
张海广 王瑜 安连浩 王可 武晓东

张海广, 王瑜, 安连浩, 王可, 武晓东. 冲击载荷下分支交错层状仿生复合材料动态断裂行为的实验研究和数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 014101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210776
引用本文: 张海广, 王瑜, 安连浩, 王可, 武晓东. 冲击载荷下分支交错层状仿生复合材料动态断裂行为的实验研究和数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(1): 014101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210776
ZHANG Haiguang, WANG Yu, AN Lianhao, WANG Ke, WU Xiaodong. Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Branch Staggered Laminated Biomimetic Composites under Impact Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 014101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210776
Citation: ZHANG Haiguang, WANG Yu, AN Lianhao, WANG Ke, WU Xiaodong. Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Branch Staggered Laminated Biomimetic Composites under Impact Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2022, 36(1): 014101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210776


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210776
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11702185);山西省关键核心技术和共性技术研发攻关专项项目(2020xxx017)

    张海广(1990-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事仿生复合材料研究. E-mail:1071544066@qq.com


    武晓东(1983-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事仿生复合材料研究. E-mail:wuxiaodong@tyut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347.3

Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Branch Staggered Laminated Biomimetic Composites under Impact Loading

  • 摘要: 通过三点弯动态冲击实验和数值模拟方法,研究了分支交错层状仿生复合材料的动态断裂韧性。首先设计并制备了分支交错层状仿贝壳复合材料试样,即将一种脆性刚性材料和一种橡胶类材料分别作为复合材料的硬质层和软胶层;随后采用改进的分离式Hopkinson压杆装置进行了三点弯冲击实验;接着讨论了初始冲击速度、硬质材料长宽比、软质材料层厚度对复合材料试样动态断裂行为的影响;最后采用ABAQUS有限元数值模拟,研究了不同宽度和不同冲击方向对复合材料试样动态断裂韧性和裂纹扩展的影响。结果表明:随着冲击速度和硬质材料长宽比增加、软胶层厚度减小,裂纹越倾向于沿直线扩展,反之,裂纹越倾向于绕过硬质材料沿着软胶层呈折线扩展;试样的峰值动载荷和起裂时间也随之增大。有限元模拟结果表明:随着结构总宽度的增大,试样断裂韧性增加,裂纹倾向于绕过硬质材料沿着软胶层扩展;采用实验设计的冲击方向时,试样的断裂韧性高于其他方向。


  • 图  试样模型示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of sample model

    图  分离式Hopkinson压杆动态三点弯冲击装置

    Figure  2.  Dynamic three-point bending impact device of split Hopkinson pressure bar

    1. Strain gauge; 2. Sample; 3. Incident bar; 4. Laser velocity measurement; 5. Cylinder.

    图  应变片信号

    Figure  3.  Strain gauge signals

    图  起裂功

    Figure  4.  Work of initial fracture

    图  断口形貌的SEM图像

    Figure  5.  Morphology of the fracture observed by SEM

    图  不同冲击速度下T = 0.16 mm、$ {\lambda}$ = 1时试样的裂纹扩展

    Figure  6.  Crack propagation at T = 0.16 mm and $ {\lambda}$ = 1 under different impact velocities

    图  T = 0.24 mm、$ {\lambda}$ = 1时试样在不同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  7.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimen with T = 0.24 mm, $ {\lambda}$ = 1 under different impact velocities

    图  T = 0.24 mm、${\lambda}$ = 1时试样在不同冲击速度下的起裂功和起裂时间

    Figure  8.  Crack initiation work and initiation time of sepcimen with T = 0.24 mm, ${\lambda}$ = 1 under different impact velocities

    图  T = 0.28 mm、${\lambda}$ = 2时试样在不同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  9.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimen with T = 0.28 mm, ${\lambda}$ = 2 under different impact velocities

    图  10  T = 0.28 mm、${\lambda}$ = 2时试样在不同冲击速度下起裂功和起裂时间的关系

    Figure  10.  Crack initiation work and crack initiation time of specimen with T = 0.28 mm, ${\lambda}$ = 2 under different impact velocities

    图  11  T = 0.16 mm时试样在14.00 m/s冲击速度下的裂纹扩展

    Figure  11.  Crack propagation of T = 0.16 mm specimen under 14.00 m/s impact velocity

    图  12  T = 0.16 mm时不同长宽比试样在相同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  12.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens with T = 0.16 mm and different aspect ratios under the same impact velocity

    图  13  T = 0.24 mm时不同长宽比试样在相同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  13.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens with T = 0.16 mm and different aspect ratios under the same impact velocity

    图  15  T = 0.32 mm时不同长宽比试样在相同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  15.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens with T = 0.32 mm and different aspect ratios under the same impact velocity

    图  14  T = 0.28 mm时不同长宽比试样在相同冲击速度下的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  14.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens with T = 0.28 mm and different aspect ratios under the same impact velocity

    图  16  具有不同长宽比试样的起裂时间

    Figure  16.  Crack initiation time of samples with different aspect ratios

    图  17  具有不同长宽比试样的起裂功

    Figure  17.  Crack initiation work of specimens with different aspect ratios

    图  18  14.00 m/s冲击速度下${\lambda}$ = 2试样的裂纹扩展:(a) T =0.16 mm,(b) T =0.20 mm,(c) T =0.24 mm,(d) T =0.28 mm

    Figure  18.  Crack propagation of specimen with ${\lambda}$ = 2 under 14.00 m/s impact velocity: (a) T =0.16 mm, (b) T =0.20 mm, (c) T =0.24 mm, (d) T =0.28 mm

    图  19  相同冲击速度下${\lambda}$ = 1时不同软胶层厚度试样的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  19.  Dynamic load-displacement curve of specimens with ${\lambda}$ = 1 and different thicknesses of soft rubber layer under the same impact velocity

    图  20  相同冲击速度下${\lambda}$ = 1时不同软胶层厚度试样的起裂功和起裂时间

    Figure  20.  Crack initiation work and time of specimens with ${\lambda}$ = 1 and different thicknesses of soft rubber layer under the same impact velocity

    图  21  相同冲击速度下${\lambda}$ = 2时不同软胶层厚度试样的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  21.  Dynamic load-displacement curve of specimens with ${\lambda}$ = 2 and different thicknesses of soft rubber layer at the same impact velocity

    图  22  相同冲击速度下${\lambda}$ = 2时不同软胶层厚度试样的起裂功和起裂时间

    Figure  22.  Crack initiation work and time of specimens with ${\lambda}$ = 2 and different thicknesses of soft rubber layer at the same impact velocity

    图  23  有限元几何模型及网格划分

    Figure  23.  Finite element geometrical model and meshing

    图  24  ${\lambda}$ = 1、T = 0.16 mm时试样的动载荷-位移曲线的实验与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  24.  Comparison between dynamic load-displacement experiment and numerical simulation of the specimen with ${\lambda}$ = 1, T = 0.16 mm

    图  25  ${\lambda}$ = 1、T = 0.20 mm时试样的动载荷-位移曲线的实验与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  25.  Comparison between dynamic load-displacement experiment and numerical simulation of the specimen with ${\lambda}$ = 1, T = 0.20 mm

    图  26  不同总宽度试样的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  26.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens with different total widths

    图  27  不同总宽度试样的裂纹起裂时间和损伤耗散能量

    Figure  27.  Crack initiation time and damage dissipation energy of specimens with different total widths

    图  28  3种不同总宽度试样的裂纹扩展形式

    Figure  28.  Three crack propagation forms of specimens with different total widths

    图  29  3种不同冲击方向的试样

    Figure  29.  Three samples with different impact directions

    图  30  不同冲击方向试样的动载荷-位移曲线

    Figure  30.  Dynamic load-displacement curves of specimens in different impact directions

    图  31  不同冲击方向下裂纹起裂时间和损伤耗散能量

    Figure  31.  Crack initiation time and damage dissipation energy in different impact directions

    表  1  动态实验测试的参数值

    Table  1.   Parameters of the dynamic experimental tests

    A/mm2E/GPa${\,\rho }$/(kg·m−3)C0/(m·s−1)C1/(m·s−1)
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