High Velocity Impact Shielding Performance of Basalt Fiber Cloth/Al-Plate Composite Shields
摘要: 在弹道段撞击速度范围内,针对玄武岩纤维布/铝板组合防护结构开展了高速撞击实验(实验使用的2017铝球弹丸的直径为3.97 mm,撞击速度为1.49~3.65 km/s),获得了防护结构的弹道极限速度,分析了铝球弹丸高速击穿玄武岩纤维布和铝板后的剩余速度。基于单层铝板发生穿孔失效时的临界撞击动能,研究了玄武岩纤维布/铝板组合防护结构的高速撞击防护性能。结果表明:当弹丸未破碎时,相同直径的铝球弹丸以不同速度击穿相同面密度的玄武岩纤维布后的速度减小量近似为常数;铝球弹丸直径越大,弹丸击穿相同面密度的玄武岩纤维布后的速度减小量越小;在防护结构面密度相同的情况下,铝板前置的玄武岩纤维布/铝板组合防护结构比玄武岩纤维布前置的组合防护结构具有更好的高速撞击防护性能。Abstract: The high-velocity impact tests were carried out on the basalt fiber cloth/Al-plate composite shields, the ballistic limit velocity was obtained in the range of ballistic impact velocity. The diameter of 2017 Al-sphere projectile was 3.97 mm, and the impact velocity of Al-spheres was varied between 1.49 and 3.65 km/s. The residual velocity of Al-sphere projectile penetrating thin Al-plate and basalt fiber cloth bumper was analyzed. Furthermore, the shielding performance of the basalt fiber cloth/Al-plate composite shields was studied based on the critical impact kinetic energy for the failure of the single Al-plate. The results show that the velocity reduction of the constant diameter projectile penetrating the same basalt fiber cloth bumper at different velocities is a constant when the projectile is not broken. The velocity reduction of the projectile decrease with increasing diameter. For the same areal density, the shielding performance of composite shield with aluminum plate as the first wall is better than that of composite shield with basalt fiber cloth as the first wall.
Key words:
- basalt fiber cloth /
- composite shield /
- high velocity impact /
- residual velocity /
- shielding performance
表 1 不同撞击速度时防护结构的后板损伤实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of rear wall damage at different impact velocities
No. vp/(km·s−1) Rear wall damage ABA-1 1.49 No perforation, bulge ABA-2 1.68 No perforation, crack ABA-3 1.70 Material spalling, perforation ABA-4 1.74 Material spalling, perforation ABA-5 1.98 Central perforation ABA-6 2.72 Central perforation ABA-7 2.98 Central perforation ABA-8 3.65 No perforation, central cluster of craters BAA-1 1.51 No perforation, bulge BAA-2 1.71 Central perforation BAA-3 1.96 Central perforation BAA-4 2.18 Central perforation BAA-5 2.76 Central perforation BAA-6 3.30 Central perforation BAA-7 3.53 Central perforation AAA-1 1.52 No perforation, bulge AAA-2 1.79 Central perforation AAA-3 2.32 Central perforation WAA-1 1.53 No perforation, bulge WAA-2 1.66 Central perforation WAA-3 2.08 Central perforation 表 2 弹道极限速度的计算值和实验结果
Table 2. Calculated and experimental results of ballistic limit velocity
Type of shield vcc/
(km·s−1)$\delta $c /
%ABA 1.62 1.68 −3.57 BAA 1.59 1.61 −1.24 AAA 1.65 1.66 −0.60 WAA 1.61 1.59 1.26 -
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