
刘飞明 雷建银 乔力 刘志芳

刘飞明, 雷建银, 乔力, 刘志芳. 木贼属植物仿生薄壁结构的耐撞性优化[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 054205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220516
引用本文: 刘飞明, 雷建银, 乔力, 刘志芳. 木贼属植物仿生薄壁结构的耐撞性优化[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(5): 054205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220516
LIU Feiming, LEI Jianyin, QIAO Li, LIU Zhifang. Crashworthiness Optimization of Horsetail-Bionic Thin-Walled Structures[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 054205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220516
Citation: LIU Feiming, LEI Jianyin, QIAO Li, LIU Zhifang. Crashworthiness Optimization of Horsetail-Bionic Thin-Walled Structures[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(5): 054205. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220516


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220516
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11902215, 11772216)

    刘飞明(1995-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事薄壁结构的耐撞性研究. E-mail:1637752941@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O341

Crashworthiness Optimization of Horsetail-Bionic Thin-Walled Structures

  • 摘要: 利用ABAQUS有限元软件构建木贼属植物仿生薄壁结构(horsetail-bionic thin-walled structure,HBTS)在侧向冲击下的数值模型,分析了结构的壁厚、内径和肋骨数对其耐撞性能和变形模态的影响。结果表明:肋骨数和整体壁厚的增加会明显提高HBTS的比吸能和最大峰值载荷,HBTS不同部分的壁厚变化显著影响其变形模态和耐撞性能。为了综合考虑HBTS各部分的壁厚、肋骨数、内径5个参数对耐撞性能的影响,集成modeFRONTIER优化软件与ABAQUS软件,通过参数化建模在设计空间上构建有限元模型,建立比吸能和最大峰值载荷的Kriging代理模型。使用基于Kriging代理模型的多目标优化方法获取Pareto前沿,以同时实现比吸能最大化和峰值载荷最小化。最后分析了Pareto前沿面上各HBTS的设计参数分布情况,并验证了优化结果,该方法可为薄壁结构的优化设计提供新思路。


  • 图  3种木贼属植物:(a)沼泽问荆,(b)野生问荆,(c)斑纹木贼[11]

    Figure  1.  Three horsetails: (a) Marsh horsetail, (b) field horsetail and (c) variegated horsetail[11]

    图  模型的载荷条件(a)和横截面(b)

    Figure  2.  Load condition (a) and cross section (b) of the model

    图  网格收敛结果:(a)载荷-位移曲线, (b)吸能量和计算时间

    Figure  3.  Mesh convergence results: (a) load-displacement curves, (b) energy absorption and computation time

    图  实验[14]与有限元模拟的比较:(a) 变形模态,(b) 载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  4.  Comparison between experiment[14] and finite element simulation: (a) deformation mode, (b) load-displacement curves

    图  ndt$S_{ \text{EA}}$的影响

    Figure  5.  Effects of n, d and t on $S_{ \text{EA}}$

    图  ndt$C_{\text{FE}}$的影响

    Figure  7.  Effects of n, d and t on $C_{\text{FE}}$

    图  ndt$F_{\text{max}}$的影响

    Figure  6.  Effects of n, d and t on $F_{\text{max}}$

    图  不同壁厚下HBTS的变形模态

    Figure  8.  Deformation modes of HBTS with different wall thicknesses

    图  多目标优化流程图

    Figure  9.  Multi-objective optimization flow chart

    图  10  SEAFmax的Pareto前沿

    Figure  10.  Pareto front of SEA and Fmax

    图  11  Pareto前沿面上各HBTS的参数分布:(a) 壁厚分布,(b) 内径和肋骨数分布

    Figure  11.  Parameter distribution of each structure on the Pareto front:(a) distribution of wall thickness, (b) distributions of inner diameter and number of ribs

    图  12  不同${{F}}_{\text{max}}$限制下最优HBTS的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  12.  Load-displacement curves of optimal HBTSs with different ${{F}}_{\text{max}}$ limits

    表  1  铝合金AA6061的材料参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of aluminum alloy AA6061

    Density/(g∙cm−3)Poisson’s ratioElastic modulus/GPaYield stress/MPaUltimate strength/MPa
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    表  2  HBTS的耐撞性比较

    Table  2.   Comparison of crashworthiness of HBTS

    Structure${ {t} }{_{\text{R} }}$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{I} }}$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{r} }}$/mmM/g${ {E} }{_{\text{A} }}$/J${ {S} }{_{ \text{EA} } }$/(J∙g−1)${ {F} }{_{\text{max} }}$/kN${ {C} }{_{\text{FE} }}$/%
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    表  3  壁厚与内径水平

    Table  3.   Wall thickness and inner diameter level

    Level${ {t} }{_{\mathrm{R} }}$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{I} }}$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{r} }}$/mmd/mm
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    表  4  Kriging代理模型精度

    Table  4.   Accuracy assessment of the Kriging surrogate models

    ${ {S} }{_{ \text{EA} } }$ ${ {F} }{_{\text{max} } }$
    ${ {R} }{^{\text{2} }}$δARE/%δRAAE/%${ {R} }{^{\text{2} }}$δARE/%δRAAE/%
    0.9891.521.33 0.9961.680.67
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    表  5  不同$F_{\text{max}}$限制下的最优HBTS

    Table  5.   Optimal HBTSs with different $F_{\text{max}}$ limits

    TypeDesign parameters ${ {S} }{_{ \text{EA} } }$/(J∙g−1) $\delta_{S_{\rm EA}} $/% ${ {F} }{_{\text{max} }}$/(J∙g−1) $\delta_{F_{\max}}$/%
    ${ {t} }{_{\text{R} }}$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{I} } }$/mm${ {t} }{_{\text{r} } }$/mmnd/mmKrigingFEKrigingFE
    ${ {F} }{_{\text{max} }}$<5 kN0.7590.4130.7751613.9 1.0541.0262.734.9944.9530.83
    ${ {F} }{_{\text{max} } }$<10 kN0.9541.2211.0641631.91.3471.348−0.07 9.95210.111 −1.57
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