
甘波 李俊 蒋刚 张友君

甘波, 李俊, 蒋刚, 张友君. Fe高压熔化线的实验研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(6): 060101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210859
引用本文: 甘波, 李俊, 蒋刚, 张友君. Fe高压熔化线的实验研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(6): 060101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210859
GAN Bo, LI Jun, JIANG Gang, ZHANG Youjun. A Review of the Experimental Determination of the Melting Curve of Iron at Ultrahigh Pressures[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(6): 060101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210859
Citation: GAN Bo, LI Jun, JIANG Gang, ZHANG Youjun. A Review of the Experimental Determination of the Melting Curve of Iron at Ultrahigh Pressures[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(6): 060101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210859


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210859
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42074098,41804082)

    甘 波(1994-),男,博士研究生,主要从事冲击波物理与地球物理研究.E-mail:ganbo325@stu.scu.edu.cn



  • 中图分类号: O521.2; P31

A Review of the Experimental Determination of the Melting Curve of Iron at Ultrahigh Pressures

  • 摘要: 铁是典型的d电子过渡金属之一,其在高压下的熔化行为对于揭示地核的成分、热结构和热演化至关重要。在实验室中创造极端高温高压条件以及诊断和测量凝聚介质的熔化行为和熔化温度比较困难,导致长期以来不同实验之间以及实验与理论之间获得的铁的高压熔化线存在较大争议。近年来,随着高压实验技术的发展,对铁高压熔化线的认识逐渐趋于一致。本文介绍了用于研究铁在高压下熔化行为和熔化温度的动、静高压实验技术,总结了高压下诊断铁和过渡金属熔化的方法及其优缺点,并分析了不同实验之间产生差异的原因。基于目前关于铁高压熔化温度的实验和理论研究结果,铁在内外核边界压力(约330 GPa)下的熔化温度可限定为5900~6300 K。系统总结铁在高压下的熔化行为对于进一步认识熔化的物理机制、研究其他过渡金属的高压熔化行为等具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。


  • 图  LH-DAC静高压实验系统示意图[11]

    Figure  1.  Schematic of static compression in a LH-DAC[11]

    图  二级轻气炮动高压实验装置示意图(根据文献[117]改绘)

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of dynamic shock compression using a two-stage light gas gun (modified by Ref. [117])

    图  金刚石压腔静高压实验中一些典型的用于研究铁高压熔化的诊断方法与标准:(a) XRD[10],(b) SMS[151], (c) XAS[154],(d) 电阻率[155],(e) 激光功率与温度的关系[10]

    Figure  3.  Some typical diagnostic methods and criteria used to study the melting behavior of iron at high pressures in heated DAC experiments: (a) XRD[10], (b) SMS[151], (c) XAS[154], (d) resistivity[155], (e) relationship between laser power and temperature[10]

    图  动高压实验中常用的冲击熔化诊断方法[40, 120, 156]:(a) 冲击压力与Hugoniot温度关系的不连续,(b) 沿着冲击绝热线声速的不连续,(c) 冲击下hcp结构的X射线衍射峰消失[120]

    Figure  4.  Typical diagnostics for the shock-induced melting in dynamic compression experiments[40, 120, 156]: (a) discontinuity of the relationship between shock pressure and Hugoniot temperature, (b) discontinuity of sound velocity along the Hugoniot, (c) the disappearance of XRD peak for hcp structure under shock loading[120]

    图  铁高压熔化温度的典型静高压实验研究结果[10, 143-155](绿色、红色、蓝色和洋红色图例分别表示采用直接显微观察样品表面、XRD、SMS和XAS获得的LH-DAC静高压实验结果,橙色图例表示采用电阻率作为诊断方法获得的RH-DAC静高压实验结果)

    Figure  5.  Typical results of the melting temperatures of iron at high pressures using static compression experiments[10, 143-155] (The green, red, blue, and magenta legends represent the experimental results of LH-DAC experiments obtained by direct microscopic observation of sample surface, XRD, SMS, and XAS as diagnostic methods, respectively; the orange legends represent the experimental results of RH-DAC experiments using resistivity measurements as the diagnostic method.)

    图  铁高压熔化温度的典型动高压实验研究结果[47, 119-120, 143, 157, 161, 163-164](实心图例表示采用多通道瞬态辐射高温计直接测得的铁的Hugoniot温度和熔化温度,其中绿色[143]、蓝色[157]和洋红色[119]图例代表使用微米厚铁膜或铁箔、4~6个波长通道的高温计测得的Hugoniot温度,红色图例[47]代表使用毫米厚块状铁、16个波长通道的高温计测得的Hugoniot温度;空心图例表示高功率激光加载动高压实验中采用XAS和XRD测得的铁的冲击熔化,通过热力学计算得到的Hugoniot温度)

    Figure  6.  Typical results of the melting temperatures of iron at high pressures by dynamic compression experiments[47, 119-120, 143, 157, 161, 163-164] (The solid legends show that Hugoniot temperatures and melting temperatures of iron are directly measured by a multichannel transient radiation pyrometer; the legends of green[143], blue[157] and magenta[119] represent the Hugoniot temperatures of iron measured by a pyrometer with 4–6 wavelength channels using iron film (foil) sample; the red legend[47] represent the Hugoniot temperatures of iron measured by a pyrometer with 16 wavelength channels using bulk iron sample; the open legends represent that the Hugoniot temperatures of iron are calculated through thermodynamic calculations from the shock melting measurements by XAS and XRD in the dynamic compression experiments of high power laser loading.)

    图  铁高压熔化温度的典型动高压和静高压实验结果对比[10, 47, 120, 154-155, 163](动高压实验结果与静高压实验结果具有良好的一致性,尤其是采用XAS[154]和XRD[10]作为诊断技术的LH-DAC静高压实验和改进样品靶结构并采用多通道瞬态辐射高温计[47]的动高压实验结果之间)

    Figure  7.  A comparison of the typical results on the melting temperatures of iron at high pressures obtained by the static and dynamic compression experiments[10, 47, 120, 154155, 163] (The results are generally consistent with each other between dynamic and static experiments. In particular, the results of LH-DAC static experiments using XAS[154] and XRD[10] as diagnostic techniques are in good agreement with those of dynamic experiments using improved pyrometry[47].)

    图  铁高压熔化温度的理论模拟和热力学计算结果[129-142](理论研究主要包括两类:基于分子动力学或第一性原理的理论模拟以及基于热力学状态参数的热力学计算)

    Figure  8.  Melting temperatures of iron at high pressures using theoretical simulations and thermodynamic calculations[129-142] (Theoretical studies mainly include two categories: simulations based on molecular dynamics or first-principles and thermodynamic calculations based on thermodynamic parameters.)

    图  铁高压熔化线的典型研究结果[10, 47, 119, 129-135, 138-139, 141, 143, 145-146, 155, 157](20年前铁高压熔化线的实验与理论研究结果之间存在较大的差异,而目前实验与理论研究结果之间已经基本吻合)

    Figure  9.  Typical results of the melting curves of iron at high pressures[10, 47, 119, 129-135, 138-139, 141, 143, 145-146, 155, 157] (Twenty years ago, there was a big difference in the melting curves of iron between experimental and theoretical studies, while the current studies show an overall agreement between experimental and theoretical results.)

    表  1  高压下铁的熔化温度的实验和理论研究总结

    Table  1.   Summary of experimental and theoretical studies on the melting temperature of iron at high pressures

    TechniqueMethodMelting diagnosticExpt. and theo. conditionsTM, ICB/KReference, year
    TheoryAb initio DFTFree energies50–3503020–68606680±600Ref.[129], 1999
    ThermodynamicsDatabase0–3301811–57905790Ref.[130], 2000
    AIMDFree energies60–3302460–71007100Ref.[131], 2000
    FP-MDA single potential100–3302830–54005400±400Ref.[132], 2000
    Ab initio DFTFree energies50–3502550–6380a6210±600aRef.[133], 2002
    Ab initio DFTFree energies50–350 2890–6510b 6350±600b Ref.[133], 2002
    ThermodynamicsFree energy58–4622840–72406050Ref.[134], 2003
    FPNumber of atoms323–3326270–64406370±100Ref.[135], 2009
    Monte CarloFree energies33069006900±400Ref.[136], 2009
    ThermodynamicsDatabase0–3531810–50804900Ref.[137], 2010
    AIMDFree energies190–15004500–125006150Ref.[138], 2013
    AIMDStructure0–3651700–67406350Ref.[139], 2015
    ThermodynamicsDatabase107–3503790–60205880Ref.[140], 2017
    AIMDFree energies33061706170±200Ref.[141], 2018
    SMMLC0–3501810–57205570Ref.[142], 2021
    StaticLH-DAC(s)Textural0–1021750–41807600±500Ref.[143], 1987
    Motion16–1972220–38604850±200Ref.[144-145], 1993
    Visual bservation0–1441811–35306130±350Ref.[146], 1994
    XRD11–802100–3090Ref.[147-148], 2004
    XRD60–1052750–35105800±200Ref.[149], 2004
    XRD27–1302580–3180Ref.[150], 2008
    SMS20–822220–3030Ref.[151], 2013
    Fast XRD57–1583140–44706230±500Ref.[10], 2013
    XANES75–1172840–3090Ref.[152], 2015
    SMS19–602120–28005700±200Ref.[153], 2016
    XANES43–1332660–4700Ref.[154], 2018
    RH-DACResistivity6–2901900–53605500±220Ref.[155], 2019
    (shock wave)
    TSLGGSVD40–400655–10024c5800±500Ref.[156], 1986
    TSLGGT-p discontinuity202–3015500–9370*7600±500Ref.[143], 1987
    TSLGGT-p discontinuity203–3005200–8990*7800±500Ref.[157], 1987
    TSLGGT-p discontinuity159–3394460–8360*6830±500Ref.[119], 1993
    TSLGGSVD84–1714380–5440e*6000Ref.[158-159], 2001
    PGSVD14–731820–2780f5300±400Ref.[160], 2002
    TSLGGSVD225–2605100–6100d6350±500Ref.[40], 2004
    HP laserSED50–1504000–5000#7800±1200Ref.[41], 2005
    HP laserEXAFS90–5601320–8160#6400Ref.[161], 2013
    TSLGGSVD73–1273240–3680e5885±500Ref.[162], 2009
    HP laserXANES260–4205680–10800#Ref.[163], 2015
    HP laserEXAFS40–500660–17000#Ref.[164], 2016
    HP laserXRD144–2733100–5560#6400Ref.[120], 2020
    TSLGGSVD120–2564250–5500*5950±500Ref.[47], 2020
    Note: Superscript lowercase letters “a” and “b” represent the theoretical results of ab initio molecular dynamics simulation
    without and with free-energy correction, respectively; “c” and “d” represent that the Hugoniot temperatures were calculated
    based on the measurements of sound velocities of iron and preheated iron, respectively; “e” represents the porous iron was
    used in shock compression experiments; “*” represents that the Hugoniot temperatures were measured by a multi-channel
    quasi-spectral optical pyrometer; “#” represents that the Hugoniot temperatures were calculated through thermodynamic
    calculations based on the results of dynamic compression experiments of high power laser loading.
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