
姚晨辉 杨刚 张哲 李安祺

姚晨辉, 杨刚, 张哲, 李安祺. 抗侵彻孔结构装甲的可靠性优化设计[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 045102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220507
引用本文: 姚晨辉, 杨刚, 张哲, 李安祺. 抗侵彻孔结构装甲的可靠性优化设计[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(4): 045102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220507
YAO Chenhui, YANG Gang, ZHANG Zhe, LI Anqi. Reliability Optimization Design of Anti-Penetration Perforated Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 045102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220507
Citation: YAO Chenhui, YANG Gang, ZHANG Zhe, LI Anqi. Reliability Optimization Design of Anti-Penetration Perforated Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(4): 045102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220507


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20220507
基金项目: 国防基础科研项目(JCKY2019110D008)



    杨 刚(1981-),男,博士,教授,主要从事冲击动力学与计算力学研究.E-mail:yanggang@hnu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385; TJ02

Reliability Optimization Design of Anti-Penetration Perforated Armor

  • 摘要: 孔结构装甲在满足抗侵彻性能的同时需实现减重,因而轻量化设计具有工程实际意义。以孔结构装甲的轻量化为设计目标,抗侵彻性能为约束条件,考虑不确定性因素的影响,开展孔结构装甲的可靠性优化设计。样本点采用最优拉丁超立方法设计生成,孔结构装甲抗侵彻仿真的参数化建模及响应计算通过商业软件ANSYS的二次开发实现,引入Kriging代理模型和期望改变量(expected improvement, EI)加点法构建性能函数,最后采用序列优化与可靠性评估方法(sequential optimization and reliabilityassessment, SORA)进行可靠性优化设计。结果表明,可靠性优化后,孔结构装甲在满足抗侵彻性能和相关可靠度指标的前提下,可有效地实现减重11.5%。研究结果可为其他抗侵彻防护结构的可靠性优化设计提供参考。


  • 图  孔结构装甲可靠性优化设计流程

    Figure  1.  Flow chart of reliability optimization designfor perforated armor

    图  子弹侵彻孔结构装甲的数值模型

    Figure  2.  Numerical model of bullet penetration into perforated armor

    图  子弹侵彻后孔结构装甲毁伤的仿真结果与实验结果[3]对比

    Figure  3.  Comparison of the simulation and the experimental[3] results of the damage in the perforated armor after the bullet penetration

    图  实心装甲损伤的数值仿真结果与实验结果[3]对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of the numerical simulation and the experimental[3] results of the damage in the solid armor

    图  孔结构装甲抗侵彻性能函数代理模型构建流程

    Figure  5.  Flow chart of the construction process of surrogate model for anti-penetration performance function of perforated armor

    图  抗侵彻孔结构装甲的原型

    Figure  6.  Numerical model of the prototype of the anti-penetration perforated structure armor

    图  孔结构装甲抗侵彻分析的参数化流程

    Figure  7.  Flow chart of parameterized process of anti-penetration analysis of perforated armor

    图  孔结构装甲可靠性优化流程

    Figure  8.  Flow chart of reliability optimization process of perforated armor

    图  可靠性优化设计前后的孔结构装甲

    Figure  9.  Perforated armor before and after reliability optimization

    表  1  弹体与装甲材料参数[3]

    Table  1.   Material parameters of bullet and armor[3]

    Componentρ/(kg·m−3)E/GPaG/GPavA/MPa B/MPa n C $\dot{\varepsilon} $0/s−1 cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) T0/K Tm/K m
    Target material 7 850 206 80 0.30 1200 1 580 0.175 0.004 0.000 1 450 300 1 800 1.00
    Bullet core 7 850 206 80 0.30 1900 1 100 0.065 0.050 0.001 0 477 300 1 800 1.00
    Brass jacket8 960124460.34 90 292 0.310 0.025 1.000 0 386 300 1 356 1.09
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    表  2  孔结构装甲可靠性优化设计相关变量的约束范围

    Table  2.   Ranges of the relevant variables in reliability optimization design of perforated structure armor

    R/mmd/mmv/(m∙s−1)$ \theta $/(°)
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    表  3  最优拉丁超立方法抽取的采样点和响应

    Table  3.   Sampling points and responses obtained by the optimal Latin hypercube method

    R/mmd/mmv/(m·s−1)$ \theta $/(°)v′/(m·s−1)m′/g
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    表  4  剩余速度响应代理模型构建的新增样本和响应

    Table  4.   Added samples and responses built by residual velocity response surrogate model

    R/mmd/mmv/(m·s−1)$ \theta $/(°)v′/(m·s−1)
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    表  5  剩余质量响应代理模型构建的新增样本和响应

    Table  5.   Added samples and responses built by residual mass response surrogate model

    R/mmd/mmv/(m·s−1)$ \theta $/(°)m′/g
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    表  6  校核样本点和结果

    Table  6.   Check samples and results

    R/mmd/mmv/(m·s−1) $ \theta $/(°)v′/(m·s−1)Residual velocity
    accuracy checking
    m′/gResidual mass
    accuracy checking
      Note: Sur. means surrogate model.
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    表  7  随机变量参数的概率分布信息

    Table  7.   Probability distribution information of random variables and parameters

    SymbolDistribution patternMeanVarianceVariable upper limitVariable lower limit
    $ R $Normal distribution${\,\mu _R}$0.02${\,\mu _R}$4.5 mm 6.2 mm
    $ d $Normal distribution${\,\mu _d}$0.02${\,\mu _d}$7.8 mm12.4 mm
    $ v $Normal distribution854 m/s17.08 m/s
    $ \theta $Normal distribution90°1.8°
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    表  8  孔结构装甲优化参数结果

    Table  8.   Parameter results of the optimization of perforated structure armor

    VariableR/mmd/mm n1 n2
    Initial design6.00 10.00 10 11
    Reliability optimization5.06 7.83 13 15
      Note: $ {n_1} $ is the maximum hole quantity in each row; $ {n_2} $ is the maximum hole quantity in each column.
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    表  9  输出响应和孔结构装甲质量属性

    Table  9.   Output responses and the quality attributes of perforated structure armor

    Responses$v'/({\text{m}\cdot\text{s}^{ {-1} } } )$$m'/{\text{g} }$ $M/{\text{g} }$ $\sigma /({\text{g}\cdot\text{cm}^{{-2} } } )$ $L_{ \rm{wd} }$/%
    Initial design794.460 4.739 331.168 3.31 0
    Reliability optimization739.480 4.557 292.940 2.93 11.50
      Note: $ M $is the mass of the perforated armor; $ \sigma $ is the surface density of the perforated armor; $L_{\rm{wd}}$ is the lightweight degree
    of the perforated armor.
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