Superconducting Transition of Nb3Sn Single Crystal under High-Pressure
摘要: 研究高压下Nb3Sn单晶的超导相转变行为对探究力学变形诱导的材料超导性能弱化机理有重要意义。通过分子动力学模拟研究了Nb3Sn单晶在高压下的原子尺度变形和晶体结构变化,在此基础上,建立了高压下Nb3Sn单晶的超导相转变模型,模型预测结果与实验观测结果吻合较好。结果表明:静水压作用下,Nb3Sn单晶体发生了明显的晶格畸变,但晶体结构保持完整;压力诱导的费米面上电子态密度的变化在高压下Nb3Sn单晶体超导相转变中起主导作用。所得研究结果为研究高压下Nb3Sn多晶体以及复合多晶体的相转变行为奠定了基础,同时有助于进一步认识Nb3Sn材料超导性能的弱化机理。Abstract: Study on the superconducting transition of single crystal Nb3Sn under high pressure is valuable to understand the mechanism of critical performance degradation in superconducting Nb3Sn, which is induced by the mechanical deformation. In this paper, on the basis of molecular dynamics simulations, we studied high-pressure induced atomic scale deformation and crystal lattice distortions of single crystal Nb3Sn. Following this analysis, we established a superconducting transition model of single crystal Nb3Sn under high pressure. There is a good agreement between model predictions and experimental observations. The results show that the high pressure induces obvious lattice distortions in single crystal Nb3Sn, the lattice structure, however, remains intact. Pressure-induced change in density of states at the Fermi surface is shown to play a dominate role in superconducting transition in single crystal Nb3Sn. The results lay a foundation of understanding the high pressure induced superconducting transition of polycrystalline Nb3Sn. At the same time, they provide some detailed information on understanding the mechanism controlling for strain-induced critical performance degradation in Nb3Sn.
表 1 Nb3Sn单晶的力学性能参数
Table 1. Elastic constants and lattice constant of Nb3Sn single crystal
Method C11/GPa C12/GPa C44/GPa Lattice constant/Å This work 284.1 95.8 53.76 5.21 First principle 284.3 107.7 67.07 5.32 Experiment 253.8 112.4 39.60 5.29 表 2 电阻率模型相关参数
Table 2. Parameters of resistivity model
${\;\rho{_0} }$/(μΩ·cm) ${A}{_0}$/(μΩ·cm·K−2) ${T}{_{1/2}^{{0}}}/\mathrm{K}$ $ C $ $ \bar{K} $ 1.17 6.4×10−3 17.82 −0.7 0.13×10−2 表 3 态密度函数相关参数
Table 3. Parameters of density of state function
${\chi }{_1}$ $ {\chi }{_2}$ $ {\chi }{_3} $ $ {\kappa }{_1} $ $ {\kappa }{_2}$ $ {\kappa }{_3}$ 0.975 12.570 −9.225 −35.500 −7.490 −5.650 $ {\;\beta }{_{11}}$ $ {\;\beta }{_{12}} $ $ {\;\beta }{_{21}} $ $ {\;\beta }{_{22}} $ $ {\;\beta }{_{31}} $ $ {\;\beta }{_{32}} $ 0.004 75 0.002 00 0.015 28 0.002 00 0.012 80 0.001 00 -
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