High Pressure Studies on Superconductivity of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
摘要: 具有强关联电子特性的凝聚态系统中,电子间的强关联性主导系统的宏观量子特性。这类系统具有电荷、自旋、轨道、晶格及拓扑等多重自由度,这些自由度强烈耦合,产生复杂的多体相互作用,导致系统出现丰富奇异的量子现象,如非常规超导电性、庞磁电阻、金属-绝缘体转变、拓扑量子相变等。其中,非常规超导体的研究于近几十年取得了不少进展,例如发现了铜氧化物高温超导电性和铁基超导体,然而导致非常规超导电性的原因,尤其是对高温超导电性的机理认识目前尚不清楚,非常规超导机理一直是凝聚态物理研究领域中最具挑战性的问题之一。为此,简要介绍了近年来我们通过高压实验手段在重费米子超导体、铜氧化物超导体和铁基超导体这3类主要的非常规超导体研究中取得的进展、发现的新现象以及反映的新物理机理,包括磁性和超导电性的演化关系、价态变化对超导电性的影响、铜氧化物的普适压力相图等,旨在提供非常规超导体在高压研究方面的一些实验新进展,以期为更好地理解非常规超导的微观机理提供压力维度下的一些信息。Abstract: The coexistence and interplay between spin, charge, orbital and lattice in electron correlated systems give rise to many interesting quantum phenomena, including unconventional superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, metal-insulator transition, topological phase transition, etc. While, as one of the most important issues in condensed matter physics, the mechanism of the unconventional high temperature superconductivity is still unclear up to now. In this paper, we report some new phenomena/physics obtained from our high pressure studies on three typically unconventional superconductors—heavy fermion superconductor, cuprate high temperature superconductor and iron-based superconductor, which include the correlation between magnetism and superconductivity, the influence of valence change on superconductivity, the discovery of superconductivity reemerging, the bi-critical points, and the universal transition from superconducting to insulating-like states, etc. These high-pressure experimental results on the unconventional superconductors are expected to provide useful information for a better understanding on the unconventional superconducting mechanism.
Key words:
- high pressure /
- strongly correlated electron systems /
- superconductivity /
- magnetic order
图 1 (a) CeRhGe3的压力-温度相图(橄榄色的空心正方形是从文献[56]中选取的转变温度TN1);(b) CeTX3化合物的
$T_{\rm{c}}^{\rm{max}} $ 与相应临界体积Vcrit之间的关系[59]Figure 1. (a) Pressure-temperature phase diagram of CeRhGe3, in which the olive hollow square is the transition temperature TN1 adopted from Ref.[56]; (b) relation between
$T_{\rm{c}}^{\rm{max}} $ and the critical volume Vcrit for CeTX3[59]图 2 (a) CeRhGe3和CeIrGe3的超导转变温度Tc和反铁磁转变温度TN随压力(p)的变化(黄色圆点和紫色圆点分别代表CeRhGe3的TN和Tc;黑色空心圆和黑色实心圆分别代表CeIrGe3 的TN和Tc [51]); (b) 室温时不同压力下CeRhGe3中Ce-LⅢ的X射线吸收光谱;(c) CeRhGe3中Ce的平均价态随压力的变化[66]
Figure 2. (a) Evolutions of the superconducting transition temperatures Tc and the AFM transition temperatures TN with pressure p for CeRhGe3 and CeIrGe3, the open and filled black circles represent the TN and the Tc of CeIrGe3[51]; (b) Ce-LⅢ X-ray absorption spectra of CeRhGe3 at room temperature for various pressures; (c) pressure dependence of the mean valence of Ce ions in CeRhGe3[66]
图 3 CeRhGe3在pc(21.5 GPa)附近时低温电阻的标度化分析:(a) 2~10 K时等温电阻(R*=R−R0)随压力的变化(红色正方形代表pc处的R*下降50%时的压力pvc和温度,红线代表pvc随温度变化的关系,外延至零温得到一阶价态相变的临界终点对应的压力pcr);(b) 归一化等温电阻Rnor(Rnor = [R*−R*(pvc)]/R*(pvc))随压力的变化(红色正方形对应图3(a)中的红色正方形);(c) 归一化等温电阻在pvc时的斜率(
$\,\chi$ = |dRnor/dp|pvc)随温度的变化(红色虚线代表Curie-Weiss拟合,得到Tcr = −20 K);(d) 归一化等温电阻作为广义距离h/$ \theta$ 的函数时的塌缩行为(h = (p− pvc)/pvc,$\theta $ = (T − Tcr )/|Tcr | [66] )Figure 3. Scaling analysis of low-temperature resistance for CeRhGe3 at pressures near pc ≈ 21.5 GPa: (a) pressure dependence of the isothermal resistance R* (R* = R−R0 ) at selected temperature range of 2 K≤T≤10 K (The red squares indicate the pressure pvc and the temperatures at which R* drops by 50% from its value at the critical pressure pc, and the red line represents the relation between pvc and temperature, and it’s extrapolation of the square data to 0 K gives the critical end point pressure of the phase transition of the first-order valence state pcr.); (b) normalized resistance Rnor (Rnor = [R*−R*(pvc)]/R*(pvc)) as a function of pressure, the red squares are equivalent to those presented in Fig.3(a); (c) temperature dependence of the Rnor slope
$\,\chi$ ($\,\chi$ = |dRnor/dp$|_{p_{\rm{vc}}} $ ) at pvc, the red dashed line represents a Curie-Weiss fit, yielding Tcr = −20 K; (d) collapse of normalized Rnor data as a function of the generalized distance h/$\theta $ from the critical end point, where h = (p− pvc)/pvc and$\theta $ = (T − Tcr )/|Tcr| [66]图 4 最佳掺杂的Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ在不同压力下的Rab、Rc和交流磁化率Δ
$\,\chi $ '随温度的变化:(a)~(d)为6.0、7.5、8.2和9.0 GPa下归一化后的Rab和Rc随温度变化曲线,(e)~(h)为0.8、2.9、5.5、10.3 GPa下归一化电阻(R/R120 K)和交流磁化率随温度变化曲线[93]Figure 4. Rab, Rc and Δ
$\,\chi $ ' as a function of temperature for optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ: normalized Rab(T) and Rc(T) measured at pressures of 6.0 GPa (a), 7.5 GPa (b), 8.2 GPa (c) and 9.0 GPa (d); Δ$\,\chi $ ' and R/R120 K at pressures of 0.8 GPa (e), 2.9 GPa (f), 5.5 GPa (g) and 10.3 GPa (h) [93]图 6 Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ超导体的普适温度-压力相图(右侧是欠掺杂、最佳掺杂和过掺杂Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ超导体的温度-压力相图[94])
Figure 6. Pressure -Tc phase diagrams for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ superconductors (Right panels are the phase diagrams established by the experimental results from the under-doped (UD), optimally-doped (OP) and over-doped (OD) samples[94].)
图 9 (a) K0.8FexSe2(x=1.70, 1.78)的Tc和采用公式
$\,\rho $ =$\,\rho $ 0+ATa拟合电阻-温度曲线得到的指数α随压力的演化,(b) K0.8Fe1.78Se2 在不同压力下的X射线衍射谱(波长0.6888 Å),(c) Fe空位的超晶格峰的峰强随压力的变化[134]Figure 9. (a) Pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature Tc, and the power α obtained from the fits by relation
$\,\rho $ =$\,\rho $ 0+ATa for K0.8FexSe2 (x=1.70, 1.78) single crystals; (b) X-ray diffraction patterns of K0.8Fe1.78Se2, performed with a wavelength of 0.6888 Å; (c) intensity of the superstructure peak (110) of Fe vacancies as a function of pressure[134] -
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