
于鹏山 刘志芳 李世强

于鹏山, 刘志芳, 李世强. 新型仿生蜂窝结构的设计与耐撞性能分析[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 014204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210817
引用本文: 于鹏山, 刘志芳, 李世强. 新型仿生蜂窝结构的设计与耐撞性能分析[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 014204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210817
YU Pengshan, LIU Zhifang, LI Shiqiang. Design and Crashworthiness Analysis of New Bionic Honeycomb Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 014204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210817
Citation: YU Pengshan, LIU Zhifang, LI Shiqiang. Design and Crashworthiness Analysis of New Bionic Honeycomb Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 014204. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210817


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210817
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11772216,12072219)

    于鹏山(1994-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:1850068840@qq.com


    刘志芳(1971-),女,副教授,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:liuzhifang@tyut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O341

Design and Crashworthiness Analysis of New Bionic Honeycomb Structure

  • 摘要: 受自然界毛竹微观结构的启发,在传统圆管与六边形管的基础上引入内管及双菱形肋骨,通过拓扑衍生方法设计了两种新型仿生蜂窝结构。在此基础上利用有限元软件ABAQUS对新型仿生蜂窝的耐撞性进行数值模拟,研究了蜂窝单胞构型、蜂窝壁厚、双菱形肋骨夹角对仿生蜂窝耐撞性能的影响。此外,基于超折叠单元理论,建立了仿生蜂窝结构的理论分析模型。结果表明:仿生蜂窝的面外压缩耐撞性能优于传统圆形蜂窝和传统六边形蜂窝。新型仿生六边形蜂窝的比吸能相比传统六边形蜂窝提高51.18%,压缩力效率提高53.14%。仿生蜂窝结构的平均压缩力理论预测结果与数值模拟结果吻合,两者间的误差均在10%以内。单胞构型为六边形的仿生蜂窝的耐撞性能优于圆形仿生蜂窝。适当增加仿生蜂窝壁厚或增大双菱形肋骨夹角,均有利于提高结构的耐撞性能。


  • 图  仿生蜂窝结构设计

    Figure  1.  Structural design of bionic honeycombs

    图  仿生蜂窝有限元模型

    Figure  2.  Finite element model of bionic honeycomb

    图  网格敏感性验证

    Figure  3.  Sensitivity verification of element size

    图  数值模拟与实验[12]结果对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of numerical simulation and experimental results[12]

    图  不同类型蜂窝的耐撞性比较:(a) 载荷-位移曲线,(b) BHH的载荷-位移曲线,(c) PCF和SEA,(d) CFE

    Figure  5.  Crashworthiness comparison of different honeycombs: (a) load-displacement curve, (b) load-displacement curve of BHH, (c) PCF and SEA, (d) CFE

    图  简化超折叠单元模式[20]:(a)拉伸单元,(b)弯曲塑性铰线,(c)基本折叠单元凸缘完全压缩

    Figure  6.  Scheme of simplified super folding element: (a) extensional element, (b) bending hinge lines, (c) full compression of flange (basic folding element)

    图  仿生蜂窝单胞变形模式:(a) BHH单胞,(b) BRH单胞

    Figure  7.  Bionic honeycomb single cell deformation mode: (a) BHH single cell, (b) BRH single cell

    图  结构基本单元分布与简化

    Figure  8.  Distribution and simplification of basic constitutive elements

    图  基本角单元:(a) X型单元,(b) K型单元

    Figure  9.  Basic angle element: (a) X-shape element, (b) K-shape element

    图  10  仿生蜂窝的载荷-位移曲线:(a) BRH,(b) BHH

    Figure  10.  Load-displacement curves of bionic honeycombs: (a) BRH, (b) BHH

    图  11  不同壁厚下两种仿生蜂窝的耐撞参数对比

    Figure  11.  Crashworthiness comparison of two bionic honeycombs at different thicknesses of membrane

    图  12  不同肋骨夹角下两种仿生蜂窝的耐撞参数对比:(a) PCF,(b) MCF,(c) SEA,(d) CFE

    Figure  12.  Crashworthiness comparison of two bionic honeycombs at different rib angles: (a) PCF, (b) MCF, (c) SEA, (d) CFE

    图  13  仿生蜂窝的变形模式与应变云图:(a) BHH的变形模式,(b) BRH的变形模式,(c) BHH的等效塑性应变,(d) BRH的等效塑性应变

    Figure  13.  Deformation modes and equivalent plastic strain of the bionic honeycombs: (a) deformation mode of BHH, (b) deformation mode of BRH, (c) equivalent plastic strain of BHH, (d) equivalent plastic strain of BRH

    表  1  传统蜂窝与仿生蜂窝的结构尺寸

    Table  1.   Structure sizes of traditional honeycombs and bionic honeycombs

    Honeycomb typeRH HH BRH BHH
    Cross section shape
    Single cell
    Single cell sizeD=10 mmD=10 mm D=10 mm,
    d=5 mm,
    a = 0.58 mm,
    b = 0.87 mm,
    $\alpha $ = 60°
    D=10 mm,
    d=5 mm,
    a = 0.58 mm,
    b = 0.87 mm,
    $\alpha $ = 60°
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    表  2  数值模拟与理论预测结果对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of numerical simulation and theory

    Structure type t/mmM/gpmd/kNError/%
    BRH 0.0151.661.461.42−2.74
    BRH 0.0303.313.914.022.81
    BRH 0.0454.976.575.99−8.82
    BRH 0.0606.628.849.022.04
    BRH 0.0758.2811.47 11.91 3.84
    BRH 0.0909.9315.05 15.66 4.05
    BHH 0.0151.461.411.442.13
    BHH 0.0302.923.663.59−1.91
    BHH 0.0454.386.076.120.82
    BHH 0.0605.848.728.69−0.34
    BHH 0.0757.3011.77 12.15 3.23
    BHH 0.0908.7515.31 15.97 4.31
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