Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Fuze Explosive Trains under Shock Waves
摘要: 为研究不敏感弹药或不敏感引信在战备和后勤贮存过程中的殉爆现象,利用装填JH-14C传爆药的某引信传爆序列,开展了冲击波作用下的殉爆数值模拟研究,获得了引信传爆序列爆轰波成长历程、传播规律以及临界殉爆距离,建立了冲击波能量判据,并给出了殉爆条件。结果表明:冲击波由传爆药左上向右下传播,在最右下端面处起爆,引信传爆序列的临界殉爆距离为9.7 mm;当作用冲击波能量大于临界起爆能量时,引信传爆序列发生殉爆。Abstract: In order to resolve the problem of martyred detonation of insensitive munitions or fuzes during combat readiness and logistical storage, numerical simulation of detonation sequence of the fuze under shock wave was carried out by using nonlinear finite element method. The growth course, propagation law and critical detonation distance of the fuze explosive train were obtained. And the criterion of shock wave energy was established and the condition of sympathetic detonation was given. The results showed that the detonation wave propagates from the top left to the bottom right and explodes at the bottom right, and the critical sympathetic detonation distance of the fuze explosive train is 9.7 mm. When the shock wave energy was greater than the critical detonation energy, the sympathetic detonation occurs in the fuze explosive train.
Key words:
- fuze explosive train /
- sympathetic detonation /
- detonation wave /
- shock wave energy
表 1 Comp B炸药的High Explosive Burn本构模型参数和JWL状态方程参数[9–10]
Table 1. High Explosive Burn constitutive model parameters and JWL equation parameters for Comp B[9–10]
$\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) S1 $\gamma $0 A0/GPa B0/GPa R1 R2 $\omega $ p0/GPa 1.717 0.798 0.33 524.23 767 4.2 1.1 0.34 8.5 JWL equation parameters for unreacted explosive and reaction product State A0/GPa B0/GPa R1 R2 $\omega $ G/GPa $\sigma_{\rm{y}}$/MPa $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) p0/GPa D/(km·s−1) p/GPa Unreacted
explosive7 781.0 −5.31 11.3 1.13 0.8938 3.5 200 1.65 Reaction
product592.7 10.51 4.4 1.20 0.330 0 11.56 8.19 27.67 Rate of reaction a b c d e g x y z 0.02 0.667 0.667 0.350 0.667 0.667 7.0 2.0 3.0 Figmax FG1max FG2min I/μs−1 G1/(MPa·μs−1) G2/(MPa·μs−1) 0.022 1 0 4 × 106 1.4 × 107 7 × 108 表 3 紫铜、2024铝与4340钢的Johnson-Cook本构模型参数[12–13]
Table 3. Johnson-Cook constitutive model parameters for copper, 2024 aluminum and 4340 steel[12–13]
Material $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa n c m Tm/K Tr/K Cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) Copper 8.960 46.0 90 292 0.31 0.025 1.09 1356 300 383 2024 aluminum 2.785 28.6 265 426 0.34 0.015 1.00 445 300 875 4340 steel 7.830 77.0 792 510 0.26 0.014 1.03 1793 300 477 表 4 紫铜、2024铝、4340钢的Grüneisen状态方程参数[12–13]
Table 4. Grüneisen equation of state parameters of copper, 2024 aluminum and 4340 steel[12–13]
Material C/(km·s−1) S1 $\gamma $0 Copper 3.940 1.489 1.99 2024 aluminum 5.328 1.338 2.00 4340 steel 4.569 1.490 2.17 表 5 不同距离下殉爆数值模拟结果
Table 5. Numerical simulation results at different distances
Distance/mm Numerical simulation results A1 A2 A3 8.5 Detonation Detonation Detonation 9.0 Detonation Detonation Detonation 9.7 Detonation Detonation Detonation 10.0 Partial reaction Partial reaction No detonation 10.3 No detonation No detonation No detonation 10.5 No detonation No detonation No detonation -
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