Numerical Simulation on Dynamic Performances of Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Composite Plate under Blast Loads
摘要: 钢-混凝土组合结构的抗爆性能已成为防护工程和反恐防爆等领域的研究热点。以钢-混凝土-钢组合板为例,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对爆炸载荷作用(爆距为2.5~7.5 m,TNT炸药量为50~100 kg)下该结构的破坏形态和动力学性能进行了数值模拟。研究结果表明,组合板的破坏形态与炸药量和爆距有关。炸药量越大,爆距越小,组合板的破坏程度越明显。当TNT炸药量为100 kg、爆距为2.5 m时,组合板发生明显的翘曲,出现了塑性铰。钢板的存在有效地抑制了核心混凝土的剥落。在爆距相同的条件下,炸药量越大,组合板的变形越明显,跨中挠度和峰值速度也越大。当炸药量相同(100 kg)时,与爆距为7.5 m 相比,爆距为5.0 m 时组合板的跨中挠度为其1.53倍,爆距为2.5 m 时组合板的跨中挠度为其5.01倍。
- 钢-混凝土-钢组合板 /
- 抗剪连接件 /
- 爆炸载荷 /
- 动力响应
Abstract: Studies on anti-explosion performance of steel-concrete-steel composite structures have been widely conducted in the fields of protection engineering, anti-terrorism and explosion protection. Taking steel-concrete-steel composite plate as an example, the failure mode and dynamic performance of the composite plates under blast loads (the standoff distance is 2.5–7.5 m, TNT explosive quantity is 50–100 kg) are studied by using finite element software ABAQUS. The results showed that the failure mode of the composite plate is closely related with explosive quantity and standoff distance. The larger the explosive quantity and the smaller the standoff distance, the more obvious the damage degree of the composite plate. When the charge is 100 kg and the standoff distance is 2.5 m, the composite plate warps obviously and the plastic hinge appears. The presence of the steel plate could effectively limit the spalling of core concrete. Under the same standoff distances, the larger the explosive amount, the more obvious the deformation of the composite plate, and the greater deflection and peak velocity of the mid span. Under the condition of the same explosive quantity (100 kg), the mid span deflection of the composite plate is 1.53 times at 5.0 m standoff distance than that at 7.5 m standoff distance, and the deflection of mid span of the composite plate is 5.01 times than that at 7.5 m standoff distance. -
Material $\;\rho $/(kg·m−3) E/GPa $\sigma{{\rm{_y} } }$/MPa $\sigma{{\rm{_t} } }$/MPa $\;\mu$ Steel 7 850 206.0 275–300 0.25 Concrete 2 300 19.5 3.5 0.19 表 2 计算工况
Table 2. Calculation conditions
Conditions D/m W/kg Conditions D/m W/kg Conditions D/m W/kg Case 1 2.5 50 Case 4 5.0 50 Case 7 7.5 50 Case 2 2.5 75 Case 5 5.0 75 Case 8 7.5 75 Case 3 2.5 100 Case 6 5.0 100 Case 9 7.5 100 -
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