12.7 mm穿燃弹对半无限厚45钢的侵彻行为

马铭辉 李烨 蒋招绣 王晓东 任文科 高光发

马铭辉, 李烨, 蒋招绣, 王晓东, 任文科, 高光发. 12.7 mm穿燃弹对半无限厚45钢的侵彻行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 055104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210703
引用本文: 马铭辉, 李烨, 蒋招绣, 王晓东, 任文科, 高光发. 12.7 mm穿燃弹对半无限厚45钢的侵彻行为[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 055104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210703
MA Minghui, LI Ye, JIANG Zhaoxiu, WANG Xiaodong, REN Wenke, GAO Guangfa. Penetration Behavior of 12.7 mm Projectile into Semi Infinite 45 Steel[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 055104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210703
Citation: MA Minghui, LI Ye, JIANG Zhaoxiu, WANG Xiaodong, REN Wenke, GAO Guangfa. Penetration Behavior of 12.7 mm Projectile into Semi Infinite 45 Steel[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 055104. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210703

12.7 mm穿燃弹对半无限厚45钢的侵彻行为

doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20210703
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11772160,11472008,11802001);爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室开放课题(KFJJ18-01M);“十三五”装备预研领域基金(KFJJ13-9M)




  • 中图分类号: O385

Penetration Behavior of 12.7 mm Projectile into Semi Infinite 45 Steel

  • 摘要: 针对刚性卵形短杆弹对半无限厚钢靶的侵彻行为,利用12.7 mm弹道枪进行不同着靶速度下12.7 mm穿燃弹正侵彻45钢的弹道试验,并结合数值模拟对侵彻过程中的弹丸侵彻行为进行分析。结果表明:12.7 mm穿燃弹对45钢的临界开坑速度为75 m/s,在弹速范围内弹芯表现出刚性侵彻行为,不同着靶速度下弹芯的侵彻阻力上升趋势基本一致,当着靶速度大于400 m/s时,在开坑结束后会出现常阻力阶段,直至侵彻结束。同时,制式弹对45钢的侵彻深度与着靶动能呈线性正比关系,通过拟合得到了无量纲侵彻深度与无量纲动能的关系式。


  • 图  弹道装置示意图和实物

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of ballistic device and material object

    图  着靶速度和着靶动能与最终侵彻深度的关系

    Figure  2.  Relationships between impact velocity,kinetic energy and final penetration depth

    图  807.1 m/s着靶速度下的弹芯、弹坑和弹靶耦合形态

    Figure  3.  Projectile core, crater and projectile-target coupling at the impact velocity of 807.1 m/s

    图  原始弹芯和不同速度侵彻45钢靶后的弹芯头部

    Figure  4.  Original core and core heads after penetrating 45 steel target at different velocities

    图  12.7 mm制式弹侵彻45钢靶的几何模型

    Figure  5.  Geometric model of 12.7 mm standard projectile penetrating a 45 steel target

    图  弹芯材料的准静态压缩真应力-应变曲线

    Figure  6.  Quasi-static compressive true stress-strain curves of core material

    图  侵彻后的被甲

    Figure  7.  Tested armor after penetration

    图  数值模拟与试验结果对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of numerical simulation and experimental results

    图  最终侵彻深度与着靶速度及着靶动能的关系

    Figure  9.  Final penetration depth versus impact velocity and kinetic energy

    图  10  开坑前弹芯动能密度损失与着靶速度的关系

    Figure  10.  Relationship between kinetic energy loss of core and impact velocity before pit opening

    图  11  不同着靶速度下的弹芯阻力与弹芯位移的关系

    Figure  11.  Relationship between core resistance and core displacement at different impact velocities

    图  12  弹芯的受力情况

    Figure  12.  Stress condition of bullet core

    图  13  无量纲侵彻深度与无量纲动能的关系

    Figure  13.  Relationship between dimensionless penetration depth and dimensionless kinetic energy

    表  1  原始弹芯和侵彻后弹芯的质量和尺寸

    Table  1.   Mass and dimension of original and tested cores

    No.Velocity/(m·s−1Mass/gLength/mmDiameter/mmMass loss rate/%
    1(Initial core)029.9751.3010.890
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    表  2  铅套及燃烧剂的Plastic-Kinematic材料模型参数

    Table  2.   Plastic-Kinetic material model parameters of lead bushing and fuel

    Material$\,\rho $/(g·cm–3)E/GPa$\nu $${\sigma { _\text{y} } }$/MPaEt/GPa
    Lead bushing11.30170.4215.57
    Fuel 1.80170.4215.57
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    表  3  45钢和弹丸被甲的J-C材料模型参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of J-C material model for 45 steel and projectile armor

    Material$\,\rho $/(g·cm–3)E/GPa$\nu $A/MPaB/MPa$C$n
    45 Steel7.852100.234503200.0140.28
    Projectile armor[18]7.921090.223002750.0220.15
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