
陈铭 张永亮 郑航 赵凯 郑志军

陈铭, 张永亮, 郑航, 赵凯, 郑志军. 陶瓷球金属复合结构的抗弹性能和梯度设计[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 054201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210739
引用本文: 陈铭, 张永亮, 郑航, 赵凯, 郑志军. 陶瓷球金属复合结构的抗弹性能和梯度设计[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 054201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210739
CHEN Ming, ZHANG Yongliang, ZHENG Hang, ZHAO Kai, ZHENG Zhijun. Ballistic Performance Analysis and Gradient Optimization Design of Ceramic Ball and Metal Composite Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 054201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210739
Citation: CHEN Ming, ZHANG Yongliang, ZHENG Hang, ZHAO Kai, ZHENG Zhijun. Ballistic Performance Analysis and Gradient Optimization Design of Ceramic Ball and Metal Composite Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 054201. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210739


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210739
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(WK2090000019)

    陈 铭(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事陶瓷装甲防护研究. E-mail:chenm182@mail.ustc.edu.cn


    张永亮(1987-),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:ylz2018@ustc.edu.cn

    郑志军(1979-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事冲击动力学研究. E-mail:zjzheng@ustc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385

Ballistic Performance Analysis and Gradient Optimization Design of Ceramic Ball and Metal Composite Armor

  • 摘要: 陶瓷是具有轻质高强特性的常用抗弹材料,但其本身的脆性特点使得陶瓷利用率较低,局部的击穿往往导致整块陶瓷破碎。为了提高陶瓷的利用率,提出了一种分层梯度陶瓷球金属复合结构,并通过数值模拟研究了陶瓷球尺寸及着弹点的影响。从子弹和靶板的变形、弹速变化和塑性波传播等角度分析了陶瓷球金属复合结构的抗弹机理,并对结构进行了梯度优化设计。研究结果表明,直径为7.2 mm的陶瓷球结构的综合抗弹性能良好,在此基础上设计的梯度陶瓷球结构能进一步提升抗弹性。陶瓷球金属复合靶板呈局部破坏,靶板其他位置仍具有抗打击能力。


  • 图  弹体侵彻模型(单位:mm)[7]

    Figure  1.  Projectile penetration model (Unit: mm)[7]

    图  密排堆积结构的力传递特点

    Figure  2.  Force transmission characteristics of a close-packed structure

    图  不同尺寸陶瓷球的均布结构

    Figure  3.  Uniform distribution structures of ceramic balls with different sizes

    图  梯度陶瓷球结构

    Figure  4.  Graded distribution structures of ceramic balls

    图  (a) 弹体侵彻模型和(b) 12.7mm穿燃弹侵彻陶瓷/铝半无限靶损伤演化过程

    Figure  5.  (a) Projectile penetration model and (b) damage evolution of a 12.7 mm armor-piercing explosive incendiary bullet penetrating into a semi-finite ceramic/aluminum composite target

    图  不同着弹点示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic of different penetration locations

    图  弹体侵彻过程中的速度历史曲线

    Figure  7.  Velocity histories during projectile penetration

    图  弹体在位置1处侵彻时各类复合靶板的变形过程

    Figure  8.  Deformation processes of various composite target plates at Position 1

    图  弹体侵彻结构A时不同位置的速度历史曲线

    Figure  9.  Velocity histories during the bullet penetrating into structure A at different hitting positions

    图  10  弹体在位置3处侵彻时结构A的变形过程

    Figure  10.  Deformation process during the bullet penetrating into structure A at Position 3

    图  11  弹体侵彻位置3处各类结构的侵深

    Figure  11.  Penetration depth of various structures at Position 3

    图  12  弹体侵彻梯度结构的速度历史曲线

    Figure  12.  Bullet velocity histories for the gradient structures

    图  13  各类梯度陶瓷球结构的侵彻变形

    Figure  13.  Deformation of various gradient ceramic ball structures under impact

    图  14  梯度G结构的塑性区域变化

    Figure  14.  Variations of plastic region of gradient structure G

    图  15  不同着弹点结构B与结构G的侵深

    Figure  15.  Penetration depth of structure B and structure G at different positions

    表  1  碳化硼陶瓷的JH-2模型参数[10]

    Table  1.   Parameters in JH-2 model for boron carbide ceramics[10]

    $\;\rho $/(kg·m−3)G/GPaabcmnσHEL/GPad1d2K1K2K3
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    表  2  金属的Johnson-Cook模型参数[12-14]

    Table  2.   Parameters in the Johnson-Cook model for metal[12-14]

    Material$\;\rho $/(kg·m−3)G/GPaA/MPaB/MPaNCMTm/K Cp/(J·kg−1·K−1)
    Steel (bullet)785077.515404770.16011793470
    Aluminum2780283304450.7301.7775 880
    Steel (bullet)1.5000045690.461.33
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    表  3  不同着弹点下各类复合靶板的侵彻结果

    Table  3.   Penetration results of various composite target plates at different penetration positions

    StructurePenetration results
    Position 1Position 2Position 3
    Penetration depth: 14.6 mm
    Residual velocity: 28.0 m/s
    Residual velocity: 105.0 m/s
    Penetration depth: 15.6 mm
    Penetration depth: 17.7 mm
    Penetration depth: 22.9 mm
    Penetration depth: 19.4 mm
    Penetration depth: 20.4 mm
    Residual velocity: 71.0 m/s
    Penetration depth: 23.1 mm
    Residual velocity: 37.0 m/s
    Residual velocity: 111.0 m/s
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