
王文帅 王鹏飞 田杰 徐松林

王文帅, 王鹏飞, 田杰, 徐松林. 双层碳纳米管薄膜的侵彻力学性能[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 044105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220508
引用本文: 王文帅, 王鹏飞, 田杰, 徐松林. 双层碳纳米管薄膜的侵彻力学性能[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 044105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220508
WANG Wenshuai, WANG Pengfei, TIAN Jie, XU Songlin. Penetration Mechanical Properties of Double-Layer Carbon Nanotube Films[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 044105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220508
Citation: WANG Wenshuai, WANG Pengfei, TIAN Jie, XU Songlin. Penetration Mechanical Properties of Double-Layer Carbon Nanotube Films[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 044105. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220508


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220508
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11872361);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(WK2480000008)




  • 中图分类号: O385; O521.2

Penetration Mechanical Properties of Double-Layer Carbon Nanotube Films

  • 摘要: 碳纳米管(carbon nanotube, CNT)薄膜具有优异的比强度和比韧性,同时具有优良的导电性和储能特性,在人工肌肉、电子屏蔽及冲击防护等领域都具有广泛的应用前景。然而,目前相关研究主要集中在CNT薄膜的准静态力学性能,其抗冲击力学性能方面的研究尚欠缺。通过实验研究CNT薄膜在中、低速压入穿透下的力学行为,结合数值模拟分析发现:直径为1 mm的钢珠穿透单层CNT薄膜的临界穿透速度约为25 m/s,最大吸能对应的速度约为30 m/s;双层CNT薄膜的临界穿透速度约为40 m/s,最大吸能对应的速度约为60 m/s。与冲击破坏孔洞相比,准静态下CNT薄膜的破坏孔洞边缘更薄,拉伸变形更明显。通过水、润滑油、高真空润滑脂等中间界面改性,可以提升双层CNT薄膜的抗冲击力学性能和吸能效果。研究结果有助于更好地理解CNT薄膜的吸能机理,为防护结构设计提供参考。


  • 图  CNT薄膜试样(a)及其表面微观形貌(b)

    Figure  1.  CNT thin film sample (a) and its surface microscopic morphology (b)

    图  准静态压入实验(a)和弹道测试实验(b)布局

    Figure  2.  Layouts of quasi-static injection test (a) and ballistic test (b)

    图  钢球冲击薄膜有限元模型:(a) 1 mm直径钢球模型;(b) 12 mm直径CNT薄膜模型正面

    Figure  3.  Finite element model of a steel ball impacting the thin film: (a) 1 mm diameter steel ball model; (b) front side ofa 12 mm diameter carbon nanotube film model

    图  准静态加载下单、双层CNT薄膜的载荷-位移曲线及相应的侵彻变形过程

    Figure  4.  Load-displacement curves and corresponding penetration deformation process of single- and double-layer CNT film under quasi-static loading

    图  不同添加物影响下双层CNT薄膜的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  5.  Load-displacement curves of double-layer CNT filmwith different types of additives

    图  不同界面对双层CNT薄膜准静态力学性质的影响:(a)载荷峰值,(b)吸能特性

    Figure  6.  Effect of different interfaces on the quasi-static mechanical properties of the double-layer CNT film:(a) peak load and (b) energy absorption characteristics

    图  冲击单层CNT薄膜(a)和双层CNT薄膜(b)后钢球速度的衰减

    Figure  7.  Velocity attenuation of steel ball after impact of single-layer CNT film (a) and double-layer CNT film (b)

    图  钢球冲击单层(a)和双层(b) CNT薄膜时的吸能特性

    Figure  8.  Energy absorption characteristics of the steel ball impacting the single-layer CNT film (a) and double-layer CNT film (b)

    图  钢球冲击单、双层CNT薄膜的吸能(a)和比吸能(b)对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of energy absorption (a) and specific energy absorption (b) between single- and double-layer CNT films impacted by steel balls

    图  10  不同中间界面对双层CNT薄膜冲击吸能性能的影响

    Figure  10.  Effect of different additives on the impact energy absorption properties of double-layer CNT films

    图  11  穿透后CNT薄膜试样表面的微观形貌:(a)单层CNT薄膜冲击穿孔形态(16 m/s);(b)单层CNT薄膜准静态穿孔形态(2.67×10−4 m/s);(c)双层CNT薄膜冲击穿孔形态(水,33 m/s);(d)双层CNT薄膜准静态穿孔形态(水,2.67×10−4 m/s);(e)双层CNT薄膜冲击穿孔形态(HVG,35 m/s);(f)双层CNT薄膜准静态穿孔形态(HVG,2.67×10−4 m/s)

    Figure  11.  Microscopic morphology of the penetrated CNT film samples surface: (a) impact perforation morphology of single-layer CNT film (16m/s); (b) quasi-static perforated morphology of single-layer CNT film (2.67×10−4m/s); (c) impact perforation morphology of double-layer CNT film (water, 33 m/s); (d) quasi-static perforated morphology of double-layer CNT film (water, 2.67×10−4 m/s); (e) impact perforation morphology of double-layer CNT film (HVG,35 m/s); (f) quasi-static perforated morphology ofdouble-layer CNT film (HVG, 2.67×10−4 m/s)

    图  12  钢球侵彻速度的衰减情况: (a)模拟结果与实验结果的对比,(b)速度衰减过程的模拟结果

    Figure  12.  Dynamic shock penetration velocity decay of steel balls: (a) comparison between simulation resultsand experimental results; (b) simulation results of the velocity loss process

    图  13  10 m/s速度冲击时薄膜的侵彻模拟结果: (a)背面, (b)侧面

    Figure  13.  Simulation results of film penetration at 10 m/s impact velocity: (a) back view, (b) side view

    图  14  35 m/s速度冲击时薄膜的侵彻模拟结果:(a)背面,(b)侧面

    Figure  14.  Simulation results of film penetration at 35 m/s impact velocity: (a) back view, (b) side view

    表  1  CNT薄膜材料的力学参数

    Table  1.   Mechanical parameters of CNT materials

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  CNT薄膜材料的工程弹性常数

    Table  2.   Engineering elastic parameters of CNT materials

    802 0001000802 0001000
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  CNT薄膜材料的损伤演化力学参数

    Table  3.   Mechanical parameters of damage evolution of CNT materials

    Longitudinal tensile fracture energy/
    Longitudinal compressive
    fracture energy/
    Transverse tensile
    fracture energy/
    Transverse compressive fracture energy/
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