Effect of Solution Temperature on Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of TB6 Titanium Alloy
摘要: 研究了固溶温度对近β相TB6钛合金动态力学性能和微观组织的影响。以分离式霍普金森压杆为加载手段,对固溶处理前后的TB6钛合金进行了动态压缩试验。结果表明:固溶处理前后TB6钛合金都具有应变率强化效应,压缩破坏形式为典型的剪切破坏;TB6钛合金由应变硬化效应转变为应变软化效应的固溶温度为700~750 ℃。光学显微镜观测、X射线衍射和扫描电镜表征结果表明:700 ℃固溶处理后,TB6钛合金中的初生α相部分溶解,强度下降;750 ℃及以上固溶处理后,初生α相全部转化为β相,β晶粒长大,强度提升,但塑性显著降低。Abstract: The effect of solution temperature on the dynamic mechanical properties and microstructure of near-β-phase TB6 titanium alloy was studied. Dynamic compression tests were carried out through the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system, with untreated and treated TB6 titanium alloy specimens. The results indicate that both the untreated and treated TB6 titanium alloys perform the strengthening effect of strain rate, and their compression mode is exhibited as the typical shear failure. The solution temperature that converts the strain hardening of TB6 into strain softening is ranging from 700 ℃ to 750 ℃. The microscopic performance characterized by optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods show that the primary α-phase in TB6 is partially dissolved and the strength decreases after a solution treatment at 700 ℃. When the solution treatment is equal to or greater than 750 ℃, the primary α-phase is completely transformed into β-phase. The β grain becomes bigger and the strength increases, but the plasticity decreases evidently.
H O N Fe Al V Ti 0.01 0.03 0.03 1.93 2.93 10.13 Rest 表 2 试样第一次破坏时的力学性能指标
Table 2. Mechanical performance of specimens for the first shear fracture
Temperature/℃ Maximum plastic strain Yield stress Value Ratio/% Value/MPa Ratio/% Untreated 0.1817 1115 700 0.1660 −8.64 1010 −9.42 750 0.0621 −65.82 1275 14.35 800 0.0254 −86.02 1323 18.65 -
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