Crack Propagation Regularity of Hydraulic Blasting in Deep Coal Seam
摘要: 深部煤层的地应力高、瓦斯含量高、渗透系数低,严重威胁煤炭的高效安全生产,必须进行强化增透以提高瓦斯的抽采率。水压爆破具有传能效率高、安全性好的特点,可应用于深部煤层增透。为研究深部煤层水压爆破裂纹扩展规律,基于LS-DYNA数值模拟,分析了不同的地应力、不耦合系数、耦合介质等条件下煤层的致裂效果。结果表明:地应力对水压爆破产生的冲击荷载有削减作用,地应力增大致使煤层裂纹长度变短,裂隙区范围减小,地应力在1~20 MPa范围内时,随着地应力的增大,爆破应力波的衰减逐渐减弱;不耦合系数处于1.0~3.0区间时,随着不耦合系数的增大,破碎区范围减小,裂隙区范围先增大后减小,煤层水压爆破裂纹扩展范围先增大后减小,不耦合系数为2.0时,爆破致裂效果最佳;采用不同的耦合介质爆破时,水介质耦合下爆破煤层裂隙区范围大于空气介质,水介质条件下爆破产生的有效应力最大值是空气介质下的1.35倍,水介质更有利于煤层裂纹的扩展发育。研究成果对于深部煤层水压爆破致裂增透工程实践具有一定的指导作用。Abstract: Deep coal seam has high geostress, high gas content and low permeability coefficient, which seriously threaten the safety and efficiency of coal production, so it is necessary to strengthen the permeability enhancement and improve the gas extraction rate. Hydraulic blasting has the characteristics of high energy transfer efficiency and good safety, and can be better applied to the permeability enhancement of deep coal seam. In order to study the crack propagation regularity of hydraulic blasting in deep coal seam, LS-DYNA numerical method was used to analyze the effect of fracture of coal seam under different geostresses, uncoupling coefficient and coupling medium. The results show that the geostress can reduce the impact load caused by hydraulic blasting. With the increase of geostress, the crack length of coal seam becomes shorter and the range of crack zone decreases. When the geostress is within the range of 1−20 MPa, the attenuation trend of blasting stress wave weakens gradually with the increase of geostress. With the increase of the uncoupling coefficient, the range of crushing zone decreases, the range of fracture zone increases at first and then decreases. When the uncoupling coefficient is in the range of 1.0−3.0 and the uncoupling coefficient is 2.0, the blasting cracking effect is the best. When blasting in different coupling media, and the range of blasting fracture zone in water is larger than that in air. The maximum effective stress produced by blasting in water is 1.35 times higher than that in air, the water is more beneficial to the propagation and development of coal seam cracks. This research results have a certain guiding role for the engineering practice of crack propagation and permeability enhancement caused by hydraulic blasting in deep coal seam.
表 1 煤层的主要力学参数
Table 1. Main mechanical parameters of coal seam
$\,\rho $/(g·cm−3) E/GPa c $\nu $ 2.6 68.69 2.63 0.25 表 2 炸药及其状态方程的主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of explosive and equation of state
$\rho $/(g·cm−3) D/(m·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 E0/GPa $\omega $ 1.15 4300 3.43 214.4 0.182 4.5 0.9 3.5 0.15 表 3 空气及其状态方程的主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of air and equation of state
$\,\rho$/(kg·m−3) C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 e0/(J·m−3) 1.29 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0 2.5×105 表 4 水及其状态方程的主要参数
Table 4. Main parameters of water and equation of state
${\,\rho }$0/(g·cm−3) C/(km·s−1) S1 S2 S3 1.0 1.480 2.560 −1.986 0.227 -
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