Effects of Typical Structural Parameters on Underwater Explosion Resistance of Girders
摘要: 为了提升舰船抗水下爆炸冲击防护设计水平,首先需要揭示舰船典型结构参数变化对其损伤特性的影响规律。以某型舰船为参考,保留主要结构特征参数,设计了接近真实尺度的梯形横截面船体梁。利用Geers-Hunter理论公式得到各计算工况下的水下爆炸载荷,基于ABAQUS有限元数值模拟方法,对比分析了船体梁长度、外板板厚、型深、型宽等参数变化对船体梁抗水下爆炸冲击的结构响应特性的影响。提出了一种可以表征各典型结构参数对船体梁整体结构强度影响规律的无因次结构强度因子。结果表明:气泡脉动频率与结构固有频率耦合将导致中垂变形;船体梁长度增加使得结构抗弯能力减弱,在水下爆炸响应中的初始中拱变形缓慢增加,最大中垂变形显著增加;船体梁外板板厚、型深、型宽的增加会导致结构在响应期间的初始中拱变形和最大中垂变形减小;初始中拱变形受结构参数变化影响的敏感程度低于最大中垂变形。提出的无因次结构强度因子可以较好地表征船体梁结构整体强度。Abstract: In order to improve the design level of anti-explosion capability of protective structure of ships, it is necessary to reveal the influence of changes in typical structural parameters of ships on their damage characteristics. The trapezoidal cross-section girder, of which the size and structural characteristics are close to those of a typical military ship the real ship is designed. The underwater explosion load of each calculation condition is obtained by using Geers-Hunter theoretical formula. Based on ABAQUS finite element numerical analysis method, the structural response characteristics of the girders with different parameters such as length, outer plate thickness, depth and width subjected to underwater explosion were compared and analyzed. A dimensionless structural strength factor that can characterize the influence of each typical structural parameter on the overall structural strength of the girder is proposed. The results show that the coupling between bubble pulsation and structure natural frequency leads to sagging deformation when the pulse duration of bubble is close to the natural frequency of the girder. The increase in the length causes the reduction in bending resistance of the structure. The initial hogging deformation increases slowly and the maximum sagging deformation increases significantly; the increase in the outer plate thickness, depth and width lead to the decrease in the initial hogging deformation and maximum sagging deformation of the structure during the response. The initial hogging deformation is less sensitive to the change of structural parameters than the maximum sagging deformation. The dimensionless structural strength factor proposed in the paper can characterize the overall strength of the girder structure.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- girder /
- structural parameter /
- response characteristics
表 1 具有不同长度的船体梁的响应情况
Table 1. Overall damage modes of girders with different lengths
Case L/m Fs/Hz $\zeta $ $ {x}{_{\text{hog}}} $/m $ {x}{_{\text{sag}}} $/m Damage mode A-1 120 1.59 1.87 0.84 2.49 Hogging A-2 140 1.19 1.40 1.02 6.29 Sagging A-3 160 0.92 1.08 1.12 6.21 Sagging A-4 180 0.73 0.86 1.18 6.19 Sagging 表 2 不同外板板厚船体梁的响应情况
Table 2. Overall damage modes of girders with different thicknesses
Case $\delta $/mm Fs/Hz $\zeta $ $ {x}{_{\text{hog}}} $/m $ {x}{_{\text{sa}\text{g}}} $/m Damage mode B-1 16 0.84 0.99 1.25 6.81 Sagging B-2 18 0.88 1.04 1.18 6.73 Sagging B-3 20 0.92 1.08 1.12 6.21 Sagging B-4 22 0.95 1.12 1.06 5.82 Sagging B-5 24 0.98 1.15 1.01 5.46 Sagging 表 3 不同型深船体梁的响应情况
Table 3. Overall damage modes of girders with different depths
Case D/m Fs/Hz $\zeta $ $ {x}{_{\text{hog}}} $/m $ {x}{_{\text{sag}}} $/m Damage mode C-1 8 0.75 0.91 1.47 8.54 Sagging C-2 9 0.83 1.00 1.26 8.34 Sagging C-3 10 0.92 1.08 1.12 6.21 Sagging C-4 11 1.00 1.16 1.00 6.19 Sagging C-5 12 1.08 1.22 0.88 5.43 Sagging 表 4 具有不同型宽的船体梁的响应情况
Table 4. Overall damage modes of girders with different widths
Case B/m Fs/Hz $\zeta $ ${x}{_{\text{ho}\text{g} }}$/m ${x}{_{\text{sag} } }$/m Damage mode D-1 13 0.94 1.11 1.21 7.12 Sagging D-2 14 0.92 1.08 1.12 6.21 Sagging D-3 15 0.88 1.03 1.07 5.44 Sagging D-4 16 0.84 0.94 0.96 5.39 Sagging 表 5 各工况下的频率耦合比及变形
Table 5. Coupling frequency ratios and deformations of calculation cases
$\zeta $ ${x}{_{\text{hog} } }$/m ${x}{_{\text{sa}\text{g} } }$/m Remark $\zeta $ ${x}{_{\text{hog} } }$/m ${x}{_{\text{sa}\text{g} } }$/m Remark 0.86 1.18 6.19 1.11 1.21 7.12 0.91 1.47 8.54 1.12 1.06 5.82 0.94 0.96 5.39 1.15 1.01 5.46 0.99 1.25 6.81 1.16 1.00 6.19 1.00 1.26 8.34 1.22 0.88 5.43 1.03 1.07 5.44 1.40 1.02 6.29 1.04 1.18 6.73 1.87 0.84 2.49 Hogging damage 1.08 1.12 6.21 Basic model -
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