Damage Characteristics of Whipple Protective Structure Impacted by Water Droplets at Hypervelocity
摘要: 采用水中泡大的高吸水性材料模拟水滴,开展了常温下直径为3.7和6.4 mm的球形水滴超高速正撞击典型Whipple防护结构(由缓冲板和效应板构成)的实验研究,得到了不同直径的水滴弹丸撞击下双层铝板的毁伤特性。采用LS-DYNA软件的有限元方法-光滑粒子流体动力学(finite element method-smoothed particle hydrodynamics, FEM-SPH)自适应方法对Whipple防护结构在直径为3~7 mm的水滴不同速度撞击下的毁伤特性进行了研究,分析了水滴直径、撞击速度、靶板厚度等因素的影响,给出了2~8 km/s速度范围内水滴超高速撞击铝板的无量纲穿孔直径经验公式,得到了3~7 mm水滴弹丸击穿Whipple防护结构所需的最低速度。
- 水滴 /
- 超高速撞击 /
- FEM-SPH自适应方法 /
- 穿孔特性
Abstract: In this paper, an experimental study on spherical water droplets with diameters of 3.7 and 6.4 mm at hypervelocity impacting typical Whipple protection structure (consisting of a buffer plate and a effect plate) was carried out at room temperature, and the damage characteristics of the double-layer aluminum plate created by different diameter spherical water droplet projectile were obtained. The finite element method-smoothed particle hydrodynamics (FEM-SPH) adaptive method in LS-DYNA software was used to study the damage characteristics of the Whipple protective structure impacted by water droplets with diameters varing in the range of 3−7 mm at different velocities. The influences of water droplet diameter, impact velocity, target plate thickness and other factors on the damage charateristics were analyzed. An empirical formula of dimensionless perforation diameter of water droplet impacting aluminum plate was obtained at hypervelocity in the range of 2−8 km/s. The minimum velocities for different water droplet diameters varing in the range of 3−7 mm required for the Whipple protection structure was obtained. -
表 1 实验工况及参数
Table 1. Experimental conditions and parameters
No. dp/mm m/mg vp/(km∙s−1) tb/mm tw /mm S/mm 1 3.7 29.4 3.46 3 3 100 2 6.2 138.5 2.37 3 3 100 表 2 2A12铝的Johnson-Cook本构模型和失效模型参数
Table 2. Johnson-Cook constitutive and failure model parameters for 2A12 aluminum
$ \rho $/(g∙cm−3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa n C m 2.785 27.6 290 203 0.35 0.011 1.34 Tm/K D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 755 1 0 0 0 0 表 3 2A12铝的Grüneisen状态方程参数
Table 3. Grüneisen equation of state parameters for 2A12 aluminum
$ C $/(m∙s−1) S1 S2 S3 γ0 A0 E0 V0 5386 1.34 0 0 1.97 0 0 1.0 表 4 水滴的Elastic Plastic Hydro材料模型参数
Table 4. Elastic Plastic Hydro material model parameters for water droplets
$\,\rho$/(g∙cm−3) G/MPa Y/MPa Eh/MPa 1.11 17.6 12 0.001 表 5 数值模拟获得的穿孔尺寸与实验结果的对比
Table 5. Comparison of the perforation aperture size from numerical simulation and experiment
No. Experiment Simulation Error/
%2a/mm 2b/mm (a+b)/mm Db/mm 1 8.44 8.21 8.33 8.92 7.1 2 13.59 11.93 12.76 13.38 12.0 表 6 不同直径的水滴弹丸穿透Whipple结构的临界速度
Table 6. Critical velocities of water droplet projectiles with different diameters for penetrating Whipple structure
$ {d}_{\mathrm{p}} $/mm $ {v}_{\mathrm{p}0} $/(km·s−1) $ {d}_{\mathrm{p}} $/mm $ {v}_{\mathrm{p}0} $/(km·s−1) 3 7.0 6 5.0 4 6.5 7 4.0 5 5.8 -
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