
赵微 陈利 张庆明 龙仁荣 薛一江 刘文近 孙乔溪

赵微, 陈利, 张庆明, 龙仁荣, 薛一江, 刘文近, 孙乔溪. 水滴超高速撞击Whipple防护结构的毁伤特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 044103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220515
引用本文: 赵微, 陈利, 张庆明, 龙仁荣, 薛一江, 刘文近, 孙乔溪. 水滴超高速撞击Whipple防护结构的毁伤特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 044103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220515
ZHAO Wei, CHEN Li, ZHANG Qingming, LONG Renrong, XUE Yijiang, LIU Wenjin, SUN Qiaoxi. Damage Characteristics of Whipple Protective Structure Impacted by Water Droplets at Hypervelocity[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 044103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220515
Citation: ZHAO Wei, CHEN Li, ZHANG Qingming, LONG Renrong, XUE Yijiang, LIU Wenjin, SUN Qiaoxi. Damage Characteristics of Whipple Protective Structure Impacted by Water Droplets at Hypervelocity[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 044103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220515


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220515

    赵 微(1996-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事超高速冲击动力学研究.E-mail:zw18334729576@163.com


    陈 利(1969-),女,硕士,副教授,主要从事冲击动力学研究.E-mail:lichenme@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O389; V414.9

Damage Characteristics of Whipple Protective Structure Impacted by Water Droplets at Hypervelocity

  • 摘要: 采用水中泡大的高吸水性材料模拟水滴,开展了常温下直径为3.7和6.4 mm的球形水滴超高速正撞击典型Whipple防护结构(由缓冲板和效应板构成)的实验研究,得到了不同直径的水滴弹丸撞击下双层铝板的毁伤特性。采用LS-DYNA软件的有限元方法-光滑粒子流体动力学(finite element method-smoothed particle hydrodynamics, FEM-SPH)自适应方法对Whipple防护结构在直径为3~7 mm的水滴不同速度撞击下的毁伤特性进行了研究,分析了水滴直径、撞击速度、靶板厚度等因素的影响,给出了2~8 km/s速度范围内水滴超高速撞击铝板的无量纲穿孔直径经验公式,得到了3~7 mm水滴弹丸击穿Whipple防护结构所需的最低速度。


  • 图  弹丸及弹托

    Figure  1.  Photographs of projectile and sabot

    图  二级轻气炮结构示意图

    Figure  2.  Structure diagram of two-stage light gas gun

    图  Whipple防护结构实物和示意图

    Figure  3.  Photo and schematic diagram of Whipple shield

    图  缓冲板和效应板的毁伤形貌

    Figure  4.  Damage morphologies of the buffer plates and the bulkheads

    图  水滴撞击铝板的有限元模型(dp=5 mm, tb=1 mm, tw=3 mm)

    Figure  5.  Finite element model of water droplet impacting Whipple shield (dp=5 mm, tb=1 mm, tw=3 mm)

    图  穿孔形貌的实验结果与数值模拟结果的对比

    Figure  6.  Perforation morphology comparison between experiment and numerical simulation

    图  弹靶作用初始阶段冲击波的传播

    Figure  7.  Shock wave propagation at the initial stage of projectile impacting target

    图  不同弹径下穿孔直径随弹丸撞击速度的变化

    Figure  8.  Variations of perforation diameter in versus of projectile velocity for different projectile sizes

    图  不同速度下无量纲穿孔直径随$ {t}_{\mathrm{b}}/{d}_{\mathrm{p}} $的变化

    Figure  9.  Variation of dimensionless perforation diameter with $ {t}_{\mathrm{b}}/{d}_{\mathrm{p}} $ at different velocities

    图  10  不同撞击速度下水滴产生的碎片云形貌(dp=5 mm,tb=1 mm)

    Figure  10.  Debris cloud morphologies generated by water droplet projectile at different velocities (dp=5 mm, tb=1 mm)

    图  11  不同速度下碎片云对效应板的毁伤情况(dp=5mm,tb=1mm)

    Figure  11.  Damage of the effect layer target plate generated by the debris cloud at different projectile velocities (dp=5 mm, tb=1 mm)

    表  1  实验工况及参数

    Table  1.   Experimental conditions and parameters

    13.7 29.43.4633100
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  2A12铝的Johnson-Cook本构模型和失效模型参数

    Table  2.   Johnson-Cook constitutive and failure model parameters for 2A12 aluminum

    $ \rho $/(g∙cm−3)G/GPaA/MPaB/MPanCm
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  2A12铝的Grüneisen状态方程参数

    Table  3.   Grüneisen equation of state parameters for 2A12 aluminum

    $ C $/(m∙s−1)S1S2S3γ0A0E0V0
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  水滴的Elastic Plastic Hydro材料模型参数

    Table  4.   Elastic Plastic Hydro material model parameters for water droplets

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    表  5  数值模拟获得的穿孔尺寸与实验结果的对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of the perforation aperture size from numerical simulation and experiment

    No.Experiment SimulationError/
    18.448.218.33 8.927.1
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  6  不同直径的水滴弹丸穿透Whipple结构的临界速度

    Table  6.   Critical velocities of water droplet projectiles with different diameters for penetrating Whipple structure

    $ {d}_{\mathrm{p}} $/mm$ {v}_{\mathrm{p}0} $/(km·s−1) $ {d}_{\mathrm{p}} $/mm$ {v}_{\mathrm{p}0} $/(km·s−1)
    46.5 74.0
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