Rockburst Tendency for Deep Underground Engineering Based on Multi-Parameters Criterion
摘要: 依据岩石破坏的能量转化机制和单元整体破坏准则,提出了同时考虑岩石内部积聚的可释放应变能、岩石破坏所需的表面能临界值及脆性系数的多参量岩爆判据。基于三维离散元(3DEC)数值仿真平台,对上述岩爆判据进行了二次开发,研究了在不同埋深、不同侧压力系数下深地下工程在开挖扰动时的围岩主应力差、能量及岩爆倾向性响应特征。结果表明:围岩的主应力差较大值多集中在洞室拱顶,弹性应变能密度较大值多集中在洞室拱顶和拱脚处;随着埋深和侧压力系数的增加,岩爆判据指标的数值和较大值的分布范围均增大。为了验证所提岩爆判据和数值模拟方法的合理性与适用性,对锦屏二级水电站4#引水隧洞岩爆灾害进行了数值模拟与分析,发现岩爆灾害强弱程度及发生位置与工程实际情况相符。研究结果为深地下工程岩爆灾害的预测预报和有效防控提供了理论支持和技术指导。Abstract: According to the energy conversion mechanism of rock failure and the overall failure criterion of element, a multi-parameter rockburst criterion considering the releasable strain energy accumulated in rock, the critical value of surface energy required for rock failure, and the brittleness coefficient is proposed. Based on the numerical simulation platform of the three-dimensional discrete element code (3DEC), the above rockburst criterion is developed, and the response characteristics in deep underground engineering, including the principal stresses difference, the elastic strain energy density and the rockburst judgement index, are studied under excavation disturbance in different buried depths and different lateral pressure coefficients. Some conclusions are obtained from the simulations: the larger values of the principal stress difference of the surrounding rock are mainly concentrated at the vault of the tunnel, and the larger values of the elastic strain energy density are mainly concentrated at the vault and arch foot of the tunnel; the distribution range and the values of the rockburst criterion index increase with the augmentation of the buried depth and the lateral pressure coefficient. In order to verify the proposed rockburst criterion and the numerical calculation method, the rockburst disaster in 4# headrace tunnel of Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station is simulated and analysed. It is found that the intensity and location of rockburst disaster simulated by the above method are consistent with the actual situation, which verifies the rationality and applicability of the method established in this paper. The research results provide a theoretical support and a technical guidance for effective prediction, prevention, and control of rockburst disasters in deep underground engineering.
表 1 岩体物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of rock mass
Material h/m $ {\sigma _{\text{c}}} $/MPa $ {\sigma _{\text{t}}} $/MPa E/GPa μ Granite 600 141.56 22.22 61.01 0.23 1200 186.87 21.25 56.33 0.24 1800 212.18 19.13 50.09 0.25 表 2 数值模拟工况
Table 2. Numerical simulation conditions
Condition h/m K Condition h/m K Condition h/m K 1 600 1.0 4 1200 1.0 7 1800 1.0 2 600 1.5 5 1200 1.5 8 1800 1.5 3 600 1.5 6 1200 2.0 9 1800 2.0 表 3 岩爆洞段的地应力状态
Table 3. In-situ stress state in the cross section of the rockburst cavern
Burial depth/m ${\sigma _x}/{\text{MPa}}$ ${\sigma _y}/{\text{MPa}}$ ${\sigma _\textit{z}}/{\text{MPa} }$ ${\tau _{xy}}/{\text{MPa}}$ ${\tau _{y\textit{z}} }/{\text{MPa} }$ ${\tau _{\textit{z}x} }/{\text{MPa} }$ 1 900 −49.81 −51.68 −58.09 −15.00 −1.23 7.17 表 4 岩体力学参数
Table 4. Mechanical parameters of rock mass
E/GPa μ cp/MPa cr/MPa φi/(°) φp/(°) ψ/(°) 27.62 0.256 34.36 9.87 29.93 39.23 29.20 -
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