Progress in Dynamic Responses and Microstructure Evolution of the Additive Manufactured Alloys under Impact Load
摘要: 作为近20年来快速发展的制造技术,增材制造技术能够快速、直接制造形状复杂的零件,在工业领域得到越来越多的应用。在实际应用中,这些增材制造的零部件经常承受高速冲击载荷作用,因此其动态承载能力及破坏失效特征是人们关注的焦点,也给增材制造技术及其产品在国防军事、武器装备等领域的应用带来巨大挑战。首先综述增材制造技术的原理和特点;然后着重介绍在高速冲击等极端情况下增材制造金属零部件的宏/微观力学响应特征,探讨新的制造方法带来的金属材料动态性能的新变化;最后展望增材制造技术及产品在国防军事、武器装备等领域的发展前景。Abstract: As a rapidly developing technology in the past two decades, additive manufacturing has been widely used in industries due to its high-efficiently in manufacture, particularly for the components with complex geometry. Since these components usually subjected to high-speed impact in application, the issue of load-bearing capacity and failure characteristics becomes a major concern, also causes great challenges for the application of laser additive manufacturing technology and product development in national defense, military and weapons. In this study, the technical principles and characteristics of additive manufacturing was summarized, and then the macro/micro mechanical response of additive manufactured metallic components subjected to high-speed impact was introduced emphatically. The changes induced by the new manufacturing techniques in dynamic performance of metallic materials were explored. Lastly, the potential prospects of additive manufacturing techniques as well as the products were forecast in the field of national defense and military weapons.
图 11 通过不同的波长组合和样品到探测器的距离获得原始样品(a)和变形样品(b)的暗场响应,以及加载后的相分布(c)(绿色代表马氏体,红色代表奥氏体)[82]
Figure 11. Measured data (points) and theoretical models (lines) assuming a random two phase medium model for the as-built (a) and deformed (b) samples, (c) phase image after impacting (Red represents austenitic phase, and green represents martensitic phase.)[82]
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