Explosion-Electricity Coupling Effect of RDX Plastic Explosive
摘要: 为了寻求一种新的提高炸药输出性能的途径,对外界电能与炸药自身爆炸能量耦合进行了研究,设计、组建了爆电耦合试验装置,选取平板RDX塑性炸药为研究对象,以爆速仪测量的爆速和光子多普勒测速技术测量的爆压作为爆电耦合增益的主要表征参量,研究爆电耦合对炸药输出性能的影响。通过分析炸药爆电耦合过程中的电学性能,定性地分析了爆电耦合效应的反应历程,并提出了RDX塑性炸药爆电耦合效应的可能作用机理。研究结果表明:爆电耦合效应可以有效地将电能沉积到炸药爆炸的反应区中,在保证其余条件相同的前提下,爆电耦合效应对RDX塑性炸药的爆速、von Neumann峰值压力和Chapman-Jouguet压力均有一定的提升。通过对爆电耦合的理论和试验研究,提出了一种增强炸药输出性能的方式,对炸药性能提升研究具有一定的理论价值和指导意义。Abstract: In order to find a new way to improve the output performance of explosives, the coupling of external electrical energy and explosive energy of the explosive itself was studied. At the same time, an explosion-electricity coupling (EEC) device was designed and set up, and a flat RDX plastic explosive was selected as the research object. The detonation velocity measured by the detonation velocimeter and the detonation pressure measured by the photonic Doppler velocimetry were used as the main characteristic parameters of the EEC gain to study the effect of the EEC on the output performance of the explosive. By analyzing the electrical properties of explosives in the process of EEC, the reaction process of EEC was qualitatively analyzed, and the possible mechanism of the EEC of RDX plastic explosives was proposed. The research results show that the EEC can effectively deposit electrical energy in the explosive reaction zone. In the premise of ensuring the same other conditions, the EEC can increase the detonation velocity, von Neumann spike pressure and Chapman-Jouguet pressure of RDX plastic explosives to a certain extent. The above work puts forward a way to enhance the output performance of explosives through theoretical and experimental research on EEC, which has a certain theoretical value and guiding significance for the research on the enhancement of explosive performance in the future.
表 1 爆电耦合下塑性炸药的爆速增益
Table 1. Detonation velocity gain of the plastic explosive under EEC
$\;\rho $0/(g·cm−3) Thickness/mm v0/(m·s−1) vEEC/(m·s−1) Increment/(m·s−1) Percentage/% 1.30 3.00 6364 6591 227 3.57 表 2 塑性炸药爆电耦合效应爆压增益情况
Table 2. Detonation pressure gain of the plastic explosive under EEC
Loading conditions uVN/(m·s−1) uC-J/(m·s−1) pVN/GPa pC-J/GPa $\tau $/μs a/mm $\delta_{p_{\rm{VN}}} $/% $\delta_{p_{\text{C-J}}} $/% No power 1990.70 967.63 28.98 12.32 0.1134 0.58 10.28 2.19 Power up 2135.57 976.11 31.96 12.59 0.1138 0.61 -
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