Mechanical Properties of AlxCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy: A Molecular Dynamics Study
摘要: 通过分子动力学方法模拟了原子尺度下高熵合金的制备过程,对AlCoCrFeNi进行了微观组织分析,研究了温度和Al含量变化时AlCoCrFeNi高熵合金在轴向载荷作用下的力学性能。模拟结果显示:AlxCoCrFeNi高熵合金在拉伸过程中依次经历弹性—屈服—塑性阶段。屈服后,材料开始出现位错,随之出现层错和孪晶;随着位错的不断产生和湮灭,材料产生了不均匀塑性变形。分析显示:Al与其他元素的原子半径差产生的晶格畸变效应以及Al与其他原子的结合力影响了高熵合金的杨氏模量和屈服应力;温度升高导致金属原子间的热振动加剧,原子动能增加,原子间的距离增大,原子间的结合力下降,致使合金的弹性模量和屈服应力下降,温度的净效应类似于晶格畸变。Abstract: The fabrication process of the high-entropy alloys (HEAs) at the atomic scale was investigated numerically through molecular dynamics (MD) approach, with which the micro-structures of AlxCoCrFeNi were analyzed. The mechanical properties of the fabricated specimens with different Al contents subjected to axial loads were explored at different temperatures. Numerical results show that the high-entropy alloys AlxCoCrFeNi undergoes the elastic, yielding and plastic stages in order when subjected to tensile. After yielding, dislocation lines emerge in the material, followed by the stacking faults and twins. The material produces inhomogeneous plastic deformation with the continuous generation and disappearance of dislocations. This analysis suggest that the lattice distortion effect is induced by the radius difference between Al atoms and other atoms, additionally, the binding force between them affects the Young's modulus and yield stress of high-entropy alloys. Moreover, the increase of temperature leads to more severe thermal vibration between metal atoms, larger atomic dynamic energy, increasing distance between atoms, while decreasing binding force between atoms, thereby resulting in a decrease of alloy elastic modality and yield stress. The effect of temperature is similar to that of the lattice distortion.
Key words:
- high-entropy alloys /
- molecular dynamics /
- stretching /
- temperature /
- aluminum content
表 1 不同原子的半径
Table 1. Radius of different atoms
Å Al Co Cr Fe Ni 1.43 1.25 1.24 1.24 1.24 表 2 晶格常数、混合熵、混合焓、熔化相互作用参数及原子尺寸差
Table 2. Lattice constants, entropy of mixing, enthalpy of mixing, regular melt interaction parameter, and atomic-size difference
Alloy Lattice constant/nm ${\Delta }{S}{_{ {\rm{mix} }} }$/(J·mol−1·K−1) ${\Delta }{H}{_{\rm{mix} } }/(\mathrm{k}\mathrm{J} \cdot {\mathrm{m}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{l} }{^{-1}})$ $ \varOmega $ $\delta /\text{%}$ CoCrFeNi 0.3580 11.53 −3.75 5.71 1.06 Al0.25CoCrFeNi 0.3592 12.71 −6.25 3.40 3.25 Al0.50CoCrFeNi 0.3603, 0.2875 13.15 −9.09 2.55 4.22 Al0.75CoCrFeNi 0.3603, 0.2877 13.33 −10.90 2.09 4.83 AlCoCrFeNi 0.2879 13.38 −12.32 1.83 5.25 表 3 AlxCoCrFeNi高熵合金中Al含量、各元素原子个数及模型体积和密度
Table 3. Al concentration, atomic number of each element and bulk and density of the model in AlxCoCrFeNi HEA
x xAl/% Atomic number Volume/(10−30 m3) Density/(g·cm−3) Al Co Cr Fe Ni 0.1 2.4 2250 23703 23184 23439 23424 1088008.3 8.160 0.3 7.0 6948 21903 22902 22059 22188 1107889.7 7.799 0.5 11.1 10959 20898 21924 21123 21096 1126321.6 7.497 0.7 14.9 14616 19998 20895 20331 20160 1144551.1 7.222 1.0 20.0 19047 19092 19641 19035 18915 1170662.1 6.856 表 4 AlxCoCrFeNi在单轴拉伸加载下的力学性能
Table 4. Mechanical properties of AlxCoCrFeNi under uniaxial tensile loading
x E/GPa Y/GPa $\varepsilon $Y 0.1 115.29 14.638 0.131 0.3 97.65 11.372 0.117 0.5 86.95 8.809 0.103 0.7 76.88 6.738 0.089 1.0 64.18 4.510 0.071 表 5 不同温度下Al0.1CoCrFeNi在单轴拉伸载荷下的力学性能
Table 5. Mechanical properties of Al0.1CoCrFeNi under uniaxial tensile loading at different temperatures
T/K E/GPa Y/GPa $ \varepsilon$Y 77 116.74 16.098 0.140 300 115.29 14.638 0.131 500 110.92 13.169 0.123 700 104.71 11.596 0.113 1000 95.82 9.521 0.102 -
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