建的光谱测试系统和高温高压仪器装置,以及TATB在高压下的光吸收和结构演化规律。另外,还对低温环境下炸药的结构稳定性、高温环境下炸药的热稳定性以及压力参量对样品化学分解进程和热分解机制的影响进行了阐述和讨论。Abstract: TATB (1, 3, 5-triamino-2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene), as one of the typical high-energy insensitive explosives, has important research value in national defense and military applications. Based on the Science Challenging Program (SCP), this work provides a detailed overview of the research progress on physical properties of TATB under extreme conditions in terms of experimental technology and experimental results. This paper systematically introduced the spectral test system and some instruments about high temperature and high pressure independently designed and built by our research group, and studied the light absorption and the structural evolution on TATB under high pressure. Additionally, the structural stability of explosives under low temperature and thermal stability of explosives under high temperature and the effect of pressure on the chemical decomposition process and thermal decomposition mechanism of the sample were elaborated and discussed.
图 1 TATB的分子结构(a)、晶胞结构(b)和二维氢键网络结构(c–d)(金色球为C原子,蓝色球为N原子,红色球为氧原子,粉色球为H原子)
Figure 1. The molecular structure (a), crystal cell structure (b) and two-dimensional hydrogen bond network structure (c–d) of TATB (The golden balls represent C atoms, the blue balls represent N atoms, the red balls represent oxygen atoms and the pink balls represent H atoms.)
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