
吕超 张旭平 王桂吉 罗斌强 罗宁 吴恒安 谭福利 赵剑衡 刘仓理 孙承纬

吕超, 张旭平, 王桂吉, 罗斌强, 罗宁, 吴恒安, 谭福利, 赵剑衡, 刘仓理, 孙承纬. 冲击载荷下Ni52Ti48合金的微观响应特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(4): 040107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210769
引用本文: 吕超, 张旭平, 王桂吉, 罗斌强, 罗宁, 吴恒安, 谭福利, 赵剑衡, 刘仓理, 孙承纬. 冲击载荷下Ni52Ti48合金的微观响应特性[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(4): 040107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210769
LÜ Chao, ZHANG Xuping, WANG Guiji, LUO Binqiang, LUO Ning, WU Heng’an, TAN Fuli, ZHAO Jianheng, LIU Cangli, SUN Chengwei. Micro-Scale Response Characteristics of Ni52Ti48 Alloy under Shock Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(4): 040107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210769
Citation: LÜ Chao, ZHANG Xuping, WANG Guiji, LUO Binqiang, LUO Ning, WU Heng’an, TAN Fuli, ZHAO Jianheng, LIU Cangli, SUN Chengwei. Micro-Scale Response Characteristics of Ni52Ti48 Alloy under Shock Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(4): 040107. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210769


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210769
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11972031,12002327)

    吕 超(1993-),男,博士研究生,主要从事极端条件下材料动力学行为研究. E-mail:lvchao595@163.com


    王桂吉(1977-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事极端条件下材料动力学行为、新型动高压实验技术研究. E-mail:wangguiji@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O521.2; O347

Micro-Scale Response Characteristics of Ni52Ti48 Alloy under Shock Loading

  • 摘要: 为了了解近等原子比NiTi合金在高压高应变率下的动态变形行为和微结构演化特性及机制,采用实验和分子动力学模拟方法,开展了NiTi冲击压缩和冲击加-卸载拉伸研究。在实验方面,基于大电流脉冲功率CQ-4装置,利用电磁驱动高速飞片,结合动量陷阱和软回收实验技术,开展了冲击压缩与冲击加-卸载拉伸作用下Ni52Ti48合金的动态变形特性研究,借助X射线衍射和电子背散射衍射显微技术,对回收Ni52Ti48合金样品进行微结构特征观察和分析。结果表明,Ni52Ti48在冲击压缩和拉伸下都没有发生马氏体相变,主要变形方式为位错滑移等塑性变形。在分子动力学数值模拟方面,计算结果很好地反映了实验观察到的微结构特征,计算得到的不同初始环境温度和不同冲击速度下Ni52Ti48合金的层裂强度表现出明显的卸载拉伸应变率效应。相关工作加深了对Ni52Ti48合金在高压高应变率下变形行为的理解和认识,为其在极端环境下的安全服役提供了参考。


  • 图  EBSD测得的Ni52Ti48合金显微组织的反极图(a)[9]、取向分布散点图(b)及取向分布密度图(c)

    Figure  1.  Inverse polo figure (IPF) map[9] (a), scatter diagrams (b) and contour map (c) of as-received polycrystalline NiTi samples measured by EBSD

    图  电磁驱动平板冲击压缩实验原理(a)及平板冲击压缩实验典型速度曲线(b)[9]

    Figure  2.  Schematic of magnetically driven planar shock experiments (a) and typical velocity profiles of shock wave experiments (b)[9]

    图  电磁驱动平板冲击压缩-卸载拉伸实验原理(a)及样品自由面速度历史(b)[23]

    Figure  3.  Schematic of magnetically driven planar shock compression and unloading tensile experiments (a) and the free surface velocity profiles of samples (b)[23]

    图  初始和实验回收多晶NiTi样品的XRD谱[9]

    Figure  4.  XRD patterns of as-received and experimentally recovered polycrystalline NiTi samples[9]

    图  冲击加载速度up = 0.927 km/s时冲击压缩回收NiTi样品的反极图(a)以及孪晶(b)和再结晶(c)的局部放大图

    Figure  5.  (a) EBSD characterizations of experimentally recovered polycrystalline NiTi samples at shock loading velocity up = 0.927 km/s at room temperature, and the corresponding amplified configurations in (a), which represent (b) twins and (c) re-crystalline, respectively

    图  冲击压缩加载下NiTi样品在横向(x0)、纵向(y0)和法向(z0)的取向分布散点图(a)和取向分布密度图(b)

    Figure  6.  IPF distribution of horizontal (x0), longitudinal (y0) and normal (z0) direction of NiTi under shock compression: (a) scatter diagrams, (b) contour map

    图  NiTi合金初始样品(a)和冲击压缩回收样品(c)的极射赤面(赤道面)投影图及其对应的晶界角度分布(b, d)

    Figure  7.  Pole figures (equatorial plane) of NiTi: (a) as-received and (c) recovered samples under shock compression; (b) and (d): the histograms of frequency and distribution of the boundaries for (a) and (c), respectively

    图  不同冲击粒子速度下的一维应力波剖面演化(a);不同冲击粒子速度下的演化结果比较:(b) 0.6 km/s,(c) 0.8 km/s,(d) 1.0 km/s(不同的状态以红色长划线区分,微结构包括孪晶T1、T2、T3和新晶粒(NG),用CNA方法进行表征,冲击方向用黑色箭头标示);初始奥氏体以及图8(b)图8(c)图8(d)所示nc-NiTi模型的模拟XRD分析结果(e)[20]

    Figure  8.  (a) 1D pressure profiles in nc-NiTi under different shock-loading velocities; comparisons of simulated results corresponding to (a) at initial ambient temperature 300 K and different loading velocities: (b) 0.6 km/s, (c) 0.8 km/s, (d) 1.0 km/s (Different states are distinguished by red long dashes. The microstructures are characterized by CNA methods: twin T1, T2, T3 and new grain (NG). The shock direction is labelled by black arrows.); the simulated XRD patterns (e) of the nc-NiTi models for initial austenite, Fig.8(b), Fig.8(c) and Fig.8(d), respectively[20]

    图  nc-NiTi {112}奥氏体孪晶T1在冲击速度up = 0.6 km/s下的成核和扩展[20]

    Figure  9.  Nucleation and growth of {112} twin T1 in austenite phase at shock loading velocity up = 0.6 km/s for nc-NiTi[20]

    图  10  up = 0.6 km/s和up = 0.8 km/s两种情况下孪晶和位错的竞争机制[20]

    Figure  10.  Competition mechanism of twins and dislocations at up = 0.6 km/s and up = 0.8 km/s[20]

    图  11  up = 1.0 km/s时三叉晶界处形成的非晶剪切带以及B2结构的sc-NiTi和nc-NiTi中非晶剪切带的径向分布函数g(r)[20]

    Figure  11.  Formation of amorphous shear band at grain boundaries (GBs) triple junction for shock loading velocity up = 1.0 km/s, and the radical distribution function g(r) of the B2 structure sc-NiTi and amorphous shear band in nc-NiTi[20]

    图  12  (a)~(c) up = 0.8 km/s时新晶粒的微结构演变,(d)~(f) 微结构演变沿x轴的OM分析结果,(g)~(h) 变形前后B2-NiTi在(011)面上的投影[20]

    Figure  12.  (a)–(c) Microstructural evolution of new grain for shock loading velocity up = 0.8 km/s; (d)–(f) the corresponding region based on OM analysis along the x axis; projection of B2-NiTi crystal position on (011) plane before (g) and after (h) deformation[20]

    图  13  冲击拉伸实验回收样品的EBSD 表征分析结果:(a)~(c) Shot 741, (d)~(f) Shot 739, (g)~(h) Shot 738

    Figure  13.  EBSD characterization analysis results of samples recovered from shock tensile experiments: (a)–(c) Shot 741, (d)–(f) Shot 739, (g)–(h) Shot 738

    图  14  NiTi合金冲击拉伸实验回收样品的极射赤面(赤道面)投影图:(a) Shot 741,$\sigma $H = 6.4 GPa;(b) Shot 738,$\sigma $H = 12.4 GPa

    Figure  14.  Pole figures (equatorial plane) of the NiTi alloy recovered from shock tensile experiments: (a) Shot 741, $\sigma $H = 6.4 GPa; (b) Shot 738, $\sigma $H = 12.4 GPa

    图  15  对应于图13中EBSD表征结果的局部变形程度以及变形结构、再结晶结构和亚结构分布:(a)~(b) Shot 739,$\sigma $H = 8.5 GPa;(c)~(d) Shot 738,$\sigma $H = 12.4 GPa

    Figure  15.  Local deformation degree and distribution of the deformed structure, recrystallized structure, and substructure of the EBSD characterization in Fig.13: (a)–(b) Shot 739, $\sigma $H = 8.5 GPa; (c)–(d) Shot 738, $\sigma $H = 12.4 GPa

    图  16  不同初始环境温度及不同冲击速度下的自由面速度历史

    Figure  16.  Free surface velocity histories corresponding to different shock loading velocities and initial ambient temperatures

    图  17  不同应变率下NiTi合金的层裂强度

    Figure  17.  Spall strength of NiTi alloys at different strain rates

    表  1  实验用NiTi合金材料的基本数据[9]

    Table  1.   Characteristics of as-received NiTi alloy[9]

    Composition$\,\rho $/(g·cm−3)CLO/(km·s−1)Cs/(km·s−1)Cb/(km·s−1)$\nu $TMs/℃TMf/℃TAs/℃TAf/℃
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    表  2  不同初始环境温度下的层裂强度和拉伸应变率

    Table  2.   Spall strength and tensile strain rate at different initial ambient temperatures

    T/Kup/(km·s−1)Binning analysisAcoustic approximation
    $\sigma{ _{ {\rm{sp} } }^{ {\rm{MD} } } }$/GPa${\dot \sigma {_{ {\rm{MD} } }} }$/(1010 s−1) $\sigma {_{ {\rm{sp} } }^{\rm{a} }}$/GPa${\dot \sigma {_{\rm{a} }} }$/(1010 s−1)
    0.4 9.40.711.00.6
    0.4 9.01.0 9.51.0
    0.8 9.92.510.41.1
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