Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Explosive in Drop Hammer Impact Test and Sample Thickness Effect
摘要: 为了研究落锤实验中炸药的概率点火行为以及试样厚度对点火的影响,对脆性炸药PBX-2的落锤实验开展了三维数值模拟。采用有限元与离散元相结合的方法,并考虑了炸药材料的非均匀性,获得了炸药在不同落高下的点火概率分布,落高计算结果与文献报道的实验结果相符。此外,研究了落锤实验中试样厚度对炸药温升过程及点火阈值的影响,拟合得到了压力峰值和点火阈值随试样厚度变化的估算公式,可以为实验设计提供参考。
- 落锤实验 /
- 厚度效应 /
- 有限元-离散元结合方法 /
- 三维数值模拟
Abstract: In order to study the probability ignition behavior of explosive and the influence of sample thickness on ignition in drop weight test, a three-dimensional numerical simulation of brittle explosive PBX-2 is carried out. The three-dimensional numerical simulation method combining the finite element method and the discrete element method is adopted, and the non-uniformity of explosive material is considered. The ignition probability distribution of explosive under different falling height is obtained. The calculation result of falling height is consistent with the experimental result reported in literature. The influence of sample thickness on the temperature rise process and ignition threshold height of explosive in drop weight test is studied. The estimation formula of pressure peak value and ignition threshold with sample thickness is obtained by fitting, which can provide reference for experimental design. -
$\;\rho $/(kg·m−3) Q/(J·kg−1) Z/s−1 E0/(J·mol−1) R/(J·mol−1·K−1) 1 850 2.092 × 106 4.78 × 1013 1.439 × 105 8.314 5 Material $\;\rho $/(kg·m−3) E/GPa $\nu$ c/(J·kg−1·K−1) $\kappa$/(W·m−1·K−1) PBX-2 1 850 5 0.26 1 020 0.302 Q235 7 850 206 0.30 502 16.270 表 3 不同落高下的点火情况
Table 3. Ignition situation of PBX-2 underdifferent drop height
Drop height/m Times of ignition Ignition probability/% 5.5 7 28 6.0 9 36 6.5 13 52 7.0 18 72 7.5 25 100 -
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