Dynamic Instability of Composite Plate under Stress Wave Based on Galerkin Method
摘要: 基于Kirchhoff薄板理论和Hamilton原理,考虑应力波效应,对含初始几何缺陷的三边简支、一边固支的复合材料板,建立了振动控制方程,得到了其屈曲临界荷载表达式。采用MATLAB编程进行数值计算,讨论了初始几何缺陷、初相位、铺层角度、屈曲模态阶数及铺层层数对板屈曲临界荷载的影响。结果表明:复合材料板的屈曲临界载荷随临界长度增大、铺设厚度减小、初始几何缺陷系数增大、振型函数初相位减小而减小。此外,复合材料板的各层铺层角度与荷载作用方向的夹角越小,屈曲临界载荷越大,当板的对称铺设层数达到7层时,临界荷载趋于稳定。Abstract: Based on the Kirchhoff thin plate theory and Hamilton principle, the vibration control equation of composite plate is established. The equation is simply supported on three sides and fixed on one side with initial geometric imperfections. The expression of buckling critical load is obtained. The numerical calculation is carried out by MATLAB programming. The effects of initial geometric imperfections, initial phase, ply angle, buckling mode order and layer number on the critical buckling load of the plate are discussed. Results show that the critical buckling load is decrease with the increasing of the critical length, the decreasing of the laying thickness, the increasing of the initial geometric defect coefficient, and the decreasing of the initial phase of the mode function. In addition, the smaller the angle between the laying angle of each layer and the load direction is, the greater the buckling critical load is. And the buckling critical load tends to be stable when the layer number of symmetrical laminate reaches seven.
Key words:
- composite plate /
- effect of stress wave /
- initial geometric defect /
- buckling /
- critical load
E1/GPa E2/GPa G12/GPa μ12 La/m Lb/m 140.0 8.6 5.0 0.35 0.60 0.50 表 2 算例分析参数表
Table 2. Example analysis parameter table
Group Initial defect
coefficientOrder of mode Laying angle/(°) Initial phase Number of
layers laidThickness
of the plate/mx direction y direction A Variable i = 1 j = 1 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $ {\text{π}}$/2 5 0.01 B 0.1 Variable j = 1 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $ {\text{π}}$/2 5 0.01 C 0.1 i =1 Variable [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $ {\text{π}}$/2 5 0.01 D 0.1 i =1 j = 1 Variable $ {\text{π}}$/2 5 0.01 E 0.1 i =1 j = 1 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Variable 5 0.01 F 0.1 i =1 j = 1 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $ {\text{π}}$/2 Variable 0.01 G 0.1 i =1 j = 1 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $ {\text{π}}$/2 5 Variable -
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