Temperature Rise during Adiabatic Shear Deformation
摘要: 材料温度升高是绝热剪切现象的重要特征,研究绝热剪切中的温升对于深入了解绝热剪切失效的形成机制和演化历程具有重要意义,同时对预测材料和结构的动态失效具有重要的实用价值。一般而言,绝热剪切过程中的温升可以分为3个阶段:均匀变形阶段的温升、剪切局部化引起的温升、剪切带形成后热传导引起绝热剪切带附近的温升。本文从理论计算、数值模拟、实验测量和微观组织演化4个方面对绝热剪切中的温升相关研究进行了综述。通过对已有文献的系统整理和总结,以期为开展后续绝热剪切失效相关研究工作给出一定的启发和参考。Abstract: Temperature rise is an important feature of adiabatic shear phenomenon for many materials. Understanding the role of temperature rise in adiabatic shear is of great significance, because it helps us to get insight into the initiation and evolution mechanism of adiabatic shear band(ASB) and to predict accurately the dynamic failure of materials and structures. Generally speaking, the temperature rise in adiabatic shear deformation can be divided into three stages: uniform deformation stage, shear localization stage, and post-ASB stage. Theoretical calculation, numerical method, experimental measurement and relation with microstructural evolution of temperature rise during adiabatic shear deformation are reviewed. By this review, inspirations and reference are expected for future research work on adiabatic shear failure and related fields.
图 2 (a)不同应变率、加载方式下镁基金属的功热转化系数[52],(b)不同材料在不同加载方式下的Taylor-Quinney系数范围(C、T和S分别代表压缩、拉伸和剪切3种加载模式)[30]
Figure 2. (a) Work heat conversion coefficients of magnesium based metals under different strain rates and loading modes[52], (b) Taylor-Quinney coefficient range of different materials under different loading methods (C is compression mode, T is tension mode, S is shear mode.)[30]
图 5 (a)CRS-1018钢在不同塑性应变下温度的空间分布[74],(b)4种热软化模型描述的剪切带中心温度随名义应变的变化(
$\theta $ 表示带内温度与环境温度的差,图例表示不同热软化模型函数)[75]Figure 5. (a) Temperature profiles of CRS-1018 steel at different plastic strain[74], (b) relationship between the shear band center temperature and nominal strain described by four thermal softening models (
$\theta $ is the difference between the temperature in the band and the ambient temperature. The legend shows the different heat softening model functions.)[75]图 8 (a)动态扭转有限元计算试样中面的温度分布(图例中由蓝色到红色温度逐渐升高)[84],(b)不同模拟时刻(25、30、35、40、45 μs)不锈钢剪切区域的温度分布[85]
Figure 8. (a) Computed contour plot of the temperature distributions within the specimen near the notch tip at the end of the simulation[84], (b) profile of temperature at 316L stainless steel at different simulation times (25、30、35、40、45 μs)[85]
图 9 (a)PMMA在不同应变率加载条件下的应力-应变关系以及温升-应变关系[94],(b)PC盘形试样动态加载(平均名义应变率为6500 s−1)条件下应力和温升随应变的变化关系[95]
Figure 9. (a) Stress-strain and strain-temperature-rise curves for PMMA at various strain rates in compression[94], (b) true stress-true strain and temperature rises for PC disk 41 (Nominal average strain rate is 6500 s−1)[95]
图 16 PC高分子聚合物在3000 s−1(a)和6000 s−1(b)应变率下应力和温度随应变的变化曲线(蓝色实线为真实应力,黑色实线为热电偶测温结果,红色虚线为红外测温结果。)[117]
Figure 16. Typical stress-strain-temperature plot at 3000 s−1 (a) and 6000 s−1 (b) (The blue solid line represents the real stress, the black solid line represents the thermocouple temperature measurement results, the red dotted line represents the infrared temperature measurement results.)[117]
图 20 不锈钢动态加载后的微观TEM图[48]:(a)剪切带内形貌,(b)剪切带外形貌,(c)ZK60镁合金剪切带及其附近的微观形貌和不同位置的选区衍射图[42]
Figure 20. TEM micrograph of stainless steel after dynamic loading [48]: (a) microcrystalline structure inside bands, (b) large grains outside bands, (c) bright field image and selected area diffraction (SAD) pattern of the ZK60 magnesium alloy microstructure in shear region[42]
图 21 (a)钢中剪切带及其附近区域的晶粒形貌及取向分布[46],(b)ECAP晶粒细化处理钛合金中剪切带及其附近区域微观形貌及取向分布[124]
Figure 21. (a) Grain morphology and orientation distribution of shear band and its vicinity in steel[46], (b) microstructure and orientation distribution of shear band and its vicinity in ECAP grain refinement titanium alloy[124]
图 22 绝热剪切带产生之前Ti-6Al-4V试样内出现的再结晶晶粒及其对应的选区衍射图[126](a);钛合金试样剪切带完全形成前试样的整体(b)和局部(c)形貌[124]
Figure 22. Recrystallized grains in Ti-6Al-4V before adiabatic shear band and their corresponding selected area diffractionpatterns[126] (a); whole (b) and microstructure (c) of the shear band morphology for ECAP titanium alloy[124]
表 1 基于功热转化理论的绝热温升计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of adiabatic temperature rise based on thermomechanical conversion
Material Dynamic test method Taylor-Quinney coefficient Shear band width/μm Theoretical temperature rise/K 4340 steel[31] Torsion 1.0 20–60 1 100 AISI 304L stainless steel[48] Hat-shaped shear 0.9 10 1 200 Ti-6Al-4V[34] Torsion 1.0 852 Ti-6Al-4V[33] Double shear 0.9 6.5 1 460 Ti-6Al-4V[32] Shear-compression 1.0 180 AM50 magnesium alloy[32] Shear-compression 1.0 35 AMX602 magnesium alloy[36] Compression 0.9 66 1 000 ZK60 magnesium alloy[42] Compression 0.9 365 7003-T4 aluminium alloy[35] Compression 0.9 40–110 272–409 Tungsten[37] Compression 0.9 100 Ultrafine-grained pure titanium[38] Hat-shaped shear 0.9 650 Ultrafine-grained pure iron[39] Compression 0.9 100 Ultrafine-grained magnesium alloy[40] Compression 0.9 67 表 2 功热转化系数研究总结
Table 2. Research summary on Taylor-Quinney coefficient
Material Loading method Strain rate/(103 s−1) Sensor type Temperature rise/K $\,\beta$ Ta-2.5%W[50] Compression 3 InSb 63 0.68 Ta[51] Shear-compression 4.2 HgCdTe > 80 1.00 Mg[52] Shear-compression 1.8–3.7 HgCdTe < 5 0.10–0.30 AZ31 magnesium alloy[52] Shear-compression 2–4 HgCdTe 25 0.20–0.80 $ \alpha $-Ti[53] Compression 2 InSb/HgCdTe 87 0.55–0.66 $ \alpha $-Ti[53] Shear-compression 3 InSb/HgCdTe 87 0.55–0.66 $\,\beta$-Ti[53] Compression 2 InSb/HgCdTe 60 0.27–0.43 $\,\beta$-Ti[53] Shear-compression 2.0–3.5 InSb/HgCdTe 60 0.27–0.43 Pure titanium[54] Shear-compression 13 InSb 50–90 0.25–0.55 Ti-6Al-4V[32] Shear-compression 3 HgCdTe 65 0.40 OFHC copper[55] Compression 4.4 InSb/
HgCdTe40 0.30–0.40 7075-T651 aluminium alloy[56] Compression 1.1–4.2 HgCdTe 10–70 0.30–0.96 2024-T3 aluminium alloy[57] Compression 3 HgCdTe 0.30–0.50 Aluminium[58] Compression 3.5–5 InSb/
HgCdTe0.45–0.65 Ni200[58] Compression 3.3–4.7 InSb/
HgCdTe0.35–0.65 表 3 绝热温升实验测量结果
Table 3. Previous measurements of adiabatic temperature rise
Material Dynamic loading method Strain rate/(103 s−1) Observed spot size/
(mm × mm)Experimental
temperature rise/KHY-100 steel[103] Torsion 1.3 0.035 × 0.120 425–595 AISI 4340 steel[105] Torsion 1 0.017 × 0.053 460–570 C-300 steel[107] Mode Ⅰ fracture 0.10 × 0.10 630 C-300 steel[106] Mode Ⅱ fracture 0.08 × 0.08 900–1400 Ti-6Al-4V[106] Mode Ⅱ fracture 0.08 × 0.08 450 Ti-6Al-4V[26] Torsion 1 0.017 × 0.053 440–550 Ti-6Al-4V[28] Tension 1 0.05 × 0.05 200 Ti-6Al-4V[108] Torsion 1–2 0.043 × 0.043 1080 Ti-6Al-4V[114] Shear-compression 0.15 × 0.15 250 Ti-6Al-4V[32] Shear-compression 3 0.045 × 0.045 300 AM50
magnesium alloy[32]Shear-compression 3 0.045 × 0.045 110 Ta-2
titanium alloy[111]Hat-shaped shear 1.4 × 1.4 160 Austenitic stainless steel[109] Tension 3 350 Pure titanium[54] Shear-compression 13 0.15 × 0.15 350–650 -
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