Influence of Pressed Connection on Accelerometer Signal Adhesion between Target Layers
摘要: 引信控制技术是战斗部研制的关键技术之一,层间加速度信号粘连可能导致计层引信错误决策。针对含压装连接加速度测量装置在弹体侵彻多层靶时信号粘连的问题,依托数值仿真获得了弹体结构动态响应。计算结果显示:无预紧压装时,装置与弹体的动态间隙最大可达25 μm,形成间隙碰撞,加剧层间信号粘连;适当预紧压装可抑制层间间隙,使压装连接与理想刚性连接近似。适当预紧压装时,层间加速度计过载频响呈现单峰特征,响应频率峰值与弹体一阶伸缩固有频率接近。存在最小预紧力,可使压装连接与理想刚性连接近似,其值随撞击速度、靶板层数增加而增大。这是因为在层间阶段弹体中留存的应力波的最大值随撞击速度、靶板层数增加而增大。研究结论为压装连接时加速度层间信号粘连的机理识别与控制奠定了基础,同时也可在一定程度上指导压装连接的工程装配。Abstract: Fuze control is one of the key technologies in developing warhead. The signal adhesion of deceleration may lead to wrong response of layer-counting fuze. Based on numerical simulation, the dynamic response of a projectile connected with an accelerometer equipment by pressed fitting is obtained during the projectile perforating multi-layer target. It is indicated that the maximum dynamic gap between the accelerometer equipment and the projectile can reach to 25 μm, which may induce gap collision and increase the signal adhesion of the accelerometer between target layers. The pressed fitting with a proper preload could suppress the gap collision, and then the pressed fitting connection between warhead and accelerometer could be approximated as the ideal rigid connection. With the proper preload, the frequency response of the overload signal obtained by the accelerometer shows a single peak, and the corresponding frequency of the peak is close to the eigen frequency of the stretching out and drawing back in the first order of the projectile. There is a critical minimum preload that makes the pressed fitting connection approximate to the ideal rigid connection. The minimum preload increases with the impact velocity and the target layers quantity. This may be due to the fact that a higher impact velocity and a larger target layers quantity enhance the maximum stress of wave generated in the projectile. This work provides a foundation for the mechanism identification and the control of the deceleration signal adhesion in interlayers. Moreover, it can give a guidance to projectile and accelerometer equipment assembly with pressed connection in engineering applications.
表 1 弹体外壳、尾盖与测试装置外壳的材料参数[14–15]
Table 1. Material parameters for shell and rear cover of projectile and shell of accelerometer equipment[14–15]
Material ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa ν Tm/K cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) A/MPa B/MPa n TC4 4428 41.9 0.31 1 878 560 1098 1092 0.93 45CrNiMoV 7800 82 0.29 1 823 460 1410 1124 0.1954 Material C m D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TC4 0.014 1.1 −0.09 0.27 0.48 0.014 3.87 45CrNiMoV 0.008786 0.5622 Material ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa ν σy/MPa Etan/MPa ${f{_{\rm{s} } }}$ Epoxy resin 1186 3.02 0.37 79.7 50 2.0 Material ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa a b c N fc/MPa T/MPa EFMIN Concrete 2300 13.67 0.79 1.6 0.007 0.61 41 3.6 0.01 Smax/MPa pcrush/MPa Ucrush plock/GPa Ulock D1 D2 K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa 7 13.67 0.0081 0.8 0.1 0.04 1 85 −171 208 表 4 弹体以597 m/s正侵彻的数值仿真工况设计
Table 4. Different conditions of numerical simulations for normal impact at projectile velocity of 597 m/s
Case No. State depiction Preload force/kN Gap/mm Remarks 1 Ideal rigid connection δAB≡δCD≡0 Reference case 2 No preload 0 δAB=δCD=0 before impact Reference case 3 Preloaded 1.0 δAB=δCD=0 before impact 4 Preloaded 2.2 δAB=δCD=0 before impact 5 Preloaded 5.3 δAB=δCD=0 before impact 6 Preloaded 10.3 δAB=δCD=0 before impact 表 5 理想刚性连接时弹体典型的固有频率及振型描述
Table 5. Eigen frequency and vibration modes of projectile with ideal rigid connection
Case No. Eigen frequency/kHz Vibration mode 1 16.192 Axial first-order stretching mode of projectile 2 21.065 Bulging mode of projectile shell 3 25.606 Coupled vibration mode of projectile and accelerometer equipment 4 31.209 Axial first-order stretching mode of accelerometer equipment 5 33.042 Bulging mode of accelerometer equipment -
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