Mechanical Behavior and Failure Mechanism of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loading
摘要: 为研究环氧树脂玻璃钢在静、动态载荷作用下的力学性能,采用材料测试系统(MTS)和分离式霍普金森压杆(Split Hopkinson pressure bar,SHPB)对材料进行面内和面外方向的压缩实验,获得了不同应变率下材料的应力-应变曲线及相关力学参数。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察材料的微观破坏形貌,分析了材料的失效机理。静、动态压缩实验结果表明:环氧树脂玻璃钢具有明显的应变率敏感性以及各向异性;分层损伤是材料受面内加载发生破坏的原因,两个加载方向下材料均会产生层间贯穿的剪切裂纹。断口微观观测分析显示:动态载荷作用下,被拔出的纤维表面附着大量树脂基体,表明纤维-基体界面的作用力增强可能是导致环氧树脂玻璃钢动、静态力学响应差异的原因之一。针对材料的动态力学响应特性,建立了考虑应变率效应的非线性动态损伤模型。通过对比实验数据与拟合结果发现,该模型可以较好地描述环氧树脂玻璃钢在高应变率下的力学行为和特性。Abstract: To study the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced plastic composites under static and dynamic loading, compression experiments were conducted in two directions using a materials testing system (MTS) and a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The typical damage pattern of the composites was obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the material has strong strain rate sensitivity and anisotropy. Delamination damage and interlaminar crush are the factors that caused the in-plane and out-of-plane loading damage, respectively. The microscopic analysis of the fracture shows that the degree of fiber-matrix fragmentation is higher under dynamic loading. The force between the fiber-matrix interface is stronger, which may be one reason for the difference in the dynamic and static mechanical response of the material. A compressive constitutive model with strain-rate and damage effects was developed to accurately describe the dynamic compressive stress-strain behaviors of the composite along the two perpendicular directions.
表 1 不同应变率面内加载下环氧树脂玻璃钢的相关力学参数
Table 1. Mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced plastics subjected to in-plane loading at various strain rates
$\dot{\varepsilon} $/s−1 E/GPa $\sigma $y/MPa $\sigma $c/MPa $\varepsilon $f 0.001 10.3 408.2 0.040 246 85.2 236.2 356 88.7 262.5 476.2 0.021 645 91.2 316.7 575.5 0.026 918 96.4 475.3 658.4 0.024 1145 98.1 471.0 665.9 0.025 表 2 不同应变率面外加载下环氧树脂玻璃钢的相关力学参数
Table 2. Mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced plastics subjected to out-of-plane loading at various strain rates
$\dot{\varepsilon} $/s−1 E/GPa $\sigma $y/MPa $\sigma $c/MPa $\varepsilon $f 0.001 6.1 584.4 0.091 612 38.7 212.6 830 52.6 325.1 681.9 0.060 1035 54.7 332.4 775.6 0.067 1154 54.9 347.6 771.2 0.068 1346 52.1 371.8 766.8 0.070 表 3 环氧树脂玻璃钢本构模型拟合参数
Table 3. Material constants of glass fiber reinforced plastics constitutive model
Loading direction D1 D0 $\xi $ B A m n In-plane loading 10.20 0.018 0.86 1.20 6320 1.35 0.32 Out-of-plane loading 8.53 0.006 0.97 0.97 7308 2.56 0.14 -
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