Ballistic Performance Analysis and Gradient Optimization Design of Ceramic Ball and Metal Composite Armor
摘要: 陶瓷是具有轻质高强特性的常用抗弹材料,但其本身的脆性特点使得陶瓷利用率较低,局部的击穿往往导致整块陶瓷破碎。为了提高陶瓷的利用率,提出了一种分层梯度陶瓷球金属复合结构,并通过数值模拟研究了陶瓷球尺寸及着弹点的影响。从子弹和靶板的变形、弹速变化和塑性波传播等角度分析了陶瓷球金属复合结构的抗弹机理,并对结构进行了梯度优化设计。研究结果表明,直径为7.2 mm的陶瓷球结构的综合抗弹性能良好,在此基础上设计的梯度陶瓷球结构能进一步提升抗弹性。陶瓷球金属复合靶板呈局部破坏,靶板其他位置仍具有抗打击能力。Abstract: Ceramics is commonly used as ballistic resistant material due to lightweight and high strength properties. However, due to its brittleness, the use efficiency of ceramics is low, and local breakdown often leads to the breakage of the whole ceramic. In order to improve the use efficiency of ceramics, a composite structure of layered gradient ceramic ball and aluminum was presented in this study, and the influences of ceramic ball size and hitting position were studied with numerical simulation method. The anti-ballistic mechanism of ceramic ball-metal composite structures was analyzed from the deformation of bullet and target plate, the change of bullet velocity and the plastic wave propagation, and then the optimization design of anti-ballistic structure was proposed. The results show that the ceramic ball with a diameter of 7.2 mm has an excellent property of anti-ballistic capability. The layered gradient ceramic ball structure designed can further improve the anti-ballistic capability. The ceramic ball-metal composite target plate is damaged locally, and the other parts of the target still have the anti-ballistic capability.
$\;\rho $/(kg·m−3) G/GPa a b c m n σHEL/GPa d1 d2 K1 K2 K3 2510 197 0.927 0.7 0.005 0.85 0.67 19 0.001 0.5 233 −593 2800 Material $\;\rho $/(kg·m−3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa N C M Tm/K Cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) Steel (bullet) 7850 77.5 1540 477 0.16 0 1 1793 470 Aluminum 2780 28 330 445 0.73 0 1.7 775 880 Material D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 C2 a2 S1 Steel (bullet) 1.5 0 0 0 0 4569 0.46 1.33 Aluminum 0.112 0.123 1.5 0.007 0 3173 0.46 1.49 表 3 不同着弹点下各类复合靶板的侵彻结果
Table 3. Penetration results of various composite target plates at different penetration positions
Structure Penetration results Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 A Nonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 14.6 mmPenetrating
Residual velocity: 28.0 m/sPenetrating
Residual velocity: 105.0 m/sB Nonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 15.6 mmNonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 17.7 mmNonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 22.9 mmC Nonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 19.4 mmNonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 20.4 mmPenetrating
Residual velocity: 71.0 m/sD Nonpenetrating
Penetration depth: 23.1 mmPenetrating
Residual velocity: 37.0 m/sPenetrating
Residual velocity: 111.0 m/s -
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