Influence of Detonation Modes on Energy Release Characteristics of a Charge with a Non-Circular Cross-Sectional Structure
摘要: 为了研究不同起爆方式下非圆截面装药结构的释能规律,采用AUTODYN软件开展了非圆截面装药结构在不同起爆方式下的释能特性数值模拟,分析了起爆方式对爆轰波形演变、破片质量、破片初速的影响。结果表明:由于装药结构的特殊性,采用端部单点起爆时装药能量分布不均匀,部分区域产生大量的无效小质量破片,且不同位置处的破片初速波动较大;采用端部两点和端部三点起爆时,能够对爆轰能量起到匀化效果,减少无效破片数量,提升破片初速的一致性。由此证明通过调整起爆方式可以对非圆截面装药结构的能量输出结构进行有效调控,对其周向能量场起到匀化效果。Abstract: In order to study the energy release law of a charge with a non-circular cross-sectional structure under the influence of initiation modes, the energy release characteristics of the charge with a non-circular cross-sectional structure under different initiation modes were calculated by AUTODYN simulation software, then effects of initiation modes on the evolution of detonation waveforms, and masses and initial velocities of fragments were analyzed. The results show that, due to particularity of the charge’s structure, energy distribution of the charge is uneven when using single-endpoint initiation, which results in a large number of invalid fragments with small masses in some areas, and a large fluctuation of initial velocities of fragments at different positions. When the two-endpoint and three-endpoint initiation modes are adopted, the detonation energy is homogenized, the number of invalid fragments is reduced, and the consistency of fragments’ initial velocities is improved. It proves that the energy output structure of a charge with a non-circular cross-sectional structure could be effectively regulated by adjusting the initiation mode, and the circumferential energy field could be homogenized.
表 1 不同部件的网格划分
Table 1. Meshing of different parts
Part Grid size/mm Elements number Nodes number Grid quality Shell 3 9 702 12 320 ≥0.95 Charge 3 66 943 87 695 ≥0.90 Air 1 1 450 000 ≥0.95 表 2 空气参数
Table 2. Parameters of the air
$\gamma $ $\rho $/(g·cm−3) e/kJ pshift/GPa 1.4 0.001 225 206.8 0 表 3 炸药参数
Table 3. Parameters of the explosive
DCJ/(km·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 $\omega $ E0/(kJ·cm−3) 7.98 29.5 524.23 7.678 4.2 1.1 0.34 8.5 表 4 壳体参数
Table 4. Parameters of the shell
A0/MPa B0/MPa C n m T0/K Tm/K ${\dot \varepsilon}$0/s−1 792 510 0.014 0.26 1.03 294 1 793 1 表 5 破片质量分布
Table 5. Mass distribution of fragments
Mass range/g Fragments number Single-endpoint Two-endpoint Three-endpoint 4.0–8.0 12 10 8 1.0–4.0 86 112 120 0.8–1.0 40 52 62 0.6–0.8 32 52 54 0.4–0.6 94 104 102 <0.4 254 198 186 Total 518 528 532 表 6 破片速度分布
Table 6. Velocity distribution of fragments
Detonation mode Velocity range/(m·s−1) Average velocity/(m·s−1) Velocity standard deviation/(m·s−1) Single-endpoint 1 551–1 758 1 660 64 Two-endpoint 1 572–1 735 1 649 37 Three-endpoint 1 563–1 760 1 657 39 -
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