Design and Energy Absorption Characteristic Analysis of a New Bio-Bamboo Thin-Walled Circular Tube
摘要: 受自然界毛竹微观结构的启发,在传统双圆管结构的基础上,在内、外圆管之间引入双菱形肋骨,设计了一种新型仿竹薄壁圆管。基于超折叠单元理论,建立了轴向压缩时仿竹薄壁圆管的理论分析模型。利用ABAQUS 有限元软件对新型仿竹薄壁圆管进行轴向压缩的数值模拟,分析了双菱形肋骨数、内管直径、壁厚等因素对新型仿竹薄壁管耐撞性和变形模式的影响,并与传统双圆管结构进行了对比。结果表明:理论预测与数值模拟结果吻合,平均压缩力和比吸能的误差均在10%以内。与传统双圆管相比,新型仿竹薄壁圆管的比吸能提高了83.61%,压缩力效率提高了198.65%。肋骨数对结构耐撞性能有显著影响,随着双菱形肋骨数目的增加,结构的比吸能逐渐增加,初始峰值力也随之提高;肋骨数较少时,结构出现局部屈曲变形,影响其吸能能力。内管直径越小,初始峰值力越高;内管直径越大,比吸能越小。Abstract: Inspired by the microstructure of natural bamboo, a new bio-bamboo thin-walled tube was designed by introducing double-rhombic ribs between inner and outer tubes on the basis of the traditional double-circular tube structure. Based on the theory of simplified super folding element, theoretical models of bio-bamboo circular tubes under axial compression were established. Finite element software ABAQUS was used to simulate the axial compression of these models. For crashworthiness and deformation mode of bio-bamboo thin-walled tube, the effects of those number of double-rhombic ribs, diameter of inner tube, wall thickness were analyzed, and it was compared with the traditional structure. The results show that the theoretical prediction is consistent with numerical simulation, and the errors of average compression force and specific energy absorption are less than 10%. Compared with traditional double-circular tube, the specific energy absorption of the bio-bamboo thin-walled tube is increased by 83.61% and the compression force efficiency is increased by 198.65%. The number of ribs has a significant effect on the crashworthiness of the structure. With the number increase of double-rhombic ribs, both specific structural energy absorption and peak crushing force increases. When the number of ribs is small, the structure appears local buckling deformation, which affects the energy absorption crashworthiness. The smaller the diameter of inner tube, the higher the initial peak force, and the larger the diameter of inner tube, the smaller the energy absorption.
Key words:
- bio-bamboo /
- double-rhombic ribs /
- thin-walled circular tube /
- specific energy absorption
图 10 不同内管直径和壁厚的R8L2BT的耐撞性比较: (a)初始峰值力,(b)平均压缩力,(c)比吸能,(d)压缩力效率
Figure 10. Crashworthiness comparison of R8L2BT with different inner circle diameters and wall thicknesses: (a) peak crushing force (PCF), (b) mean crushing force (MCF), (c) specific energy absorption (SEA), (d) crushing force efficiency (CFE)
图 11 不同内管直径的R8L2BT的变形模式(t = 0.8 mm):(a)R8L2BT等效塑性应变d = 30 mm,(b) d = 10 mm,(c) d = 20 mm,(d) d = 30 mm,(e) d = 40 mm,(f) d = 50 mm
Figure 11. R8L2BT deformation modes with different inner tube diameters(t = 0.8 mm): (a) equivalent plastic strain nephogram of R8L2BT (d=30 mm), (b) d = 10 mm, (c) d = 20 mm,(d) d = 30 mm, (e) d = 40 mm, (f) d = 50 mm
表 1 数值模拟与理论计算结果对比
Table 1. Comparison between numerical simulation and theoretical calculation results
Type MCF SEA Num./kN Theor./kN Error/% Num./(J·g−1) Theor./(J·g−1) Error/% R4L2BT 53.59 52.59 −1.86 35.14 34.47 −1.88 R6L2BT 66.96 66.49 −0.71 38.42 38.15 −0.69 R8L2BT 86.04 80.51 −6.34 40.69 38.07 −6.33 R10L2BT 104.52 95.54 −8.59 49.99 45.69 −8.59 R12L2BT 121.22 115.45 −4.75 51.54 49.08 −4.75 R14L2BT 134.51 124.51 −7.43 55.42 51.77 −6.57 表 2 R8L2BT与TBCT耐撞性比较
Table 2. Comparison of crashworthiness between R8L2BT and TBCT
Type Mass/g EA/J SEA/(J·g−1) PCF/kN MCF/kN CFE/% t/mm R8L2BT 119.8 5703.52 47.62 85.76 77.94 90.88 0.9 TBCT 119.8 3106.41 25.93 85.18 25.93 30.44 1.4 -
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