Impact Damage Localization of Composite Laminates by In-Situ Measurement
摘要: 针对连续碳纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料层合板和玻璃纤维(GF)增强环氧树脂基复合材料层合板两类典型结构,开展了基于原位测量的冲击损伤定位研究。利用碳纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层合板自身的导电性,设计了电极阵列,考察了板厚对定位结果的影响;对于不导电玻璃纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层合板,设计并制备了多壁碳纳米管涂覆的玻璃纤维束(MWCNT@GF)传感器,并将MWCNT@GF嵌入层合板中形成传感网络,考察了不同入射角度对定位结果的影响。对于上述两种方法,编制了冲击损伤成像算法。结果表明:利用冲击前后碳纤维自身电阻和嵌入MWCNT@GF传感器的方法,可准确定位碳纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层合板和玻璃纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料层合板的冲击损伤。
- 低速冲击 /
- 损伤定位 /
- 多壁碳纳米管涂覆的玻璃纤维束传感器 /
- 碳纤维电阻
Abstract: Damage localization was performed for the typical carbon fiber (CF) and glass fiber (GF) reinforced epoxy composite laminates through in-situ measurement technology. The electrode array was developed by utilizing the conductivity of CF reinforced epoxy composite laminates. The influence of plate thickness on the damage localization was investigated. For non-conductive GF reinforced epoxy composite laminates, multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated GF bundles sensors (MWCNT@GF) were fabricated, and the sensors were embedded into the laminates to form the sensor network. The influence of different incident angles on the localization was investigated. For the above two methods, an impact damage localization algorithm was developed and compiled. The results show that the damage position of CF/epoxy and GF/epoxy composite laminates can be located with high accuracy by using the self-resistance of CF and embedding MWCNT@GF sensors.-
Key words:
- low-velocity impact /
- damage localization /
- MWCNT@GF sensor /
- carbon fiber resistance
表 1 利用碳纤维自身电阻得到的实际损伤与预测损伤位置的比较
Table 1. Comparison between the damage localizations in the real and predicted results by the carbon fibers themselves
Case No. Thickness/mm Impact energy/J Real localization/mm Predicted localization/mm Relative error/% x y x y $\delta $x $\delta $y 1 2 50 47.5 48.5 49.0 50.0 −3.16 −3.09 2 6 50 51.5 51.5 49.0 52.0 4.85 −0.97 3 2 80 49.5 47.0 49.0 48.0 1.01 −2.13 4 6 80 47.5 53.0 46.0 55.0 3.16 −3.77 表 2 利用埋入式MWCNT@GF得到的实际损伤与预测损伤位置的比较
Table 2. Comparison between the damage localizations in the real and predicted results monitored by the embedded MWCNT@GF sensor
Case No. Thickness/mm Incident angle/(°) Real localization/mm Predicted localization/mm Relative error/% x y x y $\delta $x $\delta $y 1 1 60 48.0 47.5 50.0 48.0 −4.16 −1.05 2 1 70 52.0 50.0 50.0 52.0 3.84 −4.00 3 1 80 50.0 51.5 47.0 48.0 6.00 6.79 4 1 90 50.0 51.0 50.0 50.0 0 1.96 -
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