Brief Review of Research Progress on the Deformation, Damage and Failure of Silicon Carbide under Extreme Conditions
摘要: 碳化硅作为重要的陶瓷和半导体材料,在国防军工、航空航天等应用领域和高压物质科学等方面具有重要的应用研究和科学价值。本文对动加载下碳化硅的变形、损伤和破坏等物理力学行为和特性研究进行了梳理,分别从实验研究和计算模拟角度概述了碳化硅在不同加载条件和微结构下的变形与破坏行为研究进展,总结归纳了碳化硅材料动态响应相关研究的若干现存问题,并展望了该领域内几个重要的发展方向,以期为相关群体的研究工作提供有益参考。Abstract: As an important ceramic and semiconductor material, silicon carbide has important engineering and scientific value in application fields such as national defense, military, aerospace, and high-pressure material science. This paper summarized the physical and mechanical behaviors, and characteristics of silicon carbide under dynamic loading, such as deformation, damage and failure, providing a research progress in the deformation and failure of silicon carbide under different loading conditions and microstructures from both the experimental studies and computational simulations. Then the paper summarized some existing problems related to the dynamic response of silicon carbide materials, and proposed several important development directions in this field, in order to provide a useful reference for the research of related research groups.
Key words:
- silicon carbide /
- multiscale /
- dynamic loading /
- dynamic behavior
图 21 金刚石弹丸撞击原始无定形SiC和CNT/无定形SiC复合靶示意图: (a) 半径为2.5 nm的球形金刚石弹丸沿z轴反方向冲击目标,(b)~(c) 由弹丸冲击而造成的碳纳米管损伤[140]
Figure 21. Schematic diagram of diamond projectile impacting original amorphous SiC and CNT/amorphous SiC composite targets: (a) diamond projectile with a radius of 2.5 nm impacting on target along negative z axis; (b)–(c) projectile impact induced damage of CNT[140]
图 23 冲击碳化硅中位错、脆性裂纹引起的形核和生长: (a) 13.05 ps时位错线上形成的脆性裂纹(白色箭头处); (b) 闪锌晶型在{110}平面形成的裂纹扩展; (c) 27 ps 时材料裂纹扩展; (d) 31.2 ps时材料后表面开裂[133]
Figure 23. Nucleation and growth of brittle cracks from dislocations in shocked SiC: (a) white arrows indicate brittle cracks nucleating directly from dislocation lines at 13.05 ps; (b) cracks cleaving {110} planes of the zinc blende crystal in the direction of the back surface; (c) cracked configuration at 27 ps; (d) cracked back surface at 31.2 ps[133]
图 28 (a) 样品中原子数-晶粒尺寸关系,(b) 密度和单位原子能量与晶粒尺寸的关系,(c) 晶粒或晶界中原子的比例作为晶粒大小的函数(黑色和红线分别为颗粒原子和晶界原子比例的理论预测)[143]
Figure 28. (a) The number of atoms in samples as a function of grain size, (b) the density and per-atom energy as functions of grain size, (c) the fraction of atoms in grains or grain boundaries as functions of grain size (The black and red lines are the theoretical predictions of the fraction of grains and grain boundaries atoms, respectively.)[143]
图 29 (a)~(d)纳米多晶在不同晶粒尺寸下的冲击引起的晶体塑性变形,(e)~(f)不同晶粒尺寸的纳米碳化硅在up = 2 km/s时的冲击塑性统计[143]
Figure 29. (a)–(d) Shock induced plasticity in nanocrystalline SiC with different grain size; (e)–(f) the statistics of shock induced plasticity at up = 2 km/s including twinning, rotation in nanocrystalline SiC with different grain sizes[143]
图 39 (a)~(d) λ= 1.5 nm时样品在剪切诱导下的结构演化;(e)~(h) λ= 3 nm时样品在单轴压缩下的微观结构演化[216]
Figure 39. (a)–(d) Shear-induced fracture in the nanotwinned sample with λ = 1.5 nm subjected to uniaxial compressive loading; (e)–(h) microstructural evolution of the nanotwinned sample with λ = 3 nm subjected to uniaxial compressive loading[216]
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