Improvement of Emulsification Performance of Quinoa Protein by Ultra-High Pressure Treatment
摘要: 利用超高压处理藜麦蛋白,研究超高压保压压力、超高压保压时间及蛋白质量分数对藜麦蛋白乳化性的影响。采用响应面法优化超高压处理条件,得到最佳工艺条件,并利用傅里叶红外光谱、粒度仪、X射线衍射(XRD)等表征方法分析乳液蛋白质的表面性质及结构特征。结果表明:保压压力为235 MPa、保压时间为5.2 min、蛋白质量分数为0.34%时,乳化指数为119 m2/g。同时,由傅里叶红外光谱分析蛋白二级结构可知,变性后藜麦蛋白的α-螺旋结构含量降低,β-转角结构含量增加,分子无序性增加,蛋白乳化性提高。XRD分析发现,改性后蛋白在2
$\theta $ = 10°附近的峰强度明显减小,说明α-螺旋结构含量降低。改性后乳液蛋白粒度减小,其乳化性提升。因此,适当的超高压处理可以改善藜麦蛋白的乳化性。Abstract: In our study, ultra-high pressure was used to process quinoa protein, and how to exert influence on the emulsification of quinoa protein was investigated in terms of the ultra-high pressure holding pressure and time, and the protein content as well. Via the response surface method, the ultra-high pressure processing were optimized and the best optimal process conditions were obtained. Then the surface properties and structural characteristics of the emulsion protein were analyzed by means of the Fourier infrared spectroscopy, particle size analyzer, X-ray diffraction(XRD) and other characterization methods. The results show that: when the holding pressure stays at 235 MPa for 5.2 min, and the protein content keeps 0.34%, the emulsification index is 119 m2/g; at the same time, the secondary structure of the protein can be seen from the Fourier infrared spectroscopy. There is a decrease in the structure content but increase on both the β-turn structure content and the molecular disorder, and the protein emulsification is improved. Analyzing the modified protein by XRD, it can be seen that the strength is significantly reduced at a peak near 2$\theta $ = 10° and the content of α-helical structure gets reduced. After modification, the particle size of the emulsion protein is reduced, while its emulsification is improved. Thus, it can come to the conclusion that a proper ultra-high pressure treatment can lead to an improvement of the quinoa protein emulsification.-
Key words:
- ultra-high pressure /
- quinoa protein /
- emulsification /
- response surface method
表 1 响应面分析法的因素-水平表
Table 1. Factors and levels of response surface method
Levels Factors p/MPa t/min M/% −1 200 3 0.2 0 250 6 0.4 1 300 9 0.6 表 2 响应面分析方案及实验结果
Table 2. Experimental design and results of response surface method
Test No. Levels aEAI/(m2·g−1) p t M 1 1 1 0 91 2 0 1 −1 94 3 0 0 0 121 4 0 −1 1 80 5 1 −1 0 102 6 0 0 0 112 7 −1 −1 0 111 8 0 0 0 125 9 1 0 1 69 10 −1 0 1 82 11 0 0 0 120 12 −1 0 −1 109 13 0 1 1 71 14 1 0 −1 99 15 0 0 0 128 16 −1 1 0 105 17 0 −1 −1 110 表 3 线性回归分析结果
Table 3. Results of linear regression analysis
Source of variation Quadratic sum Mean square Degree of freedom F P Model** 5162.73 573.64 9 25.61 0.0002 p* 264.50 264.50 1 11.81 0.0109 t* 220.50 220.50 1 9.84 0.0164 M** 1512.50 1512.50 1 67.52 < 0.0001 pt 6.25 6.25 1 0.28 0.6137 pM 2.25 2.25 1 0.10 0.7605 tM 12.25 12.25 1 0.55 0.4837 p2** 339.16 339.16 1 15.14 0.0060 t2** 418.95 418.95 1 18.70 0.0035 M2** 2126.84 2126.84 1 94.95 < 0.0001 Residual 156.80 22.40 7 Lack of fit 10.00 3.33 3 0.091 0.9613 Pure error 146.80 36.70 4 Cor total 5319.53 16 表 4 藜麦蛋白改性前、后蛋白质二级结构的含量
Table 4. Secondary structure content of quinoa protein before and after modification
Protein Content/% β-turn Random coil α-helix β-sheet Original protein 31.66 21.27 22.38 24.69 Modified protein 36.63 23.76 16.46 25.15 -
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