
阿卜力孜 • 麦提图尔荪 艾尼瓦尔 • 吾术尔 谢翠焕 亓文明

阿卜力孜 • 麦提图尔荪, 艾尼瓦尔 • 吾术尔, 谢翠焕, 亓文明. 碳酸铅在不同传压介质下的高压拉曼研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 011201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210813
引用本文: 阿卜力孜 • 麦提图尔荪, 艾尼瓦尔 • 吾术尔, 谢翠焕, 亓文明. 碳酸铅在不同传压介质下的高压拉曼研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 011201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210813
ABLIZ Matursun, ANWAR Hushur, XIE Cuihuan, QI Wenming. High Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Study of PbCO3 in Different Pressure Transmitting Medium[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 011201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210813
Citation: ABLIZ Matursun, ANWAR Hushur, XIE Cuihuan, QI Wenming. High Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Study of PbCO3 in Different Pressure Transmitting Medium[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 011201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210813


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210813
基金项目: 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(60594)

    阿卜力孜 • 麦提图尔荪(1993-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事矿物质在高压下的稳定性研究.E-mail:1715038477@qq.com


    艾尼瓦尔 • 吾术尔(1974-),男,博士,主要从事高压高温材料制备以及高温高压下地球物质特性研究. E-mail:anwar.hushur@outlook.com

  • 中图分类号: O521.2

High Pressure Raman Spectroscopic Study of PbCO3 in Different Pressure Transmitting Medium

  • 摘要: 为研究PbCO3在高压下的稳定性,利用金刚石对顶砧技术,采用NaCl固体、甲醇-乙醇-水混合液体(16∶3∶1)和甲醇-乙醇混合液体(4∶1)做传压介质,开展了PbCO3的高压拉曼实验,最高压强分别达到24.5、25.0和67.0 GPa。研究发现,PbCO3在10、15和30 GPa左右发生相变,在静水压强条件下${\rm{CO}}_3^{2-} $基团的ν2-外弯曲振动模出现了软化现象。通过对比得到不同传压介质中PbCO3的Grüneisen参数γ,发现相变机制略有不同,并且压强对晶格振动的影响比${\rm{CO}}_3^{2-} $基团的影响大,这是由Pb2+―O键的键长较大造成的。在所研究的压强范围内,PbCO3没有发生分解或非晶化,30.0 GPa以上出现的PbCO3-Ⅳ相直至67.0 GPa都很稳定。


  • 图  PbCO3样品的XRD谱与标准谱对比

    Figure  1.  Comparison of the XRD spectra of PbCO3with the standard spectra

    图  采用NaCl固体传压介质时的PbCO3高压拉曼光谱

    Figure  2.  High pressure Raman spectra of PbCO3 in solid NaCl pressure transmitting medium

    图  采用NaCl固体做传压介质时PbCO3的拉曼峰位移与压强之间的关系(ν1、ν2和ν4分别对应对称拉伸振动模、外弯曲振动模和内弯曲振动模)

    Figure  3.  Pressure-induced mode shifts of PbCO3 undergoes the solid NaCl pressure transmitting medium (ν1, ν2 and ν4 are symmetric stretching vibration, out-of-plane bending vibration, and in-plane bending vibration, respectively.)

    图  采用甲醇-乙醇-水混合液体作为传压介质时的PbCO3高压拉曼光谱

    Figure  4.  High pressure Raman spectra of PbCO3 in mixture of MEW pressure transmitting medium

    图  采用甲醇-乙醇-水混合液体作为传压介质时PbCO3的拉曼峰位移与压强之间的关系(ν1、ν2和ν4分别对应对称拉伸振动模、外弯曲振动模和内弯曲振动模)

    Figure  5.  Pressure-induced mode shifts of PbCO3 undergoes the mixture of MEW pressure transmitting medium (ν1, ν2 and ν4 are symmetric stretching vibration, out-of-plane bending vibrations, and in-plane bending vibration, respectively.)

    图  采用甲醇-乙醇混合液体做传压介质时PbCO3的高压拉曼光谱

    Figure  6.  High pressure Raman spectra of PbCO3 in mixture of methanol-ethanol pressure transmitting medium

    图  采用甲醇-乙醇混合液体做传压介质时PbCO3的拉曼峰位移与压强之间的关系(ν1、ν2、ν4分别为对称拉伸振动模、外弯曲振动模和内弯曲振动模)

    Figure  7.  Pressure-induced mode shifts undergoes the mixture of methanol-ethanol pressure transmitting medium (ν1, ν2 and ν4 are symmetric stretching vibration, out-of-plane bending vibration, and in-plane bending vibration, respectively.)

    表  1  采用NaCl固体做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅰ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  1.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅰ phase in solid NaCl pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1095.81 0–10.72.3($\pm 0.12$)0.1352
    842.900–10.5−1.2($ \pm 0.05 $) −0.0876
    686.870–10.71.4($ \pm 0.04 $)0.1312
    692.780–10.71.6($ \pm 0.07) $0.1491
    705.850–10.72.1($ \pm 0.03 $)0.1907
    711.860–9.6 1.5($ \pm 0.05 $)0.1430
    116.790–10.51.1($ \pm 0.04 $)0.6875
    143.790–9.5 1.7$ (\pm 0.03) $0.8219
    188.750–10.53.5$ (\pm 0.04) $1.4573
    173.720–10.53.8($ \pm 0.06 $)1.3780
    219.500–9.8 7.3$ (\pm 0.06) $2.0950
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    表  2  采用NaCl固体做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅱ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{ \gamma }}$

    Table  2.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅱ phase in solid NaCl pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1147.20 10.7–15.62.2($ \pm 0.12$)0.0924
    1109.28 15.6–16.00.7($\pm 0.06$)0.0282
    825.7510.5–15.6−1.2($ \pm 0.05 $) −0.0675
    858.3410.5–15.6−0.9($ \pm 0.04 $) −0.0471
    723.0110.7–15.61.4($ \pm 0.08 $)0.0991
    725.5010.7–15.61.6($ \pm 0.07) $0.1060
    749.3210.7–15.62.1($ \pm 0.03 $)0.1341
    144.5610.5–15.61.1($ \pm 0.04 $)0.3945
    240.8310.5–15.64.6($ \pm 0.07) $1.3200
    229.5610.5–14.73.4$ (\pm 0.03) $0.2765
    223.3810.5–15.61.8$ (\pm 0.04) $0.4238
    354.5810.5–14.28.9($ \pm 0.06 $)1.7900
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    表  3  采用甲醇-乙醇-水混合溶液做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅰ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  3.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅰ phase in the mixture of MEW pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1094.30 0–10.52.2($ \pm0.12 $)0.1293
    839.560–10.5−1.5($\pm 0.05$) −0.1126
    687.660–10.51.5($ \pm 0.04 $)0.1410
    691.930–10.51.5($ \pm 0.01) $0.1055
    702.070–10.51.7($ \pm 0.03 $)0.1177
    718.650–10.52.1($ \pm 0.05 $)0.1368
    116.600–10.51.1($ \pm 0.04 $)0.5057
    146.73 0–9.5 1.9$ (\pm 0.03) $0.7115
    216.780–10.76.2$ (\pm 0.04) $1.8627
    236.420–10.75.8$ (\pm 0.06 $)1.5516
    219.500–9.5 8.1$ (\pm 0.06) $1.7100
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    表  4  采用甲醇-乙醇-水混合溶液做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅱ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  4.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅱ phase in the mixture of MEW pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1177.48 10.5–15.63.4($ \pm 0.12$)0.0420
    1109.79 14.6–24.20.6($\pm 0.06$)0.0239
    803.9010.5–15.6−1.5($\pm 0.06$) −0.0821
    847.2714.6–15.6−1.1($ \pm 0.04 $) 0.0604
    698.6010.5–15.60.5($ \pm 0.04 $)0.0334
    775.9010.5–15.63.5($ \pm 0.07) $0.2329
    798.6710.5–15.63.9($ \pm 0.03 $)0.2586
    148.6910.5–15.61.3($ \pm 0.04 $)0.5200
    181.7015.6–15.61.6($ \pm 0.07) $0.5290
    332.0910.5–15.66.8($ \pm 0.07) $1.8720
    307.0610.5–15.66.8$ (\pm 0.03) $2.1950
    395.8010.5–15.66.4($ \pm 0.06 $)1.2210
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    表  5  采用甲醇-乙醇混合溶液做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅰ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  5.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅰ phase in the mixture of methanol-ethanol pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1088.20 0–10.01.7($ \pm 0.12$)0.0990
    847.630–9.5 −0.8($\pm 0.06$) −0.0589
    868.450–9.5 −0.7($ \pm 0.04 $) −0.0503
    674.650–10.00.3($ \pm 0.04 $)0.0281
    690.660–9.5 1.5($ \pm 0.07) $0.1398
    692.350–9.5 0.9($ \pm 0.03 $)0.0838
    110.700–10.00.6($ \pm 0.04 $)0.3673
    162.670–9.5 3.6($ \pm 0.07) $1.7964
    190.300–10.03.9$ (\pm 0.03) $1.6220
    192.440–7.8 2.4($ \pm 0.06 $)0.8703
    286.000–9.5 7.1$ (\pm 0.06) $2.0378
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    表  6  采用甲醇-乙醇混合溶液做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅱ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  6.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅱ phase in the mixture of methanol-ethanol pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1124.78 10.0–15.41.7($ \pm 0.12$)0.0710
    824.8810.0–15.4−0.8($\pm 0.06$) −0.0439
    856.8914.2–29.0−0.7($ \pm 0.04 $) 0.0367
    691.9210.0–15.40.3($ \pm 0.04 $)0.0200
    715.7010.0–15.41.5($ \pm 0.07) $0.0995
    706.6010.0–15.40.9($ \pm 0.03 $)0.0592
    126.1910.0–15.40.6($ \pm 0.04 $)0.2402
    207.5110.0–15.43.6($ \pm 0.07) $1.1100
    178.5010.0–15.43.9$ (\pm 0.03) $1.0050
    248.3210.0–15.42.4($ \pm 0.06 $)0.5223
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    表  7  采用甲醇-乙醇混合溶液做传压介质时PbCO3-Ⅲ相的拉曼峰对应的位置、dν/dp${{\gamma}}$

    Table  7.   Raman modes and the values of dν/dp and mode Grüneisen parameters (${{\gamma}}$) for PbCO3-Ⅲ phase in the mixture of methanol-ethanol pressure transmitting medium

    ${\nu }{_{\mathrm{i}0}}$/cm−1Pressure range/GPa$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\nu }{\mathrm{d}p} \Big/({\rm{cm} }{^{-1} }\cdot {\rm{GPa} }{^{-1} })$$\gamma $
    1278.87 15.4–30.22.1($\pm 0.12$)0.2326
    1205.66 15.4–30.21.3($\pm 0.03$)0.1623
    810.9515.4–30.2−0.2($\pm 0.06$) −0.0395
    845.1715.4–30.2−0.2($ \pm 0.04 $) −0.0390
    694.3315.4–30.20.5($ \pm 0.07 $)0.1018
    898.3715.4–30.22.8($ \pm 0.07) $0.5183
    912.6015.4–30.22.6($ \pm 0.03 $)0.4767
    187.6015.4–30.20.8($ \pm 0.04 $)0.8090
    369.9615.4–30.22.2($ \pm 0.07) $1.2900
    280.1915.4–30.22.1($ \pm 0.06) $1.9164
    417.7715.4–30.22.5($\pm 0.05$)1.3500
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    表  8  几种碳酸盐矿物质的化学键键长对比

    Table  8.   Comparison of bond length of several carbonate minerals

    SampleBond length/ÅcV3Reference
    PbCO35.176 6.158 270.449 This study
    BaCO35.314 6.430 304.200 Ref.[21]
    CaCO34.96 5.74 226.70 Ref.[22]
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