Strain Rate Dependent Constitutive Model of Rubber
摘要: 为研究橡胶在不同应变率下的响应特性,建立应变率相关的橡胶黏超弹性本构模型,分别采用超弹性本构模型和黏弹性本构模型表征其非线性弹性行为和应变率相关的弹性行为。首先,对于超弹性模型,基于最小二乘法,对比了Mooney-Rivlin模型、修正的Mooney-Rivlin模型、Yeoh模型、修正的Yeoh模型、Ogden模型和Arruda-Boyce模型等超弹性本构模型的拟合能力。结果表明,经修正的Mooney-Rivlin模型和Yeoh模型的拟合优度与Ogden模型和Arruda-Boyce模型接近。在此基础上,基于一种参数较少且拟合效果良好的修正Mooney-Rivlin模型和应变率相关的Maxwell模型,建立了橡胶黏超弹性本构模型,考察了该黏超弹性本构模型在单轴拉伸和单轴压缩情况下中高应变率时的拟合能力。结果表明,对于这两种受力情况下的应变率相关的实验数据,该黏超弹性本构模型的拟合优度均在0.95以上。研究结果为大应变率范围内单轴拉伸和单轴压缩下橡胶的本构模型选择提供了参考。Abstract: In order to study the mechanical response characteristics of rubber under large loading strain rates, a strain-rate-dependent visco-hyperelastic constitutive model is established. The nonlinear and the strain-rate-dependent elastic behavior are characterized by the hyperelastic constitutive model and the viscoelastic constitutive model, respectively. Firstly, based on least square method, the fitting abilities of several hyperelastic constitutive models, i.e., Mooney-Rivlin model, the modified Mooney-Rivlin model, Yeoh model, the modified Yeoh model, Ogden model and Arruda-Boyce model, are compared. The results show that the modified Mooney-Rivlin model and the modified Yeoh model have similar fitting goodness as Ogden model and Arruda-Boyce model. Furthermore, the visco-hyperelastic constitutive model based on a modified Mooney-Rivlin model with a few parameters leading to good fitting results and the Maxwell model reflecting the strain-rate-dependent property of rubber is described. The fitting ability of the proposed model under uni-axial tension and uni-axial compression loading conditions at medium and high strain rates is assessed. It is concluded that the fitting goodness of the model is above 0.95 under both loading conditions. This study can provide a reference for the selection of constitutive models to characterize the mechanical behavior of rubber under uni-axial tension and uni-axial compression tests at different strain rates.
Key words:
- constitutive model /
- strain rate /
- rubber /
- least square method
表 1 不同超弹性模型对 ST、PT 和 ET 实验数据的拟合效果比较
Table 1. Comparison of fitting results of different hyperelastic models on ST, PT and ET experimental data
Model Equation Parameters R2 M-R model Eq.(2) C10, C01 0.8043 Modified M-R model Eq.(15) C10, C01, C20 0.9704 Yeoh model Eq.(6) C10, C20, C30 0.9897 Modified Yeoh model Eq.(21) C10, C20, C30, C01 0.9961 Ogden model (N=2) Eq.(8) $ {\,\mu } $1, $ {\alpha } $1, $ {\,\mu } $2, $ {\alpha } $2 0.9769 Ogden model (N=3) Eq.(8) ${\,\mu }$1, $ {\alpha } $1, $ {\,\mu } $2, $ {\alpha } $2, ${\,\mu }$3, $ {\alpha } $3 0.9924 A-B model Eq.(10) $\,\mu$, $ {\lambda } $m 0.9891 表 2 单轴拉伸和单轴压缩实验的拟合参数值
Table 2. Fitting parameter values of the uni-axial tensile and the uni-axial compression experiment
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