
肖游 智小琦 王琦 范兴华

肖游, 智小琦, 王琦, 范兴华. 多种复合炸药装药的慢烤特性及其机理[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210871
引用本文: 肖游, 智小琦, 王琦, 范兴华. 多种复合炸药装药的慢烤特性及其机理[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210871
XIAO You, ZHI Xiaoqi, WANG Qi, FAN Xinghua. Characteristics and Mechanism of Slow Cook-off of Composite Explosive Charges[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210871
Citation: XIAO You, ZHI Xiaoqi, WANG Qi, FAN Xinghua. Characteristics and Mechanism of Slow Cook-off of Composite Explosive Charges[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(2): 025201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210871


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210871

    肖 游(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事战斗部毁伤技术研究. E-mail:1466407414@qq.com


    智小琦(1965-),女,博士,教授,主要从事战斗部毁伤技术及弹药易损性研究. E-mail:zxq4060@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: O389; TJ55

Characteristics and Mechanism of Slow Cook-off of Composite Explosive Charges

  • 摘要: 为研究不同结构复合装药在慢速烤燃过程中的响应规律,分别设计了JH-2和JHB炸药的$\varnothing $19 mm单独药柱装药和$\varnothing $30 mm复合药柱装药烤燃弹,通过慢速烤燃试验分别获得了单独药柱烤燃弹在1和2 ℃·min−1升温速率、复合药柱烤燃弹在1 ℃·min−1升温速率下的温度-时间变化曲线,并结合数值模拟进一步分析了烤燃弹内部温度场的变化。研究结果表明:单独药柱装药情况下,低敏感炸药能明显降低弹药在热刺激下的响应等级;而在复合药柱装药时,烤燃弹响应点均位于外层低敏感药柱靠近壳体的环状区域,响应温度随高能药柱直径的增加而升高,响应等级随外层低敏感药柱厚度的增加而增加,复合装药由于药柱接触面存在接触热阻,烤燃弹传热受到阻滞,使得内部高能药柱极少参与反应。


  • 图  慢速烤燃试验布局

    Figure  1.  Layout of slow cook-off test

    图  单一药柱烤燃弹慢烤响应残骸

    Figure  2.  Debris of single charge bombs after slow cook-off

    图  复合装药烤燃弹模型

    Figure  3.  Model of the composite charge bomb

    图  复合装药仿真响应时刻(10 950 s)烤燃弹温度分布

    Figure  4.  Temperature distribution of bombs at simulated response time (10 950 s) for composite charges

    图  3个监测点测得的5种结构复合装药烤燃弹的温度-时间曲线

    Figure  5.  Temperature-time curves of the monitoring points for five kinds of composite charge bombs

    图  5种结构响应点的温度-时间曲线

    Figure  6.  Temperature-time curves of the ignition point for five kinds of composite charges

    图  响应时刻各组分分解质量分数随结构的变化趋势

    Figure  7.  Variation trend of decomposed mass fraction with structures for each component at response time

    图  响应时刻各组分分解质量随结构的变化趋势

    Figure  8.  Variation trend of decomposed mass with structures for each component at response time

    图  复合装药烤燃弹

    Figure  9.  Composite charge bombs

    图  10  5组复合药柱烤燃试验结果

    Figure  10.  Results of cook-off test for five groups of composite charges

    图  11  5组慢速烤燃试验响应时刻的温度-时间曲线

    Figure  11.  Temperature-time curves of response time for five groups of slow cook-off tests

    图  12  试验与数值模拟温度拟合

    Figure  12.  Fitting of test and simulation temperatures

    表  1  单一药柱慢速烤燃试验结果

    Table  1.   Slow cook-off test results of single charges

    ExplosiveHeating rate/(℃·min−1)No.Temperature/℃Response time/min
    23213.7 95.85
    4214.1 96.04
    27214.3 95.63
    8213.9 94.90
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    表  2  炸药与壳体的物性参数

    Table  2.   Physical parameters of explosives and shell

    Material$\;\rho $/(g∙cm−3)c/(J∙kg−1∙K−1)$\lambda $/(W∙m−1∙K−1)
    RDX1 6401 130.000.250
    TATB1 9381 170.000.544
    Steel8 030 502.4843.000
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    表  3  炸药反应动力参数

    Table  3.   Reaction dynamic parameters of explosives

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    表  4  单一药柱仿真结果与试验结果的比较

    Table  4.   Comparison between simulation and test results for single charges

    ExplosiveHeating rate
    Response temperature/℃ Response time/min
    JH-21206.60209.2 179.75182.9
    2214.68213.9 93.92 96.0
    JHB1207.68209.0 180.83182.8
    2214.18214.1 93.67 95.2
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    表  5  复合药柱试验分组与组分药柱厚度

    Table  5.   Test group and charge thickness of composite charges

    Charge speciesThickness/mm
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