
邱云潇 何丽灵 陈刚 吴昊 李继承

邱云潇, 何丽灵, 陈刚, 吴昊, 李继承. 压装连接对加速度计层间信号粘连的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 043401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220517
引用本文: 邱云潇, 何丽灵, 陈刚, 吴昊, 李继承. 压装连接对加速度计层间信号粘连的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 043401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220517
QIU Yunxiao, HE Liling, CHEN Gang, WU Hao, LI Jicheng. Influence of Pressed Connection on Accelerometer Signal Adhesion between Target Layers[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 043401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220517
Citation: QIU Yunxiao, HE Liling, CHEN Gang, WU Hao, LI Jicheng. Influence of Pressed Connection on Accelerometer Signal Adhesion between Target Layers[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 043401. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220517


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220517
基金项目: 中国工程物理研究院创新与发展基金(CX20210031)

    邱云潇(1992-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:625577030@qq.com


    何丽灵(1984-),女,博士,副研究员,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:heliling1984@139.com

  • 中图分类号: O385

Influence of Pressed Connection on Accelerometer Signal Adhesion between Target Layers

  • 摘要: 引信控制技术是战斗部研制的关键技术之一,层间加速度信号粘连可能导致计层引信错误决策。针对含压装连接加速度测量装置在弹体侵彻多层靶时信号粘连的问题,依托数值仿真获得了弹体结构动态响应。计算结果显示:无预紧压装时,装置与弹体的动态间隙最大可达25 μm,形成间隙碰撞,加剧层间信号粘连;适当预紧压装可抑制层间间隙,使压装连接与理想刚性连接近似。适当预紧压装时,层间加速度计过载频响呈现单峰特征,响应频率峰值与弹体一阶伸缩固有频率接近。存在最小预紧力,可使压装连接与理想刚性连接近似,其值随撞击速度、靶板层数增加而增大。这是因为在层间阶段弹体中留存的应力波的最大值随撞击速度、靶板层数增加而增大。研究结论为压装连接时加速度层间信号粘连的机理识别与控制奠定了基础,同时也可在一定程度上指导压装连接的工程装配。


  • 图  含加速度测试装置的试验弹[13]

    Figure  1.  Projectile containing accelerometer equipment[13]

    图  数值仿真模型

    Figure  2.  Finite element model for numerical simulation

    图  弹体运动学参数试验结果与数值仿真结果对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison of kinematic parameters of projectile obtained by experimental measurement and numerical simulation

    图  装置在弹体内安装的示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of pressed connection between projectile and accelerometer equipment

    图  不同预紧安装时装置与弹仓间隙(δABδCD )的变化历程

    Figure  5.  Gaps of δAB and δCD versus the displacement of projectile with different preloads

    图  6种工况的整弹过载时域曲线

    Figure  6.  Time histories of deceleration of the whole projectile for 6 cases

    图  6种工况的加速度计及整弹的过载时域曲线

    Figure  7.  Time histories of deceleration of the accelerometer and whole projectile for 6 cases

    图  在理想刚性连接(工况1)与无预紧压装(工况2)时弹靶相互作用阶段加速度计过载频域曲线

    Figure  8.  Frequency response of deceleration of accelerometer for ideal rigid connection (Case 1) and pressed connection without preload (Case 2) during stage Ⅰ and stage Ⅲ

    图  理想刚性连接(工况1)与无预紧压装(工况2)时靶间及靶后飞行阶段加速度计过载的频域曲线

    Figure  9.  Frequency response of deceleration of accelerometer for ideal rigid connection (Case 1) and pressed connection without preload (Case 2) during stage Ⅱ and stage Ⅳ

    图  10  层间飞行时不同安装预紧下加速度计过载频域曲线

    Figure  10.  Frequency response of deceleration of accelerometer with different preloads between two slabs

    图  11  不同弹速下两种参考连接工况的加速度计过载时域曲线

    Figure  11.  Time histories of deceleration of accelerometer for two reference cases at different impact velocities

    图  12  预紧压装时不同速度下加速度计过载的时域曲线

    Figure  12.  Time histories of deceleration of accelerometer for pressed connection with different preloads at different impact velocities

    图  13  不同连接状态时不同着靶速度下加速度计层间过载信号的频域响应

    Figure  13.  Frequency response of deceleration of accelerometer between two slabs for different connection modes at different impact velocities

    图  14  以不同着靶速度穿越双层靶时弹体与装置典型位置的应力变化历程

    Figure  14.  Time histories of effctive stress for the elements in projectile and in accelerometer equipment during perforating two slabs at different initial impact velocities

    图  15  初速为600 m/s的弹体侵彻5层靶时加速度计和弹体刚体过载的时域曲线

    Figure  15.  Time histories of deceleration for accelerometer and projectile during perforating 5-layer target at an initial impact velocity of 600 m/s

    图  16  弹体初速为600 m/s时4种连接状态下层间加速度计过载频域响应

    Figure  16.  Frequency responses of the deceleration of accelerometer with 4 connection modes as a function of frequency during perforating two neighboring slabs at an initial impact velocity of 600 m/s

    图  17  弹体以600 m/s的初速穿过5层靶时弹体与装置典型位置的应力变化历程

    Figure  17.  Time histories of elements for projectile and accelerometer equipment during perforating five slabs at an initial impact velocity of 600 m/s

    表  1  弹体外壳、尾盖与测试装置外壳的材料参数[1415]

    Table  1.   Material parameters for shell and rear cover of projectile and shell of accelerometer equipment[1415]

    Materialρ/(kg·m−3)G/GPaνTm/Kcp/(J·kg−1·K−1)A/MPaB/MPa n
    TC4442841.90.311 87856010981092 0.93
    45CrNiMoV7800820.291 82346014101124 0.1954
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    表  2  灌封材料参数[16]

    Table  2.   Material parameters for encapsulating compound[16]

    Materialρ/(kg·m−3)G/GPaνσy/MPaEtan/MPa${f{_{\rm{s} } }}$
    Epoxy resin11863.020.3779.7502.0
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    表  3  靶板材料参数[17]

    Table  3.   Material parameters for target[17]

    Smax/MPa pcrush/MPaUcrushplock/GPaUlockD1D2K1/GPaK2/GPaK3/GPa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  弹体以597 m/s正侵彻的数值仿真工况设计

    Table  4.   Different conditions of numerical simulations for normal impact at projectile velocity of 597 m/s

    Case No.State depictionPreload force/kNGap/mmRemarks
    1Ideal rigid connectionδABδCD≡0Reference case
    2No preload0 δAB=δCD=0 before impactReference case
    3Preloaded1.0δAB=δCD=0 before impact
    4Preloaded2.2δAB=δCD=0 before impact
    5Preloaded5.3δAB=δCD=0 before impact
    6Preloaded10.3 δAB=δCD=0 before impact
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    表  5  理想刚性连接时弹体典型的固有频率及振型描述

    Table  5.   Eigen frequency and vibration modes of projectile with ideal rigid connection

    Case No.Eigen frequency/kHzVibration mode
    116.192Axial first-order stretching mode of projectile
    221.065Bulging mode of projectile shell
    325.606Coupled vibration mode of projectile and accelerometer equipment
    431.209Axial first-order stretching mode of accelerometer equipment
    533.042Bulging mode of accelerometer equipment
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