Numerical Simulation for PBX Charges Safety of Different Types During Penetration
摘要: 为研究侵彻过程典型装药的力学响应和损伤点火过程,采用高聚物黏结炸药微裂纹-微孔洞力热化学耦合细观模型,对侵彻过程中PBX装药的力学响应、应力波传播情况和损伤-温升机理进行了研究,标定了两类炸药的本构模型参数,对比分析了压装PBX04和浇注GOFL-5两类装药的力学-损伤-温升响应的差异性。结果表明:GOFL-5炸药的屈服强度、硬化模量、初始微裂纹密度和微裂纹尺寸均小于PBX04炸药;加载初期,压装药头部微裂纹损伤高于浇注药;整个侵彻过程中,两类炸药的微裂纹损伤较严重区域均为装药头部和尾部;剪切裂纹热点为压装药主导的温升机制,且浇注药GOFL-5在侵彻过程中的温升较压装药PBX04更低。Abstract: In order to analyze the mechanical response and damage-ignition process of typical explosive charges in projectiles during penetrating concrete targets, the combined microcrack and microvoid model (CMM) were used to investigate the compressive wave propagation, damage and temperature rise mechanism of PBX charge in penetration process. The constitutive model parameters of two kinds of explosives were calibrated. Meanwhile, the difference between two typical PBXs (pressed PBX04 and casted GOFL-5) in response to penetration process is compared. The results show that, the yield strength, hardening modulus, initial microcrack density and microcrack size of GOFL-5 are lower than those of PBX04. The damage of microcrack in the head of PBX04 is higher than that of GOFL-5 in the initial loading stage. During the whole penetration process, the most serious microcrack damage areas of the two kinds of explosives are the head and tail. Shear-crack hotspot is the dominated ignition mechanism for PBX04, and the temperature rise of GOFL-5 is lower than that of PBX04.
Key words:
- PBX explosive /
- projectile penetration /
- microcrack-microvoid model /
- charge safety
表 1 GOFL-5与PBX04材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters for GOFL-5 and PBX04
Material $\;\rho $0/(kg·m−3) G/GPa $\nu$ G1/MPa G2/MPa G3/MPa G4/MPa G5/MPa ${\tau{_1^{-1} } } /{\rm{s} }{^{-1} }$ GOFL-5 1 750 0.55 0.3 167 30.45 90.03 185.6 120.0 0 PBX04 1 820 8.25 0.3 1 940 1 175.00 1 521.00 1 909.0 1 688.0 0 Material ${\tau{_2^{-1} } } /{\rm{s} }{^{-1} }$ ${\tau{_3^{-1} } } /{\rm{s} }{^{-1} }$ ${\tau{_4^{-1} } } /{\rm{s} }{^{-1} }$ ${\tau{_5^{-1} } } /{\rm{s} }{^{-1} }$ $\sigma{{_0}}$/MPa C h/MPa n ${\bar c}$0/μm GOFL-5 7.32 × 103 7.32 × 104 7.32 × 105 7.32 × 106 2.2 0.76 4.5 0.45 30 PBX04 9.00 × 103 9.00 × 104 9.00 × 105 2.00 × 106 40.0 0.10 1500.0 1.00 30 Material N0/cm−3 $\bar \gamma $/(J·m−2) ${\dot c_{\max }}$/(m·s–1) $\;\mu_{\rm{s}}$ m f0/(m·s–1) kw c0/(m·s–1) s $\varGamma $ GOFL-5 3 0.5 300 0.3 5.0 0.01 2.0 1 000 0.46 0.89 PBX04 300 1.4 300 0.5 5.0 0.01 2.0 2 500 2.26 1.50 表 2 弹体材料参数
Table 2. Parameters of projectile material
Physical properties Johnson-Cook model $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) c/(J·kg−1·K−1) $\kappa $/(kW·m−1·K−1) $\alpha $/(m·K−1) Tm/℃ G/GPa N M 7.82 478 38.11 3.24 × 10−5 1 793.15 774.97 0.26 1.03 Johnson-Cook model Damage model C1/MPa C2/MPa C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 792.21 509.52 1.4 0 –0.8 2.1 –0.5 20.0 0.61 表 3 混凝土靶板材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of concrete plate target
Physical properties HJC model $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) c/(J·kg−1·K−1) κ/(kW·m−1·K−1) α/(m·K−1) G/GPa FC/MPa A B N C 2.28 654 1.76 4.32 × 10−5 16.40 40.68 0.75 1.65 0.76 7.0 × 10−3 HJC model Damage model pC/MPa UC pL/GPa UL K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa D1 D2 $\varepsilon $min 13.56 5.80 × 10−4 1.05 0.10 17.40 38.80 29.80 0.03 1.0 0.01 -
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