Energy Absorption Characteristics of Laminated Cellular Cylindrical Shell under Axial Impact
摘要: 为提高圆柱壳结构在轴向冲击载荷下的力学响应,设计了多层层合多孔圆柱壳结构,通过改变层合方式以及孔单元数目研究其力学行为。通过准静态压缩实验验证有限元分析的有效性,使用有限元模拟方法研究了结构在轴向冲击载荷下的变形模式和吸能特性。从层合多孔圆柱壳的压缩力-位移曲线得到总吸能、峰值压缩力和平均压缩力等指标。对比不同模型之间的吸能和压缩力特性,结果表明:改变层合方式对圆柱壳吸能效果影响较显著,增加孔单元数目对多孔圆柱壳吸能效果影响较小。对比正、负泊松比两种多孔圆柱壳,同等质量内凹圆柱壳总吸能较六边圆柱壳平均提高了17%。Abstract: In order to improve the mechanical response of cylindrical shell under axial impact load, the laminated cellular cylindrical shells were designed, and their mechanical behaviors were studied by changing the laminated way and the number of cell. The deformation mode and energy absorption characteristics of the structure under axial impact load were studied by finite element simulation, and the finite element analysis method is verified by quasi-static compression experiments. The total energy absorption and the peak compression force as well as the average compression force were obtained from compressive force-displacement curves of laminated cellular cylindrical shells. Numerical results show that the energy absorption of cylindrical shell is significantly affected by the lamination ways, while increasing the number of cells have little effect on the energy absorption of cylindrical shell. Two types cellular cylindrical shells with positive and negative Poisson’s ratios of the same mass were compared, the total energy absorption of re-entrant cylindrical shell is 17% higher than that of the hexagonal cylindrical shell on average.
Key words:
- laminated cylindrical shell /
- cellular structure /
- axial impact /
- energy absorption
表 1 层合多孔圆柱壳的几何尺寸
Table 1. Geometric dimensions of laminated cellular cylindrical shell
Number of axial cell Number of circumferential cell Thickness of each layer/mm Height/mm Diameter/mm 8 24 2/2 106 78.4 12 36 2/2 106 78.4 16 48 2/2 106 78.4 8 24 1/2/1 106 78.4 8 24 1/1/1/1 106 78.4 表 2 不同层合方式下的冲击吸能指标
Table 2. Impact energy absorption parameters of different laminated way
Cellular units Layer number Et/J Fp/kN Fa/kN Hexagon 2 1 206.0 29.9 12.2 3 1 032.1 43.9 11.0 4 1 414.3 32.6 14.5 Re-entrant 2 1 416.7 30.8 13.7 3 1 264.6 48.6 11.8 4 1 673.5 32.6 17.0 表 3 不同孔数多孔圆柱壳的冲击吸能指标
Table 3. Impact energy absorption parameters of of cellular cylindrical shell with different cells number
Cellular units Cell number Et/J Fp/kN Fa/kN Hexagon 8×24 1 206.0 29.9 12.2 12×36 1 169.7 25.8 11.2 16×48 1 266.4 29.4 11.9 Re-entrant 8×24 1 416.7 30.8 13.7 12×36 1 383.4 28.9 13.4 16×48 1 394.0 39.6 13.3 -
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