
陈兴 周兰伟 李福明 王毅 李志文 韩斌

陈兴, 周兰伟, 李福明, 王毅, 李志文, 韩斌. 杆式射流对充液防护结构的毁伤机理及影响因素的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(2): 025202. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200626
引用本文: 陈兴, 周兰伟, 李福明, 王毅, 李志文, 韩斌. 杆式射流对充液防护结构的毁伤机理及影响因素的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(2): 025202. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200626
CHEN Xing, ZHOU Lanwei, LI Fuming, WANG Yi, LI Zhiwen, HAN Bin. Numerical Simulation on Damage Mechanism and Influencing Factors of JPC Shaped Charge on Liquid-Filled Defensive Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(2): 025202. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200626
Citation: CHEN Xing, ZHOU Lanwei, LI Fuming, WANG Yi, LI Zhiwen, HAN Bin. Numerical Simulation on Damage Mechanism and Influencing Factors of JPC Shaped Charge on Liquid-Filled Defensive Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2021, 35(2): 025202. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200626


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200626

    陈 兴(1993-),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事弹药终点效应与目标毁伤技术研究. E-mail:1101650359@qq.com


    周兰伟(1988-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事弹药终点效应与目标易损性研究. E-mail:lwzhou@njust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385

Numerical Simulation on Damage Mechanism and Influencing Factors of JPC Shaped Charge on Liquid-Filled Defensive Structure

  • 摘要: 运用ANSYS/LS_DYNA软件分析了聚能射流对充液结构的毁伤,初步获得了药型罩壁厚和材料等参数对聚能战斗部水下作用的影响特性。药型罩壁厚$\delta $在0.04Dk~0.06Dk(Dk为装药直径)之间形成的射流对充液防护结构具有较优的侵彻性能;当$\delta $ < 0.04Dk时,杆流成型结构较差,在水中的动能抗衰减性能较低;$\delta $ > 0.06Dk时,射流的初始动能低,靶后效果差。药型罩可采用纯铁、紫铜和钽3种材料,其中纯铁射流的侵彻能力最高,钽射流在水中的动能抗衰减性能最好,紫铜射流具有较好的综合性能。


  • 图  杆式射流聚能战斗部结构

    Figure  1.  JPC cumulative warhead structure

    图  充液防护结构示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic of liquid-filled defensive structure

    图  数值计算模型

    Figure  3.  Numerical calculation model

    图  不同时刻EFP在水中的侵彻过程

    Figure  4.  Penetration of EFP in water at different times

    图  EFP在水中的侵彻距离

    Figure  5.  EFP penetration distance in water

    图  射流侵彻过程中液舱的压力变化

    Figure  6.  Change of tank pressure during jet penetration

    图  气腔形状变化过程

    Figure  7.  Process of air cavity shape change

    图  不同时刻杆流在水中的形态

    Figure  8.  JPC shape in the water at different times

    图  杆流动能衰减-时间历程

    Figure  9.  JPC kinetic energy-time curve

    图  10  前壁面不同位置的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  10.  Pressure-time curves at different positions of front wall

    图  11  后壁面不同位置的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  11.  Pressure-time curves at different positions of rear wall

    图  12  壁面整体位移响应曲线

    Figure  12.  Displacement response curves of overall wall

    图  13  充液结构前、后壁面的变形量

    Figure  13.  Deformation of the front and rear walls of the liquid-filled structure

    图  14  药型罩壁厚对杆流水中动能衰减的影响

    Figure  14.  Influence of wall thickness of charge cover on kinetic energy attenuation of JPC

    图  15  不同壁厚充液结构壁面的变形量

    Figure  15.  Wall deformation of liquid-filled structure with different wall thicknesses

    图  16  药型罩材质对杆流水中动能衰减的影响

    Figure  16.  Influence of material of charge cover on kinetic energy attenuation of JPC in water

    图  17  不同材质充液结构壁面的变形量

    Figure  17.  Wall deformation of liquid-filled structure with different materials

    表  1  Comp.B炸药材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of Comp.B

    Material$\;\rho $/(g∙cm−3D/(km∙${\rm{s} }$−1A/GPaB/GPaR1R2$\omega$CpCJ/GPaEc/(kJ∙cm−3
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    表  2  空气和水相关参数[12]

    Table  2.   Parameters of air and water[12]

    Material$\;\rho $/(g∙cm−3C/(km∙${\rm{s} }$−1S1S2S3$\omega$mE0/(J∙kg−3V0
    Air1.25 × 10−33.4400001.400
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    表  3  金属材料相关参数[13-14]

    Table  3.   Material parameters of metal[13-14]

    Material$\;\rho $/(g·cm−3AJ-C/MPaBJ-C/MPaCJ-Cnm
    45 steel7.8303503000.0140.261.03
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    表  4  杆流动能衰减情况

    Table  4.   Kinetic energy attenuation of JPC

    Penetration stageEki/kJΔEk/kJΔt/$ {\text{μ}}{\rm{s}}$Attenuation rate/( kJ·s−1
    Front wall7.601.0010105
    Rear wall2.070.34301.13×104
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    表  5  JPC侵彻不同壁厚防护结构的形态对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of the morphology of JPC after penetrating the defensive structure for different wall thicknesses

    $\delta $v0/(m·s−1Shape of JPC
    Dp = 0 cmDp = 15 cmDp = 30 cm
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    表  6  不同壁厚结构形成杆流的壁面穿孔直径和后效靶穿深

    Table  6.   Wall perforation diameter and target penetration of JPC for different wall thicknesses

    $\delta $/cmFront wall
    Rear wall
    Aftereffect target
    penetration depth/cm
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    表  7  JPC侵彻不同材质防护结构的形态对比

    Table  7.   Morphological comparison of protective structures with different materials penetrated by JPC

    Linerv0/(m·s–1Shape of JPC
    Dp = 0 cmDp = 15 cmDp = 30 cm
    W 910
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    表  8  不同材质结构形成杆流的壁面穿孔直径和后效靶穿深

    Table  8.   The wall perforation diameter and the target penetration depth of JPC formed by different material structures

    Liner materialFront wall
    Rear wall
    Aftereffect target
    penetration depth/cm
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