Dynamic Response of PBX-14 under Ramp Wave Compression up to 20 GPa
摘要: 利用磁驱动加载实验技术和激光干涉测速技术,开展了未反应固体TATB基PBX-14炸药的斜波压缩实验,获得了20 GPa峰值压力下PBX-14炸药的后表面速度波剖面实验数据。基于阻抗匹配修正的迭代Lagrange数据处理方法处理实验数据,获得了0~20 GPa压力范围内PBX-14炸药的压力-相对比容关系、高压声速-粒子速度关系等动力学特性参数。结合等熵状态方程和由实验获得的动力学参数,对PBX-14炸药的斜波压缩实验过程开展了一维流体动力学数值模拟,计算结果与实验结果吻合良好,验证了本实验方法、数据处理方法及选取的物理模型的正确性。Abstract: The dynamic response of unreacted solid TATB-based explosive PBX-14 under ramp wave compression up to 20 GPa was obtained with the magnetically driven loading technique and laser interferometry technique. The pressure-relative specific volume relationship and dynamic parameters, such as the high-pressure sound velocity and particle velocity relationship cL=2.53+3.12up of PBX-14 under ramp wave compression from 0 to 20 GPa were calculated by the iterative Lagrange data processing method based on impedance matching modification. The one-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical simulation of this experimental process was carried out with the isentropic equation of state and dynamic parameters obtained from the experiment. The calculation results agree well with the experimental results, which verifies the correctness of the experimental method, data processing method, and selected physical models in this work.
Key words:
- PBX-14 /
- equation of state /
- ramp wave compression /
- sound velocity
表 1 实验条件
Table 1. Experimental conditions
Shot No. Load voltage/kV Sample thickness/mm Shot948 0.638 75 0.624 0.485 -
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