
唐昌州 智小琦 郝春杰 范兴华

唐昌州, 智小琦, 郝春杰, 范兴华. 防弹衣抗小钨球侵彻性能的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(3): 034203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210715
引用本文: 唐昌州, 智小琦, 郝春杰, 范兴华. 防弹衣抗小钨球侵彻性能的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(3): 034203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210715
TANG Changzhou, ZHI Xiaoqi, HAO Chunjie, FAN Xinghua. Numerical Simulation of Anti-Penetration Performance of Body Armor against Small Tungsten Sphere[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(3): 034203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210715
Citation: TANG Changzhou, ZHI Xiaoqi, HAO Chunjie, FAN Xinghua. Numerical Simulation of Anti-Penetration Performance of Body Armor against Small Tungsten Sphere[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(3): 034203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210715


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210715

    唐昌州(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事弹药工程及毁伤技术研究. E-mail:562870134@qq.com


    智小琦(1963-),女,博士,教授,主要从事武器毁伤与装药技术研究. E-mail:zxq4060@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: O385

Numerical Simulation of Anti-Penetration Performance of Body Armor against Small Tungsten Sphere

  • 摘要: 为研究防弹衣抗小钨球侵彻的性能,结合试验,利用有限元分析软件LS-DYNA建立了小钨球侵彻防弹衣的数值模型。在此基础上,对侵彻过程进行了数值模拟,分析了防弹衣的破坏机理,并探讨了凯夫拉(Kevlar)与超高分子量聚乙烯(Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, UHMWPE)混杂配比对防弹衣抗侵彻性能的影响。研究结果表明:在小钨球侵彻作用下,防弹衣迎弹面主要发生纤维剪切破坏,背弹面主要发生纤维拉伸断裂破坏,并伴随着一定的层间分层破坏。随着着靶速度的提高,纤维的拉伸及分层破坏程度降低;与单一Kevlar制作的防弹衣相比,采用面板Kevlar、背板UHMWPE混杂结构的防弹衣抗侵彻性能更好。当Kevlar/UHMWPE的体积配比分别为1∶1、1∶2和1∶4时,防弹衣的抗侵彻性能分别提高3.7%、5.3%和4.4%,质量分别减少14.1%、18.8%和22.5%。综合考虑防弹衣的抗侵彻性能和重量,采用Kevlar/UHMWPE混杂配比为1∶2的防弹衣结构最佳;在弹道极限附近,采用Kevlar/UHMWPE混杂结构的防弹衣的吸能效果优于单一Kevlar结构,且随着着靶速度的提高,两者的吸能差异逐渐减小。研究结果对防护装备的优化设计具有一定的参考价值。


  • 图  破片及弹托

    Figure  1.  Fragments and sabots

    图  试验布置示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of experimental set-up

    图  防弹纤维的典型破坏状态

    Figure  3.  Typical failure states of bulletproof fiber

    图  有限元模型

    Figure  4.  Finite element model

    图  不同着靶速度下防弹衣的破坏情况

    Figure  5.  Failure modes of body armor at different impact velocities

    图  小钨球侵彻防弹衣过程中的von-Mises应力变化(v = 748.4 m/s)

    Figure  6.  Von-Mises stress variation of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor (v = 748.4 m/s)

    图  纤维层面内的von-Mises应力变化(v = 748.4 m/s)

    Figure  7.  Von-Mises stress variation on fiber layer (v = 748.4 m/s)

    图  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣的弹道极限

    Figure  8.  Ballistic limit of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor with different structures

    图  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣的速度和加速度变化曲线(v = 775.0 m/s)

    Figure  9.  Velocity and acceleration variation curves of small tungsten spherepenetrating into body armor with different structures (v = 775.0 m/s)

    图  10  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣的仿真结果(v = 775.0 m/s, t = 7 μs)

    Figure  10.  Simulation results of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor with different structures (v = 775.0 m/s, t = 7 μs)

    图  11  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣的剩余速度

    Figure  11.  Residual velocity of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor with different structures

    表  1  试验数据

    Table  1.   Experimental data

    No.Impact velocity/(m·s−1)Residual velocity/(m·s−1)Perforation diameter/mmPerforation
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    表  2  钨球材料模型参数

    Table  2.   Material model parameters of tungsten sphere

    $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3)E/GPa$\;\mu $$\sigma{_0}$/MPaEt/MPa$\;\beta $CP$\varepsilon_{\rm{f}}$
    13.73670.3031 50679213.961.2
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    表  3  Kevlar材料模型参数

    Table  3.   Material model parameters of Kevlar

    $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3)E1/GPaE2/GPaE3/GPa$\;\mu $12$\;\mu $13$\;\mu $23G12/GPaG13/GPaG23/GPa
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    表  4  仿真值与试验值的比较

    Table  4.   Comparison between simulation results and experimental results

    No.Impact velocity/(m·s−1)Residual velocity/(m·s−1)Perforation diameter/mmBallistic limit/(m·s−1)Error/%
    4732.7 15.2 19.22.962.85
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    表  5  UHMWPE材料模型参数[18]

    Table  5.   Material model parameters of UHMWPE[18]

    $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3)E1/GPaE2/GPaE3/GPa$\;\mu $12$\;\mu $13$\;\mu $23G12/GPaG13/GPaG23/GPa
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    表  6  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣弹道极限的仿真结果

    Table  6.   Simulation results of ballistic limit of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor with different structures

    Type of tungsten sphereThickness of body armor/mmStructure of body armorBallistic limit/(m·s−1)
    0.16 g, $\varnothing $2.8 mm9K1U1759.0
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    表  7  小钨球侵彻不同结构防弹衣的仿真结果

    Table  7.   Simulation results of small tungsten sphere penetrating into body armor with different structures

    Type of tungsten sphereThickness of body armor/mmImpact velocity/(m·s−1)Residual velocity/(m·s−1)
    0.16 g, $\varnothing $2.8 mm9750.0108.9000
    775.0162.1114.6 60.2 80.1
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