
靳绍虎 刘科伟 黄进 杨家彩 靳少博

靳绍虎, 刘科伟, 黄进, 杨家彩, 靳少博. 基于Lagrange及SPH算法的花岗岩侵彻数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 055103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200665
引用本文: 靳绍虎, 刘科伟, 黄进, 杨家彩, 靳少博. 基于Lagrange及SPH算法的花岗岩侵彻数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(5): 055103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200665
JIN Shaohu, LIU Kewei, HUANG Jin, YANG Jiacai, JIN Shaobo. Numerical Simulation of Granite Penetration Based on Lagrange and SPH Algorithm[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 055103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200665
Citation: JIN Shaohu, LIU Kewei, HUANG Jin, YANG Jiacai, JIN Shaobo. Numerical Simulation of Granite Penetration Based on Lagrange and SPH Algorithm[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(5): 055103. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200665


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200665
基金项目: 湖南省自然科学基金(2018JJ3656)

    靳绍虎(1993-),男,硕士,主要从事侵彻及爆炸动力学研究. E-mail:396774099@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O347

Numerical Simulation of Granite Penetration Based on Lagrange and SPH Algorithm

  • 摘要: 为研究不同算法对弹体侵彻花岗岩模拟的影响,基于仿真分析软件LS-DYNA中的Lagrange算法及SPH(Smooth particle hydrodynamics)算法,采用Lagrange、SPH-Lagrange耦合及SPH算法分别对弹体侵彻、贯穿花岗岩靶体进行数值模拟,并从计算效率、侵彻深度、速度衰减、靶体损伤、Mises应力分布多方面对比模拟结果,分析3种算法用于研究岩石侵彻问题的优势和不足。研究表明:Lagrange算法的计算效率最高,计算精度高,但存在单元畸变、无撞击溅射、无后坑区等问题;SPH算法的计算效率最低,但模拟效果良好;SPH-Lagrange耦合算法兼具二者优势,但会导致应力滞后和应力波不稳定衰减。在大型模拟中应优先选用Lagrange算法和SPH-Lagrange耦合算法。


  • 图  实验试件

    Figure  1.  Experiment sample

    图  计算模型

    Figure  2.  Model of projectile and granite target

    图  模型描述

    Figure  3.  Model description

    图  不同网格尺寸下侵深-时间关系曲线

    Figure  4.  Time history of penetration depth with different mesh sizes

    图  不同侵彻速度下侵深-时间关系曲线

    Figure  5.  Time history of penetration depth with different velocities

    图  侵彻速度为1426 m/s时靶体的损伤

    Figure  6.  Target damage at an impact velocity of 1426 m/s

    图  靶体损伤云图

    Figure  7.  Target damage of 800 mm model

    图  质点峰值振动速度

    Figure  8.  PPV of target points

    图  0.04 ms时Mises应力分布

    Figure  9.  Von Mises stress at 0.04 ms

    图  10  侵深-时间和速度-时间关系曲线

    Figure  10.  Time history of penetration depth and velocity

    图  11  靶体损伤云图

    Figure  11.  Target damage of 100 mm model

    图  12  0.04 ms时Mises应力分布

    Figure  12.  Von Mises stress at 0.04 ms

    图  13  采用不同算法得到的侵彻速度-时间关系曲线

    Figure  13.  Time history of velocity with different algorithm

    表  1  侵彻实验数据

    Table  1.   Test results of projectile penetration

    No.Launch velocity/(m·s−1)Depth of penetration/mmMass of the residual projectile/g
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    表  2  子弹材料参数

    Table  2.   Properties of test projectile

    ρp/(kg·m−3)Poisson’s ratio
    Et/GPaCFailure strain
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    表  3  RHT模型参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of RHT material model

    Mass density/(kg·m−3)Elastic shear modulus/GPaEroding plastic strainParameter for polynomial
    EOS B0
    Parameter for polynomial
    EOS B1
    Parameter for polynomial
    EOS T1/GPa
    Failure surface
    parameter A
    Failure surface
    parameter N
    Compressive strength/MPaRelative shear strengthRelative tensile strengthLode angle dependence
    factor Q0
    Lode angle dependence
    factor B
    Parameter for polynomial
    EOS T2/GPa
    Reference compressive
    strain rate/s–1
    Reference tensile
    strain rate/s–1
    Break compressive
    strain rate/s–1
    Break tensile
    strain rate/s–1
    Compressive strain rate
    dependence exponent
    Tensile strain rate
    dependence exponent
    Pressure influence on
    plastic flow in tension
    Compressive yield
    surface parameter
    Tensile yield surface
    Shear modulus
    reduction factor
    Damage parameter D1Damage parameter D2Minimum damaged
    residual strain
    Residual surface
    parameter AF
    Residual surface
    parameter NF
    Grüneisen parameter γHugoniot polynomial
    coefficient A1/GPa
    Hugoniot polynomial
    coefficient A2/GPa
    Hugoniot polynomial
    coefficient A3/GPa
    Crush pressure/MPaCompaction pressure/GPaPorosity exponent
    Initial porosity
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    表  4  网格尺寸与侵彻深度

    Table  4.   Mesh size and penetration depth

    No.Mesh sizePenetration depth/mmNo.Mesh sizePenetration depth/mm
    11∶1 60.9841∶4 119.07
    21∶2 98.3751∶5 123.33
    31∶3 108.1561∶6 126.50
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