Effects of Truncated Ovate Nose Diameter of the Penetration Warhead on the Ballistic Deflection
摘要: 针对截卵形头部弹体斜侵彻靶标时弹道发生初始偏转的问题,建立了分析截卵平台直径对初始弹道偏转影响的理论和数值仿真计算模型,计算了相同侵彻条件下不同截卵平台直径时,头部侵彻产生的偏转函数和偏转角速度。结果表明:截卵平台头部侵彻产生的偏转力矩会减小弹轴与靶标法线之间的夹角,且随着截卵平台直径的增大,偏转力矩增大,偏转角速度增大,当截卵平台直径增大到1.5倍时,偏转力矩增大到约1.2倍,当截卵平台直径增大到2.0倍时,偏转力矩增大到约2倍;相同截卵平台直径下,随着头部形状系数的减小,偏转力矩和偏转角速度增大。Abstract: In order to study the problem of preliminary ballistic deflection when a penetration warhead with truncated ovate nose penetrates target obliquely, the theoretical model and simulation model are set up to analyze the effects of truncated ovate nose diameter on the preliminary ballistic deflection of penetration. The defection function and deflection angular velocity of warhead penetrating target are calculated in the same penetration condition with different truncated ovate nose diameters. It is concluded that the angle between axis of warhead and normal of target decreases with the action of deflection moment caused by the warhead of truncated ovate nose penetrating target. Both the deflection moment and the deflection angular velocity increase with the increase of truncated ovate nose diameter. When the truncated ovate nose diameter increases to 1.5 times, the deflection moment will increase to about 1.2 times. When the truncated ovate nose diameter increases to 2.0 times, the deflection moment will increase to about 2 times. Under the condition of the same truncated ovate nose diameter, the defection moment and the deflection angular velocity are increased with the shape coefficient of warhead.
Key words:
- penetration /
- ballistic /
- ballistic deflection /
- deflection moment
表 1 计算工况
Table 1. Conditions of calculation
Case No. $\theta $/(°) $\varphi $/(°) Case No. $\theta $/(°) $\varphi $/(°) 1 25 10 5 35 10 2 25 15 6 35 15 3 25 20 7 35 20 4 25 30 8 35 30 $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) E/GPa $\;\mu$ $\sigma $/MPa Et/MPa $\;\beta$ fs 7.85 210 0.2 1900 0 1 0.8 $\rho $/(g·cm−3) G/GPa A B C N fc/MPa 2.44 11.147 0.79 1.6 0.007 0.61 40 T/MPa ${\dot \varepsilon }$0/s−1 ${\sigma {_{ {\rm{fmin} } }} }$ Sfmax pc/MPa ${\;\mu {_{\rm c}} }$ pL/MPa 3.28 1 0.01 7 9.34 0.008 800 ${\mu {_{\rm{L} }} }$ D1 D2 K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa ${f }$s 0.116 0.04 1 85 −171 208 0.1 表 4 仿真算例参数
Table 4. Parameters of simulation examples
Case Lp/mm dp/mm mp/kg $\theta $/(°) d/mm S/mm Ix/(kg·m2) Iy/(kg·m2) Iz/(kg·m2) A 1534.4 300 400 25 40 828.5 5.63 80.52 80.52 A1 1534.4 300 400 35 40 828.1 5.64 80.60 80.60 B 1535.3 300 400 25 60 828.9 5.63 80.39 80.39 C 1532.0 300 400 25 80 828.9 5.64 79.85 79.85 -
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