Dynamic Response of Narce-Like Brick and Mortar Structure under Impact Load
摘要: 贝壳作为典型的抗冲击生物材料,具有轻质、高强、高韧等优异性能。通过构建仿贝壳砖泥结构有限元模型,并对其在落锤冲击载荷下的动态响应进行数值模拟,分析了堆叠层数、冲击速度及锤头类型对仿贝壳砖泥结构能量吸收性能的影响。结果表明:5类堆叠层数下的仿贝壳砖泥结构的比吸能呈先增加后减小的变化趋势,并且在所设计的5类堆叠层数结构中,3层仿贝壳砖泥结构具有最大的比吸能,其值较比吸能最小的单层结构提高了10.8%;随着冲击速度的提升,结构载荷峰值及能量吸收均略有增大;相同锤径下,圆柱形锤头较半球形锤头更易穿透模型。Abstract: As a typical impact resistant bio-material, shell shows excellent properties such as light weight, high strength and high toughness. In this paper, the finite element model of nacre-like brick and mortar structure is constructed and its dynamic response under the impact load of drop hammer is numerically simulated. The effects of the number of stacked layers, impact velocity and hammer type on the energy absorption performance of nacre-like brick and mortar structure are analyzed. The results show that the specific energy absorption of nacre-like brick and mortar structures under the five types of stacked layers increases first and then decreases; and the three-layer nacre-like brick and mortar structure has the largest ratio among the five types of stacked layer structures designed, the value of the specific energy absorption is increased by 10.8% compared with the single-layer structure. With the increase of impact velocity, the peak load and energy absorption of the structure increase slightly. Under the same hammer diameter, the cylindrical hammer is easier to penetrate the model than the hemispherical hammer.
图 1 仿贝壳砖泥结构构建流程:(a) 单层砖、泥单胞模型,(b) 单层单胞装配,(c) 3层及5层单胞模型,(d) 整体模型平面图
Figure 1. Flowchart of construction of nacre-like brick and mortar structure: (a) unit model of single layer brick and mortar, (b) assembly of single layer brick and mortar, (c) unit models of three-layer and five-layer, (d) plane of the overall model
图 7 5类不同结构最大压缩位移时刻的变形:(a) 单层结构,(b) 双层结构,(c) 3层结构,(d) 4层结构,(e) 5层结构
Figure 7. Deformation diagram at the time of maximum compression displacement of five types of structures: (a) single-layer structure, (b) two-layer structure, (c) three-layer structure, (d) four-layer structure, (e) five-layer structure
表 1 砖类硬质材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of brick
Material Density/(kg·m–3) Young’s modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Failure stress/MPa VeroWhite Plus 1 200 1.4 0.3 60 Material Density/(kg·m–3) Bulk modulus/GPa Static shear modulus/MPa Dynamic shear modulus/MPa Failure strain Tango Plus 1 200 10 0.83 10 1 表 3 锤头材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of hammer
Material Density/(kg·m–3) Young’s modulus/GPa Poisson’s ratio Stainless steel 7 850 200 0.3 -
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