Hemispherical and Flat Head Cylindrical Specimen Taylor Impact
摘要: 为研究不同头型对泰勒(Taylor)撞击载荷的影响,在材料静动态力学性能实验和Taylor撞击实验的基础上进行数值模拟,分析试件在撞击过程中的接触力、速度和外形尺寸等参量的变化历程。结果表明:在相同的撞击速度下,半球头试件的塑性变形程度更大;半球头试件的撞击载荷上升沿变缓,载荷脉冲时间增长,而两种试件的载荷平台段幅值相当。根据实验和数值模拟结果,进一步分析了霍普金森杆测试Taylor撞击载荷历程的适用性。Abstract: In order to understand the impact loading of Taylor impact process with head shape changes, numerical simulation studies were carried out on the basis of static and dynamic mechanical performance experiments and Taylor impact experiments, and the contact force, velocity and dimensions of the specimen during the impact process were studied. The change history of the parameters is analyzed. The results show that: under the same impact speed, the plastic deformation of the hemispherical head specimen is greater; the impact load of the hemispherical head specimen has a slower rising edge and the load pulse time increases, and the amplitude of the load platform section of the two specimens is almost the same. According to the results of experiments and numerical simulations, the applicability of Hopkinson bar measuring Taylor impact load history was further analyzed and discussed.
Key words:
- Taylor impact /
- hemispherical head /
- impact load /
- strain measuring
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters
Material $\;\rho $/(g·cm−3) E/GPa $\;\mu $ $\dot \varepsilon_{\rm{s} }$/s−1 cp/[J·(kg·℃)−1] A/MPa 3A21 2.73 70 0.32 0.001 880 90 7A04 2.85 72 0.31 Material B/MPa C n m Tm/℃ Tt/℃ 3A21 216 0.01 0.31 0.8 600 25 -
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